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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Statistics and data

Cost-Sharing as a Barrier to Accessing Care at FQHCs and RHCs for Rural Medicare Beneficiaries
Results of a national study investigating cost barriers, using data acquired after enactment of the Affordable Care Act and viewed from perspectives other than ambulatory care sensitive hospitalizations. Features statistics including descriptive data of Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) from the study sample, with breakdowns by rural and urban location.
Author(s): Alex R. Schulte, George H. Pink, Mark Holmes, Denise Kirk
Date: 06/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Rural Health Research Program
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Assessment of Mortality and Smoking Rates Before and After Reduction in Community-wide Prevention Programs in Rural Maine
Results of a study comparing smoking and mortality rates in Franklin County, Maine with other Maine counties, by 5-year intervals between 1970-2015. Features statistics including demographics, mortality rates, and income data.
Author(s): Daniel K. Onion, Roderick E. Prior, N. Burgess Record
Citation: JAMA Network Open 2(6)
Date: 06/2019
Type: Document
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Mandated Report - Medicaid in Puerto Rico
Chapter 5 of the semi-annual Report to Congress from the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission. Analyzes Puerto Rico's Medicaid program and factors affecting its future. Features statistics including selected health indicators for Puerto Rico compared with U.S. mainland states, projected Medicaid benefit spending for Fiscal Year (FY) 2020, and Medicaid spending in Puerto Rico by year and source of funds for FYs 2011-2019.
Date: 06/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission
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Trends in Meeting Physical Activity Guidelines Among Urban and Rural Dwelling Adults — United States, 2008–2017
Reports on how many adults aged 18 years and older are meeting physical activity guidelines in urban and rural areas. Includes rural/urban data by sex, age group, race/ethnicity, education level, and Census region.
Author(s): Geoffrey P. Whitfield, Susan A. Carlson, Emily N. Ussery, et al.
Citation: MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report), 68(23), 513-518
Date: 06/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Life and Breath: How Air Pollution Affects Health in Minnesota
Provides a report and data on the health impacts of pollution in Minnesota. Discusses sources of air pollution; health impacts attributable to pollution; and differences in impacts by rural/urban location, poverty rate, health insurance coverage, and race/ethnicity. Includes maps with county-level data on air pollution health-related events.
Additional links: Full Report, Mapping the Data
Author(s): David Bael, Kathy Raleigh
Date: 06/2019
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: Minnesota Department of Health
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Binge Drinking and Prescription Opioid Misuse in the U.S., 2012-2014
Explores the relationship between binge drinking and opioid misuse. Analyzes data from the 2012-2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health and presents data by age, race, and rural versus urban status, among other measures.
Author(s): Marissa B. Esser, Gery P. Guy Jr., Kun Zhang, et al.
Citation: American Journal of Preventive Medicine
Date: 06/2019
Type: Document
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Mapping the Food Landscape in New Hampshire
Examines access to food and food support in New Hampshire at a census tract level. Covers farm and non-farm retail food sources, retail sites that accept Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Special Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), food support sites such as the National School Lunch Program, and food pantries. Identifies less densely populated areas and areas with more people in poverty and discusses some issues specific to rural areas of the state.
Author(s): Jessica A. Carson
Date: 06/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Carsey School of Public Policy
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Unmet Need for Personal Care Assistance among Rural and Urban Older Adults
Policy brief exploring the unmet need for personal care help across 11 activities, such as self-care, household chores, and mobility-related tasks, with breakdowns by urban and rural location.
Author(s): Carrie Henning-Smith, Zhengtian Wu, Megan Lahr
Date: 06/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
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Analysis of Obesity Rates for School Children in Pennsylvania
Report details an analysis of child obesity in Pennsylvania. Compares rural and urban rates by year and considers family demographics, such as occupation, household income, insurance coverage, among other factors.
Additional links: Executive Summary
Date: 06/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Center for Rural Pennsylvania
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Broadband Deployment: Status and Federal Programs
Addresses the availability of broadband in rural, urban, and tribal areas of the U.S.; percent of households with broadband; and federal programs supporting broadband development and adoption.
Date: 06/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Congressional Research Service
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