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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Statistics and data

Telepharmacy Rules and Statutes: A 50-State Survey
Policy brief identifying state-enacted regulations and legislation authorizing use of community telepharmacy initiatives, and describing implications for patients in underserved rural communities. Includes a table listing states with telepharmacy permitted in some capacity, pilot programs that enable telepharmacy initiatives, waivers enabling telepharmacy initiatives, or no rules or legislation authorizing telepharmacy use.
Additional links: Table Supplement
Author(s): George Tzanetakos, Fred Ullrich, Keith Mueller
Date: 04/2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
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Diabetes Self-Management Education Programs in Nonmetropolitan Counties — United States, 2016
Examines the availability of diabetes self-management education (DSME) programs in nonmetropolitan counties. Includes data on related characteristics for nonmetro counties with and without DSME programs, including diabetes incidence and prevalence, race/ethnicity, income, educational attainment, and other demographic information.
Author(s): Stephanie A. Rutledge, Svetlana Masalovich, Rachel J. Blacher, Magon M. Saunders
Citation: MMWR Surveillance Summaries, 66(10), 1-6
Date: 04/2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Delivery Hospitalizations Involving Preeclampsia and Eclampsia, 2005-2014
Reports on the prevalence of preeclampsia/eclampsia among inpatient delivery hospitalizations in 2005 and 2014. Includes data by location of patient residence for large metropolitan, small metropolitan, micropolitan, and rural (non-core) areas.
Author(s): Kathryn R. Fingar, Iris Mabry-Hernandez, Quyen Ngo-Metzger, et al.
Date: 04/2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
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Rural School Districts Less Likely to Serve Local Food Frequently in School Meals
Bar chart comparing suburban, town, and rural school districts to city school districts, regarding how likely they were to serve local food daily during the 2011-2012 school year.
Date: 04/2017
Type: Chart/Graph
Sponsoring organization: USDA Economic Research Service
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The Role of Medicaid in Rural America
Uses data from the 2013-2015 American Community Survey to examine the role of Medicaid in rural areas, and discuss how potential expansions or cuts could affect rural healthcare. Highlights the importance of Medicaid for many rural residents who are often faced with limited access to insurance and providers, longer travel times, and greater health needs when compared to their urban counterparts. Includes several charts and graphs to illustrate important statistics and demographic comparisons.
Author(s): Julia Foutz, Samantha Artiga, Rachel Garfield
Date: 04/2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: KFF
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Is Urban-Rural Location Associated With Weight Status in School Children? An Examination of 42 Small and Rural Californian Counties
Study examining differences in overweight and obesity in urban and rural California public school students during 2010-2011. Features statistics including age, sex, grade level, race or ethnicity, eligibility for free or reduced price lunches, and body mass index, with breakdowns by four levels of urban or rural school status.
Author(s): Ron Strochlic, Lauren E. Au, Lorrene Ritchie
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 17(2), 3966
Date: 04/2017
Type: Document
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State Variability in Access to Hospital-Based Obstetric Services in Rural U.S. Counties
Policy brief examining differences in availability of obstetric services in rural counties of all states, 2004-2014. Features statistics with breakdowns by all rural counties, micropolitan, and noncore areas.
Author(s): Peiyin Hung, Katy Kozhimannil, Michelle Casey, Carrie Henning-Smith
Date: 04/2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
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Closure of Hospital Obstetric Services Disproportionately Affects Less-Populated Rural Counties
Policy brief describing a study examining obstetric unit and hospital closures in rural areas of the United States, 2004-2014. Features statistics with breakdowns by all rural counties, micropolitan, and noncore areas.
Author(s): Peiyin Hung, Katy Kozhimannil, Carrie Henning-Smith, Michelle Casey
Date: 04/2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
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How Has the ACA Changed Finances for Different Types of Hospitals? Updated Insights from 2015 Cost Report Data
Compares the impact of whether states decided to expand Medicaid on hospital finances, including an exploration of the impact on various types of hospitals. Examines and compares hospital financial indicators such as uncompensated care, Medicaid revenue, operating margin, and excess margins from fiscal year (FY) 2011 through FY 2015. Includes an extensive discussion on the variation between metro and nonmetro hospitals, and provides tables and charts to help illustrate trends.
Author(s): Fredric Blavin
Date: 04/2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Urban Institute
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Rural Education At A Glance, 2017 Edition
Provides an overview of rural educational attainment. Compares education levels in rural and urban areas in 2000 and 2015. Also provides rural-urban data by gender, age, and race/ethnicity. Examines rural educational attainment in relation to employment, income, and poverty.
Date: 04/2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: USDA Economic Research Service
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