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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Statistics and data

Rural-Urban Differences in Exposure to Adverse Childhood Experiences Among South Carolina Adults
Examines the impact of residential rurality and sociodemographic characteristics of adverse childhood experiences (ACE) exposure using 2014–2015 South Carolina Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data and urban influence codes (UICs).
Author(s): Elizabeth Radcliff, Elizabeth Crouch, Melissa Strompolis
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 18(1), 4434
Date: 02/2018
Type: Document
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Geographic Diffusion and Implementation of Acute Care Surgery: An Uneven Solution to the National Emergency General Surgery Crisis
Analyzes a survey on emergency general surgery care administered to 2,811 acute care hospitals in the U.S. in 2015. Examines the uptake of acute care surgery (ACS) by geography and further describes areas that are slow to implement ACS, which includes implications for rural communities. Includes county-level maps showing the distribution of hospitals with and without ACS and access to a hospital with ACS based on race and ethnicity and socioeconomic characteristics.
Author(s): Jasmine A. Khubchandani, Angela M. Ingraham, Vijaya T. Daniel, et al.
Citation: JAMA Surgery, 153(2), 150-159
Date: 02/2018
Type: Document
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Occupational Pesticide Exposure and Subclinical Hypothyroidism among Male Pesticide Applicators
Details a study on thyroid dysfunction in licensed pesticide applicators. Draws data from the Agricultural Health Study. Looks at other health factors such as obesity, tobacco use, and alcohol consumption, as well as other demographic factors.
Author(s): Catherine C. Lerro, Laura E. Beane Freeman, Curt T. DellaValle, et al.
Citation: Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 75(2), 79-89
Date: 02/2018
Type: Document
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Urban-Rural Differences in Mortality for Atrial Fibrillation Hospitalizations in the United States
Examines differences in mortality rates for rural and urban hospitals for patients hospitalized for atrial fibrillation (AF). Addresses differences by race, gender, and region, as well as common secondary diagnoses.
Author(s): Wesley T. O'Neal, Pratik B. Sandesara, Heval M. Kelli, Sanjay Venkatesh, Elsayed Z. Soliman
Citation: Heart Rhythm, 15(2), 175-179
Date: 02/2018
Type: Document
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California's Housing Future: Challenges and Opportunities, Final Statewide Housing Assessment 2025
Final report on California's housing challenges and opportunities, as mandated by state policymakers. The report incorporates stakeholder feedback and provides recommendations for a state housing action plan. Addresses housing challenges for rural areas, migrant farmworkers, and Native Americans, including a section focused on tribal housing and poverty.
Date: 02/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: California Department of Housing and Community Development
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Body Mass Index and Rural Status on Self-Reported Health in Older Adults: 2002-2012 Medicare Expenditure Panel Survey
Presents a study comparing self-reported mental and physical health of older adults with rural status and obesity status. Pulls data from the Medicare Expenditure Panel Survey and breaks it down by age, race, and marital status, among other factors.
Author(s): John A. Batsis, Karen L. Whiteman, Matthew C. Lohman, Emily A. Scherer, Stephen J. Bartels
Citation: Journal of Rural Health, 34(Suppl1), s56-s64
Date: 02/2018
Type: Document
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Geographic Access to Mammography Facilities and Frequency of Mammography Screening
Explores a study on the role location plays in mammography utilization. Draws data from the Wisconsin Women's Health Study and uses Rural Urban Commuting Area (RUCA) codes to determine the distance women would have to travel to a mammography facility.
Author(s): Patricia I. Jewett, Ronald E. Gangnon, Elena Elkin, et al.
Citation: Annals of Epidemiology, 28(2), 65-71
Date: 02/2018
Type: Document
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Pain in the Nation Update: Deaths from Alcohol, Drugs and Suicide Reach the Highest Level Ever Recorded
Report details deaths related to alcohol, drugs, and suicide across the nation. Highlights rates for non-metro areas, as well as by race, gender, and by age groups, among others.
Date: 02/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Trust for America's Health
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Secular Trends in Dementia and Cognitive Impairment of U.S. Rural and Urban Older Adults
Examines rural and urban differences in the rates of probable dementia and cognitive impairment without dementia (CIND) for adults in 2000 and 2010. Compares statistics and data by rurality for the study population by cognitive function, age group, race/ethnicity, marital status, education, and other health status measures.
Author(s): Margaret M. Weden, Regina A. Shih, Mohammed U. Kabeto, Kenneth M. Langa
Citation: American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 54(2), 164-172
Date: 02/2018
Type: Document
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Current State of Child Health in Rural America: How Context Shapes Children's Health
Describes the health status of children in rural America. Highlights the components of the rural environment that may affect children's health and health outcomes, including economic characteristics, healthcare provider availability, behavior health risks, and usage of health services.
Author(s): Janice C. Probst, Judith C. Barker, Alexandra Enders, Paula Gardiner
Citation: Journal of Rural Health, 34(Suppl 1), s3–s12
Date: 02/2018
Type: Document
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