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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Statistics and data

Disability Burdens among Older Americans Associated with Gender and Race/Ethnicity in Rural and Urban Areas
Examines total life expectancy, disability-free life expectancy, and disabled life expectancy, comparing people in rural and urban areas. Includes information by sex, race (White and African American), and educational attainment. Based on data for a cohort of people who were 65 to 69 years of age in 1982, using data from 1982 through 1999 from the National Long-term Care Survey.
Additional links: Fact Sheet
Date: 2005
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural and Minority Health Research Center (formerly the South Carolina Rural Health Research Center)
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Comparing Patient Safety in Rural Hospitals by Bed Count
Examines how patient safety rates, offered services, and patient mix vary by bed count among rural hospitals.
Author(s): Stephenie L. Loux, Susan M.C. Payne, Astrid Knott
Date: 2005
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
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Impact of Medicaid Managed Care, Race/Ethnicity, and Rural/Urban Residence on Potentially Avoidable Maternity Complications: A Five-State Multi-level Analysis
Reports findings from a study that examined pregnancy-related complications using Potentially Avoidable Maternity Complications as an indicator of access. Analyzes pregnancy complication risks among women receiving Medicaid, looking at rural/urban hospital location, race/ethnicity of the mother, and Medicaid managed care (MMC) compared to Medicaid fee-for-service (MFFS).
Additional links: Fact Sheet
Author(s): Sarah B. Laditka, James N. Laditka, Kevin J. Bennett, Janice C. Probst
Date: 12/2004
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural and Minority Health Research Center (formerly the South Carolina Rural Health Research Center)
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Addressing the Nursing Shortage: Impacts and Innovations in Frontier America
Discusses the nursing shortage and how it affects rural and frontier communities. Includes strategies to address the shortage and maps of hospital nurse shortage areas.
Date: 12/2004
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Center for Frontier Communities
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Person and Place: The Compounding Effects of Race/Ethnicity and Rurality on Health
Discusses how the research addressing rural Black, Hispanic, and American Indian/Alaska Native populations suggests that disparities in health and in healthcare access found among rural racial/ethnic minority populations are generally more severe than those among urban racial/ethnic minorities.
Author(s): Janice Probst, Charity Moore, Saundra Glover, Michael Samuels
Citation: American Journal of Public Health, 94(10), 1695-1703
Date: 10/2004
Type: Document
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Broken Promises: Evaluating the Native American Health Care System
Describes the health disparities facing the Native American community, contributing barriers to healthcare access, and recommendations for improvement.
Date: 09/2004
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
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Critical Access Hospital Patient Safety Priorities and Initiatives: Results of the 2004 National CAH Survey
Describes patient safety activities at Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) based on a 2004 survey of 474 CAH administrators. Includes information on patient safety priorities, challenges CAHs face in implementing patient safety interventions, and pharmacy staffing and computer systems to prevent medication errors.
Author(s): Michelle Casey, Ira Moscovice, Jill Klingner
Date: 09/2004
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Flex Monitoring Team
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Access to Dental Care for Rural Low Income and Minority Populations
Examines the relationships between rural residence, income, race/ethnicity, and access to dental care, based on data from the 1999 National Health Interview Survey.
Author(s): Michelle M. Casey, Gestur Davidson, Ira Moscovice, David Born
Date: 09/2004
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
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Medicare: Information Needed to Assess Adequacy of Rate-Setting Methodology for Payments for Hospital Outpatient Services
Examines whether the outpatient prospective payment system (OPPS) rate-setting methodology results in payment rates that uniformly reflect hospitals' costs for providing drugs and devices. Includes information specific to rural hospitals and the OPPS.
Additional links: Full Report
Date: 09/2004
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Government Accountability Office
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Examining U.S. Disparities in Smoking among Rural Versus Urban Women of Reproductive Age: 2002–2019
Examines rural and urban trends in cigarette smoking prevalence and first-time quit ratios among adult women aged 18-44, utilizing 2002-2019 U.S. National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) data. Includes data on pregnant and non-pregnant women. Discusses the significance of smoking behaviors and access to cessation support for multigenerational rural health disparities.
Author(s): Stephen T. Higgins, Tyler Erath, Fang-Fang Chen
Citation: Preventive Medicine, 108115
Date: 08/2004
Type: Document
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