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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Statistics and data

Child Labor in Agriculture
Addresses issues related to unaccompanied minors who are hired to do farm work and children of adult farmworkers who work alongside their parents. Covers farmwork injuries to children, hours worked, and laws related to child labor and agricultural work.
Date: 2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Center for Farmworker Health
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Perceptions of Diabetes in Agricultural Worker Communities
Details a study on the perceptions of diabetes among agricultural workers in farming communities. Discusses patients' experience of treatment programs and provides information on successful screening and management programs, as well as recommendations for health centers to improve diabetes care for agricultural workers.
Date: 2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Farmworker Justice Fund, Inc.
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The Opioid Crisis in Rural and Small Town America
Provides data on opioid mortality rates in 2016 and changes in opioid mortality from 1999 through 2016 for metropolitan and nonmetro counties. Also provides metro/nonmetro data on drug overdoses by type of opioid - heroin, prescription opioids, synthetic opioids, and unspecified opioids - from 1999 through 2016. Discusses challenges rural areas face in addressing the opioid crisis.
Author(s): Shannon M. Monnat, Khary K. Rigg
Date: 2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Carsey School of Public Policy
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Wisconsin Health Atlas: Obesity
Reports on Wisconsin obesity trends from 2015 to 2016. Includes analysis by age and rurality and provides ZIP code level data for adult and childhood obesity rates.
Additional links: Full Report
Date: 2018
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
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Growing Up Rural in America
Presents a report on the state of childhood in rural America. Details challenges rural children face, such as poverty, adolescent pregnancy, and food access issues. Features rural-urban comparisons and state-by-state data.
Date: 2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Save the Children
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Health Equity Report 2017
Reports on trends in health equity and health disparities in the U.S. Provides statistics and information on multiple program areas, including: maternal and child health, primary care, access, quality, HIV/AIDS, mental and behavioral health, chronic disease, health promotion, health workforce, rural versus urban, and geographic disparities. Addresses disparity patterns for 3 priority areas: mental health, opioid use, and childhood obesity.
Author(s): Gopal K. Singh, Andrew "Drew" De Los Reyes, Michelle Allender, et al.
Date: 2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Health Resources and Services Administration
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2018 Pennsylvania Opioid Task Force: Important Maps
Details several maps showing county level data on opioid overdose deaths in Pennsylvania. Highlights differences in rural and urban counties. Includes statewide map of treatment centers.
Date: 2018
Type: Map/Mapping System
Sponsoring organization: USDA Rural Development
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The Impact of Nurse Practitioner Scope-of-Practice Regulations in Primary Care
Examines the current and projected role of nurse practitioners (NPs) in rural and primary care settings, and discusses how changes in scope-of-practice (SOP) regulations for NPs may help alleviate healthcare access issues caused by a limited supply of physicians.
Author(s): Aziza Arifkhanova
Date: 2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: RAND Corporation
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2018 Pennsylvania Map Database of Rural Development Projects and Program Areas
Presents a series of maps detailing the USDA Rural Development projects in Pennsylvania as of 2018. Breaks down relevant data, such as program investment, by county.
Date: 2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: USDA Rural Development
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Maryland Rural Health Plan 2018
Details the current state of rural healthcare in Maryland, including areas of need, success of existing health plans, and corresponding recommendations. Presents county-level data, including the health priorities for each rural county.
Additional links: Maryland Rural Health Plan Website
Date: 2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Maryland Rural Health Association
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