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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Statistics and data

Assessment of Rural-Urban Differences in Postacute Care Utilization and Outcomes Among Older US Adults
Results of a study of 2,044,231 Medicare beneficiaries who were hospitalized in 2011-2015 for pneumonia, stroke, heart failure, hip fracture, or COPD. Examines the frequency, type, and duration of postacute care, as well as readmission and mortality rates in people discharged to a community or to postacute care. Features statistics with breakdowns by urban area, rural community adjacent to urban area, or rural community nonadjacent to urban area.
Author(s): Cyrus M. Kosar, Lacey Loomer, Nasim B. Ferdows, et al.
Citation: JAMA Network Open, 3(1)
Date: 01/2020
Type: Document
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Patients' Experiences in CAHs: HCAHPS Results, 2018
Provides results from the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey for calendar year 2018. Summarizes reporting rates and performance among all U.S. Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs). Includes detailed tables that allow state-by-state comparison of response rates and overall CAH performance.
Author(s): Mariah Quick, Megan Lahr, Tongtan Chantarat, Ira Moscovice
Date: 01/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Flex Monitoring Team
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Trends in Opioids Prescribed at Discharge From Emergency Departments Among Adults: United States, 2006–2017
Examines trends in emergency department (ED) discharge opioid prescribing for adults from 2006–2007 through 2016–2017. Provides data by selected patient and hospital characteristics and the type of opioids prescribed. Table 1 includes data on the percent of ED patients prescribed an opioid at discharge by location of patient residence for metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas.
Author(s): Pinyao Rui, Loredana Santo, Jill J. Ashman
Date: 01/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Center for Health Statistics
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Texas Rural Acute Care Hospital Closures
Identifies rural hospital closures by year and county for Texas between 1965-2018. Includes notes on whether they later reopened with full or partial services.
Date: 01/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Texas Organization of Rural & Community Hospitals
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Geographic Access to Child Care in Wisconsin
Provides information on childcare access and availability in Wisconsin. Includes information on the importance of child care, methodology of the mapping tool, the childcare access map, and reflections on the research, with considerations related to equity.
Date: 2020
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: Applied Population Laboratory
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2020 New Hampshire Alcohol & Drug Counselor Workforce Data Report
An overview of the alcohol and drug counselor (ADC) workforce in New Hampshire, based on data from 245 actively practicing New Hampshire-licensed ADCs who renewed their licenses during the 2020 license renewal cycle. Features statistics including demographics, distribution, education, practice status and capacity, and practice location, with breakdowns by rural and nonrural public health region.
Date: 2020
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services
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2020 New Hampshire Psychologist Workforce Data Report
An overview of the psychologist workforce in New Hampshire, based on data from 325 actively practicing New Hampshire-licensed psychologists who renewed their licenses during the 2019 and 2020 renewal cycles. Features statistics including demographics, education, practice status and capacity, retention, and practice location, with breakdowns by rural and nonrural areas.
Date: 2020
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services
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Georgia Physicians by Specialty by County, 2020
Table providing county-level data on physician specialties in Georgia for the year 2020. Covers total physicians and rate per 100,000 residents by specialty for each county, and presents county rankings.
Date: 2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Georgia Board of Health Care Workforce
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Special Diabetes Program for Indians 2020 Report to Congress - Changing the Course of Diabetes: Charting Remarkable Progress
Highlights the advancements and improvements in diabetes care and health outcomes for American Indian and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) due to the implementation of evidence-based treatments and local community strategies focused on prevention and treatment of diabetes, and with support from the Special Diabetes Program for Indians (SDPI). Presents statistics demonstrating reductions in mortality and complications from diabetes.
Date: 2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Indian Health Service
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Border Health Status Report of the 44 U.S. Counties at the U.S.- Mexico Border
A review of selected 20 topic health indicators using public use data obtained from 44 counties, mostly rural, located along the U.S.-Mexico border region and within the states of Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas. Offers health indicator data for selected measurable objectives having baseline data on overall mortality, and mortality rates for diabetes, heart disease, cervical cancer, breast cancer, unintentional injuries, and road traffic-related. Health indicator data is also provided for non-measurable objectives, due to a lack of baseline data, on asthma, maternal mortality, gonorrhea, and congenital syphilis.
Author(s): Nicole Baker, Nicole Baker, Juan Albertorio, Alfonso Rodríguez-Lainz
Date: 2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: United States-México Border Health Commission
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