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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Tribal communities

Deaths Related to 2009 Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) Among American Indian / Alaska Natives -- 12 States, 2009
Examines H1N1 influenza mortality among American Indians and Alaska Natives compared to other racial/ethnic populations, based on data from 12 participating states.
Citation: MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report), 58(48), 1341-1344
Date: 12/2009
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Vulnerable Populations in Tribal Communities
Highlights potential problems when identifying and providing public health services for certain groups within the American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) population. Outlines pandemic influenza preparedness resources for those providing services to the AI/AN population.
Author(s): Amy Groom, Cheyenne Jim, Mic LaRoque, et al.
Citation: American Journal of Public Health, 99(Suppl 2), S271-S278
Date: 10/2009
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The Community Pulling Together: A Tribal Community-University Partnership Project to Reduce Substance Abuse and Promote Good Health in a Reservation Tribal Community
Highlights a study on the role that collaborative relationships between tribal communities and universities can play in conducting research into alcohol and drug abuse in American Indian and Alaska Native populations. Details a collaboration between the Suquamish Tribe and the University of Washington, and the culturally sensitive substance abuse program the partnership was able to design for youth in the Suquamish community.
Author(s): Lisa R. Thomas, Dennis M. Donovan, Robin LW. Sigo, Lisette Austin, G. Alan Marlatt
Citation: Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 8(3), 283-300
Date: 07/2009
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Contextualizing CBPR: Key Principles of CBPR Meet the Indigenous Research Context
Examines the literature related to community-based participatory research in tribal communities. Covers the key principles of CBPR in the context of tribal research and also identifies additional considerations.
Author(s): Deborah LaVeaux, Suzanne Christopher
Citation: Pimatisiwin: A Journal of Aboriginal and Indigenous Community Health, 7(1)
Date: 06/2009
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Trends in Perinatal and Infant Health Disparities Between Rural American Indians and Alaska Natives and Rural Whites
Describes differences over time in perinatal care, birth outcomes, and infant health between rural American Indian and Alaska Native and rural White populations by tracking hospital death rates and characteristics of the parents.
Author(s): Laura-Mae Baldwin, David C. Grossman, Elise Murowchick, et al.
Citation: American Journal of Public Health, 99(4), 638-646
Date: 04/2009
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CMS and State Efforts to Interact with the Indian Health Service and Indian Tribes
Discusses the interactions between the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Indian Health Service (IHS) to provide support to IHS-funded facilities and tribes in their access to Medicare and Medicaid and to address broader policy concerns.
Additional links: Full Report
Date: 07/2008
Sponsoring organization: Government Accountability Office
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Disaster Preparedness Training for Tribal Leaders
Describes a disaster preparedness training program for tribal leaders conducted in Arizona. Discusses the role of cultural competency, respect for tribal sovereignty, solicitation of historical examples of indigenous preparedness, and incorporation of tribal community networks in the success of the program.
Author(s): Wayne F. Peate, Jennie Mullins
Citation: Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology, 3, 2
Date: 01/2008
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Rural Crime and Policing in American Indian Communities
Examines crime and policing in Indian communities, including the historical development of Indian tribal policy. Identifies major factors limiting implementation of effective police forces in Indian communities.
Author(s): L. Edward Wells, David N. Falcone
Citation: Southern Rural Sociology, 23(2), 199-225
Date: 2008
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Indian Health Service: HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment Services for American Indians and Alaska Natives
Discusses HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment services provided by Indian Health Service (IHS) at IHS facilities and through outside providers. Includes some discussion specific to services in rural areas.
Additional links: Full Report
Date: 12/2007
Sponsoring organization: Government Accountability Office
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Health Insurance Coverage and Access to Health Care for American Indian and Alaska Native Elders
Reports findings from a study assessing health insurance coverage and access to health care among American Indian and Alaska Native elders (Native elders), using data from a national survey that included more than 8,300 Native elders.
Date: 10/2007
Sponsoring organization: Upper Midwest Rural Health Research Center
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