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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Statistics and data

Missouri's Health Care Workforce: Providing Care and Opportunity
Provides information on Missouri's healthcare workforce, including current demand and projected demand, healthcare education, projection of future healthcare needs, and more. Includes data on job postings in rural versus urban areas as well as county-level information on licensed practical nurses (LPNs), registered nurses (RNs), average age of citizens, net commuters, and projected percent change in demand for healthcare from 2017 to 2030, among other data.
Author(s): Jill Williams, David M. Mitchell
Date: 2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Missouri Hospital Association
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Community-Engaged and Culturally Relevant Research to Develop Behavioral Health Interventions with American Indians and Alaska Natives
Describes in detail the process of developing a community engaged and culturally sensitive research approach intervention for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations that was used to establish substance abuse and violence prevention programs.
Author(s): McKinley, C.E., Figley, C.R., Woodward, S.M., et al.
Citation: American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research, 26(3), 79-103
Date: 2019
Type: Document
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2018-2019 New Hampshire Mental Health Practitioner (MHP) Workforce Data Report
An overview of the mental health practitioner (MHP) workforce in New Hampshire, based on data from 590 actively practicing, New Hampshire-licensed MHPs who renewed their licenses between July 2018 and June 2019. Features statistics including demographics, distribution, education, practice status and capacity, retention, and geographic disparities, with breakdowns by rural and nonrural location.
Date: 2019
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services
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Dialysis Transportation: The Intersection of Transportation and Healthcare
Report details the importance of having access to reliable transportation for dialysis patients. Discusses how a lack of reliable transportation affects dialysis patients' access to treatment and quality of life. Highlights challenges faced by rural patients.
Additional links: Read Online
Author(s): Elizabeth Ellis, Sue Knapp, Jason Quan, et al.
Date: 2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Transportation Research Board
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Nevada Department of Health and Human Services Director's Office, Grants Management Unit: 2019 Annual Report
Reports on the operation of organizations and programs receiving funding from the state of Nevada including several programs, partnerships, and coalitions within rural communities and counties. Grantees are identified, award amount is disclosed, activities are described, and statistical data demonstrates the achievements of each program.
Date: 2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Nevada Department of Health and Human Services
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2019 Missouri Nurse Student Loan and Loan Repayment Report
Examines the characteristics and demographic depictions of Missouri Nurse Student Loan (NSL) and Nurse Loan Repayment Program (NLRP) recipients. Features statistics including 2019 NLRP recipients by degree type, with breakdowns by urban or rural location.
Date: 2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Missouri Office of Rural Health and Primary Care
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Diversity in Medicine: Facts and Figures 2019
Provides detailed statistical information about race, ethnicity, and sex in medical education and the physician workforce in the United States. Displays applicant, matriculant, and graduate data for the academic year 2018-2019 and faculty and workforce data for 2018.
Additional links: Executive Summary
Date: 2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Association of American Medical Colleges
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HIV Surveillance in Urban and Nonurban Areas through 2018
Presentation slides providing statistics on HIV and AIDS for metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas. Includes data on metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) by race/ethnicity, region, and rates of diagnoses.
Date: 2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Indiana's Long Term Care & Aging Workforce
Identifies the Indiana licensed health professionals who practice in geriatrics or long term care, home health, or related settings, and describes their professional characteristics. Features statistics including numbers of professionals in the Indiana long term care and aging workforce, with breakdowns by rural and urban location.
Author(s): Hannah Maxey, Sierra Vaughn, Courtney Randolph
Date: 2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Bowen Center for Health Workforce Research and Policy
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Objectively Measured Pediatric Obesity Prevalence Using the OneFlorida Clinical Research Consortium
Results of a study measuring the prevalence of obesity among Florida children ages 2-19, using electronic health records. Features demographics and statistics of rates of obesity and severe obesity, with breakdowns by metropolitan, micropolitan, and rural location.
Author(s): Dominick J. Lemas, Michelle I. Cardel, Stephanie L. Fillip, et al.
Citation: Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, 13(1), 12-15
Date: 2019
Type: Document
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