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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Statistics and data

Disparities Persist in Nutrition Policies and Practices in Minnesota Secondary Schools
Examines school nutrition policies and practices by school characteristics in Minnesota secondary schools between 2008 and 2012. Compares school nutrition policies by rural versus urban/suburban location and across three main areas: the availability of low-nutrient, energy dense (LNED) items, strategies to engage students in healthy eating, and restrictions on advertising LNED products around the school.
Author(s): Caitlin Eicher Caspi, Cynthia Davey, Toben F. Nelson, et al.
Citation: Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 115(3), 419-425
Date: 03/2015
Type: Document
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Qualitative Evaluation of the Relevance and Acceptability of a Web-Based HIV Prevention Game for Rural Adolescents
Study of the use of online gaming to increase the education and awareness of HIV and its prevention in rural African American youth in the South. Provides data from focus groups, including participants' demographic information and feedback on the game's relevance, acceptability, and essential design elements.
Author(s): Comfort Enah, Kendra Piper, Linda Moneyham
Citation: Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 30(2), 321-328
Date: 03/2015
Type: Document
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A Persistent Disparity: Smoking in Rural Sexual and Gender Minorities
Examines the connection between sexual and gender minorities (SGM), rural residency, and smoking through surveys conducted online and at 6 Missouri Pride Festivals in 2012. Provides a comparison between urban and rural SGM demographics and smoking status.
Author(s): Keisa Bennett, Jane A. McElroy, Andrew O. Johnson, Niki Munk, Kevin D. Everett
Citation: LGBT Health, 2(1), 62–70
Date: 03/2015
Type: Document
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Personality Profiles of Rural Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship Students Who Choose Family Medicine
Examines whether rural clerkship students who intended to and eventually practiced family medicine had personality traits different from rural clerkship students who intended to practice in all other specialties. Includes statistics with breakdowns by sex, medical specialty, year of clerkship, age group, marital status, and personality trait.
Author(s): Diann S. Eley, Kathleen D. Brooks, Therese Zink, C. Robert Cloninger
Citation: Family Medicine, 47(3), 194-203
Date: 03/2015
Type: Document
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Child Health USA 2014
Collection of data on the physical, mental, and emotional health of the Nation's children. Addresses poverty, education, child care, and health service utilization and financing. Includes selected data by rural and urban residence.
Date: 03/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Maternal and Child Health Bureau
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Acceptance of New Patients With Public and Private Insurance by Office-based Physicians: United States, 2013
Provides data on office-based physicians accepting new patients with Medicaid, Medicare, and private insurance. See Figure 2 for comparison of metropolitan to nonmetropolitan acceptance rates by patient payment source. Also includes state-level data.
Author(s): Esther Hing, Sandra L. Decker, Eric Jamoom
Date: 03/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Center for Health Statistics
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Migration Trends Shifted in 2014: Also Record Deaths and Continuing Low Fertility
Provides information on migration within the U.S. from 2010 to 2014. Includes data on migration for rural areas. Discusses population trends in different types of rural counties, including counties focused on farming, manufacturing, and those attractive to retirees.
Author(s): Kenneth M. Johnson
Date: 03/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Carsey School of Public Policy
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Emergency Department Visits and Proximity to Patients' Residences, 2009-2010
Provides data on how often patients go to the emergency department (ED) closest to their home. Includes comparisons for patients living inside metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) and outside MSAs, with data on whether patients visited the closest ED by patient age, hospital visit volume, and ED wait times.
Author(s): Amy M. Brown, Sandra L. Decker, Frederic W. Selck
Date: 03/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Center for Health Statistics
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An Examination of Hate and Bias Incidents in Pennsylvania, 1999 – 2012
Examines hate and bias incidents in Pennsylvania to compare their frequency, nature and impact on urban and rural communities.
Author(s): R. Barry Ruback, Andrew Gladfelter, Brendan Lantz
Date: 03/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Center for Rural Pennsylvania
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Homelessness in Rural Pennsylvania
Analyzes existing data, surveys professionals, and summarizes information gathered to better understand homelessness in rural Pennsylvania. Offers recommendations to address the growing homeless population in the state.
Author(s): Heather Feldhaus, Avi Slone
Date: 03/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Center for Rural Pennsylvania
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