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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Statistics and data

Handling the Handoff: Rural and Race-Based Disparities in Post Hospitalization Follow-up Care Among Medicare Beneficiaries with Diabetes
Estimates hospital admission rates for rural Medicare beneficiaries with diabetes, tracks the proportion of patients who receive adequate outpatient care post discharge, and assesses hospital readmissions. Explores the potential for race-based disparities in care for diabetes.
Additional links: Fact Sheet
Author(s): Kevin J. Bennett, Robert Chen, Medha Vyavaharkar, Saundra H. Glover, Janice C. Probst
Date: 09/2011
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural and Minority Health Research Center (formerly the South Carolina Rural Health Research Center)
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Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2010
Annual report presenting data from the Current Population Survey, and providing information on income, poverty, and health insurance coverage in the U.S. Includes comparisons for metropolitan and non-metropolitan statistical areas.
Author(s): Carmen DeNavas-Walt, Bernadette D. Proctor, Jessica C. Smith
Date: 09/2011
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Census Bureau
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Improving Perinatal Regionalization for Preterm Deliveries in a Medicaid Covered Population: Initial Impact of the Arkansas ANGELS Intervention
Examines the factors associated with delivery of preterm infants at neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) hospitals in Arkansas during 2001–2006 using data from Medicaid claims and birth certificates linked to county-level demographics and medical resource characteristics. Uses county rural–urban commuting areas (RUCA codes) to determine if counties are rural, urban, or small town.
Author(s): Janet M Bronstein, Songthip Ounpraseuth, Jeffrey Jonkman, et al.
Citation: Health Services Research, 46(4), 1082-1103
Date: 08/2011
Type: Document
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Telephone-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Latino Patients Living in Rural Areas: A Randomized Pilot Study
Highlights a pilot study on a culturally competent cognitive-behavioral therapy that uses the telephone to connect with rural Latinos in Washington State. Compares treatment to an enhanced primary care treatment for depression. Breaks down data by age, gender, and nativity, among other factors.
Author(s): Megan Dwight-Johnson, Eugene Aisenberg, Daniela Golinelli, et al.
Citation: Psychiatric Services, 62(8), 936-942
Date: 08/2011
Type: Document
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Rural Hospital Charges Due to Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions in the United States, by Insurance Type, 2000 to 2004
Examines the trends and regional variations of rural hospital charges due to ambulatory care sensitive conditions. Identifies differences by type of insurance.
Author(s): Wanqing Zhang, Li-Wu Chen, Tao Li, Keith Mueller
Date: 08/2011
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
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Geospatially Illustrating Regional-Based Oral Health Disparities in Kentucky
Identifies dental health differences between Appalachian and non-Appalachian regions of Kentucky. Includes county-level maps showing percentages of adults with six or more teeth removed due to disease and number of dentists per 10,000 population.
Author(s): Daniel M. Saman, Andrew O. Johnson, Oscar Arevalo, Agricola Odoi
Citation: Public Health Report, 126(4)
Date: 07/2011
Type: Document
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Disparities in Infectious Disease Hospitalizations for American Indian/Alaska Native People
Analyzes 1998-2006 hospital discharge data, comparing infectious disease rates for American Indian/Alaska Native people with the general U.S. population. Includes breakdowns by type of infection, sex, age group, Indian Health Service region, hospitalization rates per capita, and diagnosis.
Author(s): Robert C. Holman, Arianne M. Folkema, Rosalyn J. Singleton, et al.
Citation: Public Health Reports, 126(4)
Date: 07/2011
Type: Document
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Obesity and Related Health Behaviors Among Urban and Rural Children in the United States: Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2003-2004 and 2005-2006
Evaluates and compares the rates of overweight, obesity and related health behaviors among rural and urban children using data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES).
Author(s): Ann McGrath Davis, Kevin J Bennett, Christie Befort, Nikki Nollen
Citation: Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 36(6), 669-676
Date: 07/2011
Type: Document
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Quality of Care and Patient Outcomes in Critical Access Hospitals
Compares quality of care and patient outcomes for Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) and non-CAHs using national data from 2008 and 2009.
Author(s): Karen E. Joynt, Yael Harris, E. John Orav, Ashish K. Jha
Citation: JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association, 306(1), 45-52
Date: 07/2011
Type: Document
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Trends in the Provision of Surgery by Rural Hospitals
Examines changes in the number of rural hospitals that provided surgery between 2001 and 2008. Shows results based on hospital location and Medicare payment classification.
Author(s): George M. Holmes, Saleema A. Karim, George H. Pink
Date: 07/2011
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Rural Health Research Program
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