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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Statistics and data

Implications of Rurality and Psychiatric Status for Diabetic Care Use among Adults with Diabetes
Examines patterns of diabetic preventive care use among adults with diabetes to determine whether these patterns varied according to respondents' rural/urban residence or psychiatric status (i.e. the presence/absence of a mental health diagnosis).
Author(s): Jean A. Talbot, Erika C. Ziller, Jennifer Lenardson, David Hartley
Date: 05/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Maine Rural Health Research Center
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Ready or Not? How Community Health Centers View Their Preparedness to Care for Newly Insured Patients
Surveys Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) on their preparedness for the anticipated growth in patients due to more people having obtained health insurance under the enactment of the Affordable Care Act. Addresses workforce challenges and mentions rural throughout.
Author(s): Melinda K. Abrams, Michelle M. Doty, Jamie Ryan, Dominique Hall, Pamela Riley
Date: 05/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Commonwealth Fund
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High Deductible Health Insurance Plans in Rural Areas
Examines whether rural residents with private insurance are more likely to have a high deductible health insurance plan (HDHP) than urban residents, and if it differs by location in remote, rural areas. Addresses differences in income and education and offers recommendations related to the Health Insurance Marketplaces.
Additional links: Policy Brief: Rural Residents More Likely to be Enrolled in High Deductible Health Plans
Author(s): Jennifer D. Lenardson, Erika C. Ziller, Andrew F. Coburn
Date: 05/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Maine Rural Health Research Center
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Health, United States, 2013: With Special Feature on Prescription Drugs
Presents an annual overview of national trends in health statistics. Covers health status and determinants, healthcare utilization, access and expenditures. Includes data on rural areas - see index under "Metropolitan/nonmetropolitan data." 2013 edition includes a section on prescription drugs.
Date: 05/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Center for Health Statistics
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Primary Care, Behavioral Health, Provider Colocation, and Rurality
Results of a study regarding the colocation of behavioral health and primary care service delivery as related to rural. Study showed that 40.2% of primary care physicians in urban areas are colocated with behavioral health providers compared with 22.8% in isolated rural areas and 26.5% in frontier areas. Challenges include payment policies separating physical and behavioral health care, workforce distribution, and supply deficiencies, particularly in rural areas.
Author(s): Benjamin F. Miller, Stephen Petterson, Shandra M. Brown Levey, et al.
Citation: Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 27(3), 367-374
Date: 05/2014
Type: Document
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State Variability in Supply of Office-based Primary Care Providers: United States, 2012
Data brief covering the supply of primary care providers. Includes national rural-urban comparisons for primary care providers per 100,000 population and for use of physician assistants and nurse practitioners in physician practices. See Figure 4.
Author(s): Esther Hing, Chun-Ju Hsiao
Date: 05/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Center for Health Statistics
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Goal Setting for Health Behavior Change: Evidence from an Obesity Intervention for Rural Low-Income Women
Analyzes whether an obesity intervention, HOPE (Health, Opportunity, Partnerships, Empowerment) Works, targeted to low-income women living in rural North Carolina resulted in goal setting and goal setting strategies that affected health behavior outcomes. Covers differences by racial and ethnic populations and identifies racial difference to help tailor intervention strategies.
Author(s): Amy Ries, Loneke T. Blackman, Rachel A. Page, et al.
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 14(2), 2682
Date: 05/2014
Type: Document
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Information About the Office of Rural Health and Rural Veterans
Lists data and statistics related to rural veterans and the work of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Office of Rural Health (ORH).
Date: 05/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Veterans Health Administration's Office of Rural Health
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Shared and Unshared Barriers to Cancer Symptom Management Among Urban and Rural American Indians
Reports on a 5-year study measuring cancer symptom management in both rural and urban American Indian (AI) populations in the southwestern U.S. Separates findings into shared barriers, such as transportation and lack of support services, and unshared barriers, such as cultural beliefs about treatment and language differences, between rural and urban groups.
Author(s): Tracy Line Itty, Felicia Schanche Hodge, Fernando Martinez
Citation: Journal of Rural Health, 30(2), 206-213
Date: 04/2014
Type: Document
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The Active Patient Role and Asthma Outcomes in an Underserved Rural Community
Examines a study measuring outcomes of asthma patients in 11 rural counties in north central Wisconsin. Compares results from participants deemed active patients - who possess the knowledge, skills, and confidence to manage their condition - and those who were not.
Author(s): Henry N. Young, Tonja L. Larson, Elizabeth D. Cox, et al.
Citation: Journal of Rural Health, 30(2), 121-127
Date: 04/2014
Type: Document
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