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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Tribal communities

Risks to Health Among American Indian/Alaska Native High School Students in the United States
Examines leading health risks among nationally representative sample of American Indian/Alaska Native high school students and compares rates to other racial/ethnic groups. Includes statistical breakdowns by frequency of cigarette and alcohol use, weight status, physical activity level, television and computer use, and healthy food intake.
Author(s): Sherry Everett Jones, Khadija Anderson, Richard Lowry, Holly Conner
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 8(4)
Date: 07/2011
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Cancer-Related Disparities and Opportunities for Intervention in Northern Plains American Indian Communities
Discusses behavioral trends associated with cancer risk and cancer screening from 1997-2006 among American Indians (AI) in North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Iowa. Examines disparities between the AI population and non-Hispanic White population in the Northern Plains and AI populations in other regions. Includes breakdowns by sex, age, education, income level, employment status, rural-urban classification, lifestyle factors, and screening for specific types of cancer.
Author(s): Shinobu Watanabe-Galloway, Nicole Flom, Liyan Xu, et al.
Citation: Public Health Reports, 126(3)
Date: 05/2011
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Heart Disease Mortality Among Alaska Native People, 1981-2007
Compares mortality rates of Alaska Native people with their U.S. White counterparts, based on data from Alaska death certificates. Includes breakdowns by type of heart disease, sex, age group, and 9-year time periods.
Author(s): Janet M. Johnston, Gretchen Ehrsam Day, Mark A. Veazie, Ellen Provost
Citation: Public Health Reports, 126(1)
Date: 01/2011
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Assessing Colorectal Cancer Screening Knowledge at Tribal Fairs
Analyzes data from questionnaires completed by 285 Navajo respondents aged 50 or older, concerning their knowledge of colorectal risk factors, prevention, and screening. Includes demographic breakdowns by age group, sex, educational level, language spoken at home, and health status.
Author(s): Priscilla R. Sanderson, Neil Weinstein, Nicolette Teufel-Shone, María Elena Martínez
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 8(1)
Date: 01/2011
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Addressing the Health Needs of Rural Native Veterans: Assessment and Recommendations
Provides an assessment of current challenges, barriers, and issues related to the healthcare needs of rural Native veterans and offers recommendations to improve healthcare for this population.
Author(s): Tim D. Noe, Carol E. Kaufman, Elizabeth A. Brooks, et al.
Citation: Journal of Rural Social Sciences, 26(3), 137-156
Date: 2011
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Hunger and Obesity: Understanding a Food Insecurity Paradigm: Workshop Summary
Presents the results from a workshop, held November 16-18, 2010, which explored the relationship between food insecurity and obesity. Chapter 4 focuses on four populations - children, immigrants, American Indians, and rural populations - as a way to discuss potential links between food insecurity and obesity.
Additional links: Read Online
Date: 2011
Sponsoring organization: Health and Medicine Division (HMD), National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
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Process for Determining the Cancer Burden of the Hopi Tribe
Describes collaborative and technical processes used by the Hopi Tribe, University of Arizona researchers, and the Arizona Cancer Registry to provide Hopi-specific cancer data from 1995-2005. Includes socioeconomic data and breakdowns by type of cancer.
Author(s): Sylvia R. Brown, Lori Joshweseoma, Timothy Flood, Kathryn Coe
Citation: Public Health Reports, 125(6)
Date: 11/2010
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Chronic Disease Risk Factors Among Alaska Native and American Indian People, Alaska, 2004-2006
Summary of data collected from a large population of adult American Indian/Alaska Native people in 26 Alaska communities, and comparison with U.S. overall population. Includes statistical breakdowns by sex, age group, ethnicity, weight status, and levels of cholesterol, blood glucose, and blood pressure.
Author(s): Diana G. Redwood, Anne P. Lanier, Janet M. Johnston, Elvin D. Asay, Martha L. Slattery
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 7(4)
Date: 07/2010
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Assessing Health Status, Behavioral Risks, and Health Disparities in American Indians Living on the Northern Plains of the U.S.
Presents health-related data from participants in four rural reservation communities and provides comparisons with a North Dakota statewide sample and a U.S national sample. Includes breakdowns by sex, age group, marital status, education, employment status, income, behavioral risks, preventive screenings, and medical conditions.
Author(s): Jeffrey E. Holm, Nancy Vogeltanz-Holm, Dmitri Poltavski, Leander McDonald
Citation: Public Health Reports, 125(1)
Date: 01/2010
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Crossing Great Divides: A Guide to Elder Mobility Resources and Solutions in Indian Country
Discusses the impact of transportation services on healthcare access for American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian older adults. Provides information about transportation funding opportunities to meet the needs of elders living on reservations. Describes Title VI Aging Services and Tribal Transit Programs.
Date: 2010
Sponsoring organization: National Aging and Disability Transportation Center
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