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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Statistics and data

Can We Build an Efficient Response to the Prescription Drug Abuse Epidemic? Assessing the Cost Effectiveness of Universal Prevention in the PROSPER Trial
Reports on a study evaluating the effectiveness and the cost-effectiveness of 4 universal evidence-based-preventive-interventions (EBPIs) in reducing nonmedical prescription opioid use. Sample population included 6th grade school children from 28 rural public school districts, evenly divided between Iowa and Pennsylvania. Families were offered a single family-based intervention program in 6th grade, and 1 of 3 school-based intervention programs in 7th grade.
Author(s): D. Max Crowley, Damon E. Jones, et al.
Citation: Preventive Medicine, 62, 71-77
Date: 05/2014
Type: Document
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Colorectal Cancer Screening Among American Indians in a Pacific Northwest Tribe: Cowlitz Tribal BRFSS Project, 2009-2010
Describes the demographics, health status, prevalence of risk factors, and use of screening techniques in a non-reservation-based American Indian tribe. Includes breakdowns by age group, sex, marital status, employment status, education level, annual household income, insurance status, and various risk factors.
Author(s): Annika G. Maly, Tessa L. Steel, Rongwei Fu, David A. Lieberman, Thomas M. Becker
Citation: Public Health Reports, 129(3)
Date: 05/2014
Type: Document
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The Virginia Health Care Landscape
Provides an overview of Virginia's demographics, state economy, population health, insurance coverage, Medicaid beneficiaries, and safety net providers, including Critical Access Hospitals. Includes some discussion of rural healthcare issues.
Date: 05/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: KFF
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Safety Net Clinics Serving the Elderly in Rural Areas: Rural Health Clinic Patients Compared to Federally Qualified Health Center Patients
Compares the distribution of Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) and nonmetro Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs). Looks at how the Medicare populations served by these types of facilities differ, including their age distribution.
Author(s): Andrea D. Radford, Victoria A. Freeman, Denise A. Kirk, Hilda A. Howard, Mark Holmes
Date: 05/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Rural Health Research Program
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Health Awareness for Rural Communities: Creating Data Driven Solutions
Describes the work of the Colorado Rural Health Center's (CRHC) Health Awareness for Rural Communities (HARC) data bank. Discusses how the data bank contains over 100 population health indicators and how the information will be used to support the work of CRHC and its members.
Author(s): Melissa Bosworth, Bridgette Olson
Date: 05/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Colorado Rural Health Center
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The Affordable Care Act and Insurance Coverage in Rural Areas
Examines differences in urban and rural populations and health insurance coverage patterns and assesses how ACA coverage reforms will affect rural and metropolitan areas in different ways.
Author(s): Vann Newkirk, Anthony Damico
Date: 05/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: KFF
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A Guide to Understanding the Variation in Premiums in Rural Health Insurance Marketplaces
Discusses several factors to consider when comparing health insurance plans in the health insurance exchange marketplace created by the Affordable Care Act across geographic areas. Addresses impacts for rural areas.
Author(s): Abigail R. Barker, Timothy D. McBride, Leah M. Kemper, Keith Mueller
Date: 05/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
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Rural Practice, Keeping Physicians In
Discusses recruitment, retention, and training of rural physicians. Includes recommendations and key legislative and government issues addressing this issue.
Date: 05/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: American Academy of Family Physicians
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Profile of Rural Residential Care Facilities: A Chartbook
Reports on rural/urban differences in residential care facilities, focusing the facilities themselves, their residents, and the services they offer. Addresses how facility policies affect aging-in-place options.
Author(s): Jennifer D. Lenardson, Eileen Griffin, Zach Croll, Erika C. Ziller, Andrew F. Coburn
Date: 05/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Maine Rural Health Research Center
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Trends in Electronic Health Record System Use among Office-Based Physicians: United States, 2007–2012
Reports trends in the adoption of electronic health records (EHRs) by office-based physicians. Covers use of both basic and fully functional EHR systems. Includes data for metro and non-metro areas and data by practice size comparing primary care physicians to other specialties.
Author(s): Chun-Ju Hsiao, Esther Hing, Jill Ashman
Date: 05/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Center for Health Statistics
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