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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Statistics and data

Provider‐Level Variation in Smoking Cessation Assistance Provided in the Cardiology Clinics: Insights from the NCDR PINNACLE Registry
Presents a study on the variation in smoking cessation assistance programs across the U.S. Highlights the prevalence of these programs in primary care settings and details the data by patient characteristics, census region, and urbanity.
Author(s): Mayank Sardana, Yuanyuan Tang, Jared W. Magnani, et al.
Citation: Journal of the American Heart Association, 8(13)
Date: 07/2019
Type: Document
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E-Cigarette Minimum Legal Sale Age Laws and Traditional Cigarette Use among Rural Pregnant Teenagers
Uses 2010-2016 data from 32 states to explore how minimum legal sale age laws for e-cigarettes affects cigarette use among pregnant teenagers in rural areas. Provides data and statistics on smoking before and during pregnancy, underage teen births, and birth outcomes. Includes rural/urban comparisons.
Author(s): Michael Pesko, Janet Currie
Citation: Journal of Health Economics, 66, 71-90
Date: 07/2019
Type: Document
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2018 Vermont Primary Care Physicians by Rational Service Areas: Population per FTE
County level map of primary care physicians by service area for the state of Vermont.
Date: 07/2019
Type: Map/Mapping System
Sponsoring organization: Vermont Department of Health
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All Vermont Primary Care Providers by Rational Service Areas: Population per FTE
County-level map showing numbers of physicians, osteopathic doctors, physician assistants, and advanced practice registered nurses by service area in Vermont.
Date: 07/2019
Type: Map/Mapping System
Sponsoring organization: Vermont Department of Health
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Methodology for Evaluating Models of Telemental Health Delivery Against Population and Healthcare System Needs: Application to Telemental Healthcare for Rural Native Veterans
Presents a study on service delivery models to improve access to mental healthcare for rural American Indian and Alaska Native veterans. Highlights and evaluates potential telehealth and in-person models for increasing access.
Author(s): Jay H. Shore, Cynthia W. Goss, Nancy K. Dailey, Byron D. Bair
Citation: Telemedicine and e-Health, 25(7)
Date: 07/2019
Type: Document
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Understanding Symptom Burden in Patients with Advanced Cancer Living in Rural Areas
Explores research methods for understanding differences in rural and urban cancer care, treatment, and symptom-based stressors. Discusses challenges in recruiting and retaining rural study participants and capturing differences between rural patients receiving local care and those receiving care in metro areas. Studies the severity of advanced cancer symptoms for 21 rural patients in Iowa, drawing data from patient surveys. Describes disparities in advanced cancer diagnosis and differences in treatment experiences.
Author(s): Stephanie Gilbertson-White, Yelena Perkhounkova, Seyedehtanaz Saeidzadeh, et al.
Citation: Oncology Nursing Forum, 46(4), 428-441
Date: 07/2019
Type: Document
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Adverse Childhood Experiences of Urban and Rural Preschool Children in Poverty
Examines the interaction of race and geographic location on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) for preschool children living in poverty in Arkansas. Data was collected using the Family Map Inventory–Early Childhood (FMI-EC) tool of structured interviews and observation items for assessing family and home environment characteristics linked with children's well-being.
Author(s): Leanne Whiteside-Mansell, Lorraine McKelvey, Jennifer Saccente, James P. Selig
Citation: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(14), 2623
Date: 07/2019
Type: Document
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Urban/Rural Residence Effect on Emergency Department Visits Arising From Food-induced Anaphylaxis
Examines urban/rural differences by age and race/ethnicity in emergency department (ED) pediatric visit rates for food-induced anaphylaxis using 2009-2014 data from New York and Florida.
Author(s): Rie Sakai-Bizmark, Scott M.I. Friedlander, Karin Oshima, Eliza J. Webber, Laurie A. Mena, et al
Citation: Allergology International, 68(3), 316–320
Date: 07/2019
Type: Document
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Prognostic Factors for Rural Endometrial Cancer Patients in a Population-Based Cohort
Examines rural-urban differences in prognostication of endometrial cancer and mortality rates among 2,994 endometrial cancer patients in Utah between 1997 and 2012. Analyzes healthcare data from the Utah Population Database, which includes EMR data from the University of Utah Healthcare and Intermountain Healthcare, two of the largest healthcare providers in the state.
Author(s): Brenna E. Blackburn, Sean Soissan, Kerry Rowe, et al.
Citation: BMC Public Health, 19, 921
Date: 07/2019
Type: Document
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Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Intake in a Rural Family Medicine Clinic
Results of a study to assess self-reported sugar-sweetened beverage intake among 121 adult primary care patients at a rural Nebraska clinic. Features demographics and average calories from beverage consumption, with breakdowns by ethnicity and body mass index category.
Author(s): Laura Pinon, Birgit Khandalavala, Jenenne Geske
Citation: Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 32(4), 601-606
Date: 07/2019
Type: Document
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