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Resources by Topic: Tobacco use

Ohio Appalachian Residents' Views on Smoke-free Laws and Cigarette Warning Labels
Presents results from a study that explored attitudes and beliefs of residents in Appalachian Ohio relating to smoke-free laws and public health policies in place to reduce smoking and smoking-related diseases.
Author(s): Paul Reiter, Mary Wewers, Electra Paskett, Elizabeth Klein, Mira Katz
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 12(1), 1945
Date: 02/2012
Type: Document
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Economic Impact of a Smoke-Free Ordinance on Bars and Restaurants in a Small, Rural, Missouri Community
Examines the economic impact of a city-wide smoke free ordinance in rural Kirksville, Missouri on bar and restaurant taxable sales revenues.
Author(s): Carolyn C. Cox, Noaman Kayani, Stanley R. Cowan, Leslie A. Moss
Citation: Missouri Medicine, 109(1), 75-78
Date: 2012
Type: Document
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Preventing Tobacco Use Among Youth and Young Adults: A Report of the Surgeon General
Addresses the prevalence, causes, effects, and implications of tobacco use by young people in rural and urban areas. Describes factors that lead youth and young adults to start using tobacco and the impact their choice has on the nation, communities, families, and individuals. Identifies proven, effective strategies that have potential to reduce tobacco use.
Date: 2012
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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Smoke-Free Policies at Home, Church, and Work: Smoking Levels and Recent Quit Attempts Among a Southeastern Rural Population, 2007
Examines the effect of smoke-free policies and social support for quitting smoking in the home, at church, and at work for rural African American and White people in 4 Georgia counties.
Author(s): Carla Berg, Deanne W. Swan, Michelle C. Kegler, et al.
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 9
Date: 12/2011
Type: Document
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Chronic Disease Risk Factors Among American Indian/Alaska Native Women of Reproductive Age
Discusses prevalence of chronic conditions and risk factors among a nationally representative sample of American Indian/Alaska Native women aged 18-44 years and makes comparisons with White women. Includes statistical breakdowns by weight status, physical activity level, cigarette use, and insurance coverage.
Author(s): Pamela Amparo, Sherry L. Farr, Patricia M. Dietz
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 8(6)
Date: 11/2011
Type: Document
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Risks to Health Among American Indian/Alaska Native High School Students in the United States
Examines leading health risks among nationally representative sample of American Indian/Alaska Native high school students and compares rates to other racial/ethnic groups. Includes statistical breakdowns by frequency of cigarette and alcohol use, weight status, physical activity level, television and computer use, and healthy food intake.
Author(s): Sherry Everett Jones, Khadija Anderson, Richard Lowry, Holly Conner
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 8(4)
Date: 07/2011
Type: Document
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Veterans' Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Exposure
Compares rural, suburban, and urban exposure to tobacco smoke by veterans. Highlights the need for policies intended to decrease environmental tobacco smoke (secondhand smoke).
Author(s): Mark Vander Weg, Cassie Cunningham
Date: 2011
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Rural Health Resource Centers
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Tobacco Use Among Rural Veterans
Compares smoking rates for rural, suburban, and urban veterans, including use of smokeless tobacco.
Author(s): Mark Vander Weg, Cassie Cunningham
Date: 2011
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Rural Health Resource Centers
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Examining U.S. Disparities in Smoking among Rural Versus Urban Women of Reproductive Age: 2002–2019
Examines rural and urban trends in cigarette smoking prevalence and first-time quit ratios among adult women aged 18-44, utilizing 2002-2019 U.S. National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) data. Includes data on pregnant and non-pregnant women. Discusses the significance of smoking behaviors and access to cessation support for multigenerational rural health disparities.
Author(s): Stephen T. Higgins, Tyler Erath, Fang-Fang Chen
Citation: Preventive Medicine, 108115
Date: 08/2004
Type: Document
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Prevalence of Health Related Behavioral Risk Factors Among Non-Metro Minority Adults
Provides data on tobacco use, seat belt use, and alcohol consumption among rural minority adults. Includes recommendations and detailed data tables.
Additional links: Fact Sheet: Behavioral Risk Factors Among Rural African Americans, Fact Sheet: Behavioral Risk Factors Among Rural Hispanics
Author(s): P. Daniel Patterson, Charity G. Moore, Janice C. Probst, Michael E. Samuels
Date: 08/2003
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural and Minority Health Research Center (formerly the South Carolina Rural Health Research Center)
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