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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Statistics and data

Correlates to Seroprevalent Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Among Rural Appalachian Drug Users
Examines HSV-2 seroprevalence among 499 drug users in a rural Appalachian Kentucky county, and relevant demographic, behavioral, and social network factors. Features statistics on demographics, sexual behavior, and drug use.
Author(s): Dustin B. Stephens, April M. Young, Ursula L. Mullins, Jennifer R. Havens
Citation: Journal of Medical Virology, 88(3), 512-520
Date: 03/2016
Type: Document
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Geographic Variation in Mortality Among Children and Adolescents Diagnosed with Cancer in Tennessee: Does Race Matter?
Presents a study of geographic variation of children and adolescents diagnosed with cancer in rural Tennessee. Analyzes data by race and mortality. Includes a maps of urban/rural mortality and mortality clusters for cancer patients under 21 from 2004-2011.
Author(s): Lisa C. Lindley, Tonny J. Oyana
Citation: Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 33(2), 129-136
Date: 03/2016
Type: Document
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Effects of a Behavioral and Health Literacy Intervention to Reduce Sugar-sweetened Beverages: A Randomized-Controlled Trial
Details a study on the effect of several sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) consumption intervention programs on rural adults from 8 counties in Appalachian Virginia. Compares the SIPsmartER and the MoveMore intervention programs and tracks their effectiveness at promoting health literacy relating to SSBs. Breaks down data by age, body weight, and educational attainment, as well as several other factors.
Author(s): Jamie M. Zoellner, Valisa E. Hendrick, Wen You, et al.
Citation: International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 13, 38
Date: 03/2016
Type: Document
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USDA Rural Development Multi-Family Housing Comprehensive Property Assessment
An assessment of the 2015 Section 515 (rural rental housing loan) portfolio and an explanation of the methodology employed for on-site Capital Needs Assessments (CNA). Includes data and statistics about available units and estimates of need over 20 years.
Date: 03/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: USDA Rural Development
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Health Insurance Marketplaces 2016 Open Enrollment Period: Final Enrollment Report
Provides data summarizing Health Insurance Marketplace enrollment activity for health insurance plans during the November 1, 2015 through February 1, 2016 enrollment period, including rural status.
Date: 03/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
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Estimating the Prevalence of Childhood Obesity in Alaska Using Partial, Nonrandom Measurement Data
Results of a 2013-2014 study of obesity among students in the 8 largest Alaska school districts, 7 of which are in rural areas. Features statistics with breakdowns including district, grade level, sex, and ethnicity.
Author(s): Erik Everson, Myde Boles, Karol Fink, Rebecca Topol, Andrea Fenaughty
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 13
Date: 03/2016
Type: Document
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Medicare Costs and Utilization Among Beneficiaries in Rural Areas
Reports on a study evaluating the association of Medicare beneficiary spending patterns with the differences in cost for services across rural hospital service areas (HSAs). Describes strategies and policies to address the geographic variability of higher costs of care in rural HSAs.
Author(s): Carrie Henning-Smith, Doug Wholey, Michelle Casey, Ira Moscovice
Date: 03/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
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Improvements and Disparities in Types of Foods and Milk Beverages Offered in Elementary School Lunches, 2006-2007 to 2013-2014
Evaluates changes and disparities in school lunch characteristics, using data from 4,630 public schools. Features breakdowns by urban, suburban, town, or rural locale.
Author(s): Lindsey Turner, Punam Ohri-Vachaspati, Lisa Powell, Frank J. Chaloupka
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 13
Date: 03/2016
Type: Document
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Outcomes of Rural-Centric Residency Training to Prepare Family Medicine Physicians for Rural Practice
Reports the results of a study analyzing the number of graduates from rural-centric family medicine residency programs who chose to practice in rural areas and Primary Care Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs).
Author(s): Davis G. Patterson, C. Holly A. Andrilla, David Schmitz, Randall Longenecker, David V. Evans
Date: 03/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
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Geographic Variation in the Profitability of Urban and Rural Hospitals
Analyzes and compares the 2014 profitability margins of rural and urban hospitals by census region, census division, and by state. Provides information on rural hospitals broken down by Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) and other rural hospitals; the other rural hospitals group includes Medicare dependent hospitals, sole community hospitals, and rural prospective payment system hospitals.
Author(s): Sharita R. Thomas, George H. Pink, G. Mark Holmes
Date: 03/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Rural Health Research Program
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