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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Statistics and data

QuickStats: Age-Adjusted Homicide Rates, by Urbanization of County of Residence - United States, 2004 and 2013
Bar chart comparing 2004 and 2013 homicide rates in urban and rural counties.
Citation: MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report), 64(05), 133
Date: 02/2015
Type: Chart/Graph
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Surgical Services in Critical Access Hospitals, 2011
Illustrates the major surgical services provided in Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) by type and capacity in both inpatient and outpatient settings.
Author(s): Paula Weigel, Fred Ullrich, Marcia M. Ward, Keith J. Mueller
Date: 02/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
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Use and Performance Variations in U.S. Rural Emergency Departments: Implications for Improving Care Quality and Reducing Costs
Illustrates the utilization and performance of emergency departments (EDs) across the urban/rural spectrum for non-emergency health conditions. Identifies and discusses the potential risk factors that may impact ED use for non-emergent healthcare.
Author(s): Yvonne Jonk, Marilyn G. Klug, Gary Hart
Date: 02/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Reform Policy Research Center
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Factors That Predict Financial Sustainability of Community Coalitions: Five Years of Findings from the PROSPER Partnership Project
Investigates the PROSPER (PROmoting School-community-university Partnerships to Enhance Resilience) partnership model developed to evaluate the level of sustainability funding by community prevention teams and the factors that impact sustainable funding. Study took place in 14 rural communities and small towns where community teams selected, implemented, and sustained evidence-base programs focused on reducing substance misuse, and promoting positive youth and family development.
Author(s): Mark T Greenberg, Mark E Feinberg, Lesley E Johnson, et al.
Citation: Prevention Science, 16(1), 158-167
Date: 01/2015
Type: Document
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Adherence and Delivery: Implementation Quality and Program Outcomes for the 7th Grade Keepin' It Real Program
A study to determine how the implementation quality (IQ) of a drug and alcohol prevention program specific for rural middle school adolescents can affect desired results. Seventh grade students from 25 schools in rural Pennsylvania and Ohio participated in the keepin' it REAL prevention program. Variables used to evaluate the program included adherence to the curriculum, teacher and student engagement, and a rating of teacher delivery quality.
Author(s): Jonathan Pettigrew, John W. Graham, Michelle Miller-Day, et al.
Citation: Prevention Science,16(1), 90-99
Date: 01/2015
Type: Document
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Health Workforce, Healthy Economy
Highlights the health workforce as an economic development strategy, as well as a way to improve healthcare access, particularly in rural communities. Identifies gaps in Arizona's health workforce by examining previous reports and available data, such as the number of licensed healthcare providers by county. Includes maps of Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs).
Date: 01/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: St. Luke's Health Initiatives (now Vitalyst Health Foundation), Vitalyst Health Foundation
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Health Status of HIV-Infected Women Entering Care: Baseline Medical Findings from the Women of Color Initiative
Study of rural and urban clinics examining HIV-infected women of color reporting unhealthy days, limits in activity when entering or re-entering HIV care, and an analysis of demographic and clinical variables associated with limits in activity. Includes demographic information for rural and urban women by activity limits and clinical characteristics.
Author(s): E. Byrd Quinlivan, Jason Fletcher, Elizabeth A. Eastwood, et al.
Citation: AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 29(Suppl 1), S11-S19
Date: 01/2015
Type: Document
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Evaluating Tablet Computers as a Survey Tool in Rural Communities
Examines whether two survey methods, paper and pencil versus tablet computers, yield similar survey responses to common health questionnaires in undeserved rural communities. Examines perceptions of usability for each survey method and whether findings could be replicated between the survey methods.
Author(s): Steve M. Newell, Henrietta L. Logan, Yi Guo, John G. Marks, James A. Shepperd
Citation: Journal of Rural Health, 31(1), 108-117
Date: 01/2015
Type: Document
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West Virginia University Pediatric Stroke Registry: Clinical Description and Risk Factors Identification in Patients Living in a Rural Area
Describes the development of a custom database via a retrospective chart review to create a pediatric stroke registry at West Virginia University to support the classification and description of clinical and radiographic characteristics of children with stroke in West Virginia.
Author(s): P. Pergami, S. W. Thayapararajah, N. Seemaladinne
Citation: Clinical Pediatrics, 54(1), 40-46
Date: 01/2015
Type: Document
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Physical Activity Behavior, Barriers to Activity, and Opinions about a Smartphone-Based Physical Activity Intervention among Rural Residents
Examines behaviors of and barriers to physical activity among rural adults in Florida. Explores the opinions of a smartphone-based physical activity intervention program "Get Up and Go" being developed for rural residents. Includes demographic data, types of barriers, and participants rating aspects of the "Get Up and Go" intervention.
Author(s): Allison N. Kurti, Henrietta Logan, Todd Manini, Jesse Dallery
Citation: Telemedicine Journal and e-Health, 21(1), 16-23
Date: 01/2015
Type: Document
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