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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Statistics and data

Household Endotoxin Reduction in the Louisa Environmental Intervention Project for Rural Childhood Asthma
Describes environmental interventions, including cleaning and education, to reduce endotoxin exposure for rural Iowa children with asthma. Data represents endotoxin loads and participant characteristics. Discusses endotoxin's effects on asthma symptoms and the potential for endotoxin reduction to improve those symptoms, particularly in farm homes.
Author(s): Angelico Mendy, Nervana Metwali, Sarah S. Perry, et al.
Citation: Indoor Air: International Journal of Indoor Environment and Health, 30(1), 88-97
Date: 01/2020
Type: Document
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Health Disparities Report for Illinois and Illinois Counties, 2011-2015 Data
Provides state- and county-level statistics from 2011-2015 on health disparities and related information for the state of Illinois. Includes data on demographics, social determinants of health, health behaviors, healthcare access, morbidity, and more.
Author(s): Veronica Halloway, Mohammed Shahidullah, Lutfun Nahar
Date: 01/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Illinois Department of Public Health
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Socioeconomic Risk Factors for Fatal Opioid Overdoses in the United States: Findings from the Mortality Disparities in American Communities Study (MDAC)
Highlights a study that correlates demographic and socioeconomic status with opioid overdose fatalities. Draws data from the Mortality Disparities in American Community Study (MDAC) and compares results by rural/nonrural residence, race, employment, and educational attainment, among other measures.
Author(s): Sean F. Altekruse, Candace M. Cosgrove, William C. Altekruse, Richard A. Jenkins, Carlos Blanco
Citation: PLoS One, 15(1)
Date: 01/2020
Type: Document
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Infants Without Health Insurance: Racial/Ethnic and Rural/Urban Disparities in Infant Households' Insurance Coverage
Explores how the uneven expansion of Medicaid affects the racial/ethnic health insurance coverage for infants across rural and urban areas in the U.S. Highlights spatial patterns in health insurance coverage among infants, and examines the probability that an infant will be born without health insurance coverage using 2011-2015 American Community Survey (ACS) data and logistic regression.
Author(s): Scott R. Sanders, Michael R. Cope, Paige N. Park, Wesley Jeffery, Jorden E. Jackson
Citation: PLoS ONE, 15(1)
Date: 01/2020
Type: Document
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Minnesota's Physical Therapist (PT) Workforce, 2020
An overview of the physical therapist workforce in the state of Minnesota based on a 2017 workforce questionnaire and other resources. Provides data and statistics on demographics, educational attainment, current employment status and future plans, specialties, use of electronic health records and telemedicine, and includes geographic distribution by rural-urban commuting regions (RUCAs).
Date: 01/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Minnesota Department of Health - Office of Rural Health and Primary Care
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Life Beyond 65: Changing Spatial Patterns of Survival at Older Ages in the United States, 2000–2016
Examines life expectancy trends among Americans at age 65 between 2000 and 2016. Analyzes data by gender and across 4 metropolitan categories and 10 geographic regions. Considers how causes of death impact the changes in mortality rates over time.
Author(s): Yana C Vierboom, Samuel H. Preston
Citation: The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 1-11
Date: 01/2020
Type: Document
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Many Rural Americans Are Still "Left Behind"
An overview of trends in rural poverty from 1959 through 2016. Discusses how rural and urban poverty are different. Highlights changes in education and employment, the impact of race/ethnicity, and data on rural child poverty.
Date: 01/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Institute for Research on Poverty
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Farmer Stress in Georgia: Results of a Survey
Results of a survey measuring type and intensity of stressors affecting Georgia farmers, based on information gathered from 118 attendees at the 2019 Georgia Farm Bureau Convention. Features statistics with breakdowns by demographics, specific types of farming employment, and top stressors.
Author(s): Anna Scheyett
Date: 01/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Georgia School of Social Work
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Quantification of Neighborhood-Level Social Determinants of Health in the Continental United States
Results of a study examining 71,901 census tracts, to quantify the social determinants of health (SDOH) consisting of advantage, isolation, opportunity, and mixed immigrant cohesion. Features demographic statistics with breakdowns by 7 multidimensional neighborhood typologies, including Rural Affordable. Offers comparisons between SDOH in Chicago and the rest of the continental United States.
Author(s): Marynia Kolak, Jay Bhatt, Yoon Hong Park, Norma A. Padron, Ayrin Molefe
Citation: JAMA Network Open, 3(1)
Date: 01/2020
Type: Document
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Addressing Obesity in Nebraska's Youth: Water Consumption in Schools
Report details an effort to promote water consumption as a replacement for sugary beverages in order to combat obesity in Nebraska schools. Highlights ways the state has increased access to water fountains and water bottle filling stations. Compares rates of obesity to other states for children and adults.
Author(s): Jon M. Bailey
Date: 01/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Center for Rural Affairs
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