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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Statistics and data

Differences in Select Measures of Health Care Access, Utilization, and Financial Burden by Urbanicity, 2017
Examines healthcare access, utilization, and financial burden among adults aged 18-64 living in large metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs), small MSAs, and nonmetro (rural) areas. Includes both unadjusted data and data adjusted to focus on the effects of urbanicity by accounting for potential sociodemographic or health characteristics that might impact access.
Author(s): Emily P. Terlizzi, Robin A. Cohen
Date: 12/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Center for Health Statistics
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Wisconsin 2019 Health Care Workforce Report
Examines healthcare workforce supply and demand in Wisconsin. Discusses the need for physicians, particularly in rural areas, and highlights medical school and residency programs focused on addressing that need. Includes rural/urban data by profession on hospital vacancy rates and the aging workforce.
Date: 12/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Wisconsin Hospital Association
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Veterans Health Care: Services for Substance Use Disorders, and Efforts to Address Access Issues in Rural Areas
Identifies and compares the differences in the number of veterans, and the expenditures for veterans receiving substance use disorder (SUD) services, and specialty SUD services in rural and urban areas. Veterans Health Administration (VHA) policies were reviewed, interviews were conducted with agency officials, and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) data from 2014 to 2018 was analyzed to develop the report.
Additional links: Full Report
Date: 12/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Government Accountability Office
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Declines In Pediatric Mortality Fall Short For Rural US Children
Examines pediatric mortality rates from 1999-2017 and related factors of race/ethnicity and rurality. Provides data according to age, race/ethnicity, cause-specific mortality, and rural versus urban county.
Author(s): Janice Probst, Whitney Zahnd, Charity Breneman
Citation: Health Affairs, 38, 12
Date: 11/2019
Type: Document
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It's Time to Connect Rural Health Equity with Community and Economic Development
Discusses research on the relationship of health equity with rural and economic development. Presents resources demonstrating innovative projects to help people in rural communities live healthy lives.
Author(s): Katharine Ferguson, Katrina Badger
Date: 11/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
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Mobilising Cross-Sector Collaborations to Improve Population Health in US Rural Communities: A Qualitative Study
Highlights collaborations in rural communities that improve population health, such as health-promoting local contexts, seed initiatives, and hospital visions of shared leadership. Studies 4 rural communities in Iowa and conducts 22 key-informant interviews within the communities.
Author(s): Xi Zhu, Paula Weigel, Jure Baloh, et al.
Citation: BMJ Open, 9(11)
Date: 11/2019
Type: Document
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Improving the Geographical Precision of Rural Chronic Disease Surveillance by Using Emergency Claims Data: A Cross-Sectional Comparison of Survey Versus Claims Data in Sullivan County, New York
Compares mailed survey data with emergency department (ED) claims data in Sullivan County, New York to assess validity of using ED data for improved health surveillance of rural disease prevalence. Includes maps of sub-county level estimates of diabetes, asthma, and hypertension.
Author(s): David C Lee, Justin M Feldman, Marcela Osorio, et al.
Citation: BMJ Open, 9(11)
Date: 11/2019
Type: Document
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Minnesota Overview of the Physician Workforce, 2019
Provides an overview of Minnesota's physician workforce using data from the Minnesota Board of Medical Practices (BMP) and the 2018 Physician Workforce survey. Describes licensed physicians by rural-urban commuting area (RUCA) codes, and presents statistics on physicians' education, demographics, work and employment, and new and emerging models of care.
Date: 11/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Minnesota Department of Health - Office of Rural Health and Primary Care
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Evaluation of the Million HeartsĀ® Cardiovascular Disease Risk Reduction Model: Second Annual Report
Evaluates the first two years of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Million Hearts Cardiovascular Disease Risk Reduction Model to determine whether, and how, it reduces first-time strokes, heart attacks, and Medicare spending. Covers participant characteristics, including rural or urban status and organization type; implementation of the model; short- and long-term impacts on beneficiaries; and the potential mechanisms that may explain observed impacts.
Author(s): Greg Peterson, Linda Barterian, Keith Kranker, et al.
Date: 11/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Mathematica Policy Research
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Self-Identified Barriers to Rural Mental Health Services in Iowa by Older Adults with Multiple Comorbidities: Qualitative Interview Study
Highlights a study on the perceived barriers to mental healthcare for chronically ill elders in rural Iowa. Bases finding on phone interviews with participants where they detailed their experiences accessing mental healthcare. Breaks down data by age, gender, and mental health diagnosis, among other factors.
Author(s): Lauren Elizabeth Pass, Korey Kennelty, Barry L Carter
Citation: BMJ Open, 9(11), e029976
Date: 11/2019
Type: Document
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