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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Tribal communities

Weight Status of American Indian and White Elementary School Students Living in the Same Rural Environment, Oklahoma, 2005-2009
Compares statistics on American Indian and White students at three schools in Anadarko, Oklahoma, with categories ranging from underweight to very obese. Includes breakdowns by year, weight status, race, sex, and age.
Author(s): Amanda E. Janitz, William E. Moore, Aietah L. Stephens, Kathryn E. Abbott, June E. Eichner
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 9
Date: 03/2012
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Characteristics of Telemental Health Service Use by American Indian Veterans
Details a study on the use of telemedicine to treat post-traumatic stress disorder among American Indian and Alaska Native veterans. Discusses the use of video conferencing to provide access to care for rural Native veterans seeking mental health services.
Author(s): Dr. Jay H. Shore, Dr. Elizabeth Brooks, Dr. Heather Anderson, et al.
Citation: Psychiatric Services, 63(2), 179-181
Date: 02/2012
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A Community Prevention Model to Prevent Children from Inhaling and Ingesting Harmful Legal Products
Describes the framework of a community prevention model (CPM) to reduce the use of harmful legal products by rural Alaskan children. Figure 1 illustrates the CPM as a two-prong approach focusing on a community mobilization strategy and an environmental strategy in homes, schools, and retail locations. Includes a description of activities and expected outcomes for each CPM strategy.
Author(s): K. W. Johnson, J. W. Grube, K. A. Ogilvie, et al.
Citation: Evaluation and Program Planning, 35(1), 113-123
Date: 02/2012
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American Indian Parents' Assessment of and Concern About Their Kindergarten Child's Weight Status, South Dakota, 2005-2006
Examines associations between sociodemographic characteristics and the probability of American Indian parents misclassifying their children's weight status. Includes statistical breakdowns by level of parental concern, ranging from not concerned to very concerned.
Author(s): Chrisa Arcan, Peter J. Hannan, John H. Himes, et al.
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 9
Date: 02/2012
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Role of Telehealth/Videoconferencing in Managing Cancer Pain in Rural American Indian Communities
Determines the feasibility and effect of using videoconferencing to deliver cancer-related pain management education and case consultation to healthcare providers in rural American Indian and Alaskan Native communities. Analyzed data from 52 providers at 11 sites participating in educational sessions and 93 providers at 16 sites participating in case conferences at tribal clinics in Alaska and Washington.
Author(s): Emily Haozous, Ardith Z. Doorenbos, George Demiris, et al.
Citation: Psycho-Oncology, 21(2), 219-223
Date: 02/2012
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Implications of Health Reform for American Indian and Alaska Native Populations
Outlines provisions in the Affordable Care Act that affect American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations.
Author(s): Carolyn Ingram, Shannon M. McMahon, Veronica Guerra, Alice Weiss
Date: 02/2012
Sponsoring organization: Center for Health Care Strategies
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We Will Be Known Forever by the Tracks We Leave: Rising up to Meet the Reproductive Health Needs of American Indian/Alaska Native Youth
Provides statistics on the rates of sexually transmitted diseases, teen birth, physical/sexual abuse, and alcohol/drug abuse among American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations. Highlights innovative efforts to address these issues.
Author(s): Lori de Ravello, Scott Tulloch, Melanie Taylor
Citation: American Indian Alaska Native Mental Health Research, 19(1), i-x
Date: 2012
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Developing, Enhancing, and Sustaining Tribal Transit Services: A Guidebook
Offers guidance about the steps for planning and implementing a tribal transit system to assist with a variety of needs including clients with special needs in employment, education, healthcare, and other human services.
Additional links: Read Online
Date: 2012
Sponsoring organization: Transportation Research Board
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Photovoice for Healthy Relationships: Community-Based Participatory HIV Prevention in a Rural American Indian Community
Provides an example of a culturally responsive, community-based project for addressing social determinants of health in rural American Indian communities.
Author(s): Susan F. Markus
Citation: American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research Journal, 19(1), 102-123
Date: 2012
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Alaska Native and Rural Youth Views of Sexual Health: A Focus Group Project on Sexually Transmitted Diseases, HIV/AIDS, and Unplanned Pregnancy
Examines the knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs of rural Alaska youth, both Alaska Native and non-Alaska Native, regarding STDs, HIV/AIDS, and unplanned pregnancy.
Author(s): Jessica D. Leston, Cornelia M. Jessen, Brenna C. Simons
Citation: American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research Journal, 19(1), 1-14
Date: 2012
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