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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Service delivery models

Grantee Sourcebook: Rural Health Network Development Planning Program, 2020
Detailed descriptions of 20 Rural Health Network Development Planning Program grant projects funded in fiscal year 2020. Reports on each grantee's network infrastructure development, plans for sustaining the network after the grant, and program activities addressing topics such as integrated service delivery, creating efficiencies, integrating health services, chronic disease management, and care coordination. Grantee profiles identify the geographic areas served, network partners, and primary contact person.
Date: 07/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Federal Office of Rural Health Policy
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Access to Affordable Care in Rural America: Current Trends and Key Challenges
Describes geographic and demographic challenges that contribute to healthcare access and health disparities in rural areas. Covers patterns of insurance coverage between rural and urban areas, healthcare provider shortages, and rural hospital vulnerability and closures. Discusses programs and services supported by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to reduce barriers to care in rural communities, including telehealth, healthcare workforce programs, and Rural Health Clinics and Community Health Centers.
Author(s): Gina Turrini, D.Keith Branham, Lucy Chen, et al.
Date: 07/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
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Association of the Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes Project With Use of Direct-Acting Antiviral Treatment Among US Adults With Hepatitis C
Results of a study of 267,908 patients to examine the association between Project ECHO and use of direct-acting antiviral (DAA) treatment in patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Features statistics with breakdowns by urban or rural location.
Author(s): Linh Tran, Roger Feldman, Thomas Riley, Jeah Jung
Citation: JAMA Network Open, 4(7)
Date: 07/2021
Type: Document
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Examining Opportunities for Growth and Investment in Rural America
Video recording of testimony from rural healthcare and economic organization leadership to the U.S. House Agriculture Committee. Discusses broadband and telehealth, COVID-19 impacts on rural healthcare and economics, education, infrastructure, aging, and agriculture business issues. Transcript available in the video description.
Additional links: Testimony Transcripts
Date: 06/2021
Type: Video/Multimedia
Sponsoring organization: U.S. House Committee on Agriculture
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North Carolina Telepsychiatry Program: 2021 Profile
Fact sheet with North Carolina telepsychiatry-related statistics on grants, performance measures, return on investment and economic impact, and total program funding, with breakdowns by state and other contributions. Includes a county-level map showing locations of telepsychiatry centers as of June 2021, with shadings indicating urban and rural counties.
Date: 06/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
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Assessing the Effectiveness of Cancer Screening Interventions Targeting Appalachian Populations: A Systematic Review
Presents a review of cancer screening interventions aimed at rural Appalachian communities and measures their efficacy. Explores the design and limitations of each study. Breaks down data by cancer type, intervention type, and recorded outcomes, among other factors.
Author(s): Nicole M. Robertson, Lauren Hudson, Suzanna Labib Attia, et al.
Citation: Journal of Rural Health, 37(3), 602–623
Date: 06/2021
Type: Document
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Adoption of Health System Innovations: Evidence of Urban-Rural Disparities from the Ohio Primary Care Marketplace
Examines the market penetration of Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), patient-centered medical homes (PCMHs), and the meaningful use of electronic health records (EHRs) among primary care providers (PCPs) in Ohio between 2011 and 2015. Compares the percentage of PCPs who are affiliated with ACOs, PCMHs, and meaningful use by urban and rural county status.
Author(s): Joseph E. Tanenbaum, Mark Votruba, Douglas Einstadter, Thomas E. Love, Randall D. Cebul
Citation: Journal of General Internal Medicine, 36(6), 1584–1590
Date: 06/2021
Type: Document
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Strategies for Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Rural Health System in New York State
Describes the challenges of COVID-19 encountered by Bassett Healthcare Network (BHN), a network of 5 hospitals and 24 clinics located in rural upstate New York covering the healthcare needs of 5 counties. Presents four strategies in response to these challenges: expand the capacity of intensive-care; retrain and reposition employees into new roles; adopt a system providing rapid access to care and follow-up; and coordinate communication and decision-making with network administrators, employees, and other healthcare professionals.
Author(s): Jamie A. Aron, Alexander J.B. Bulteel, Kelsey A. Clayman, et al.
Citation: Healthcare, 9(2), 100508
Date: 06/2021
Type: Document
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Applied Rapid Qualitative Analysis to Develop a Contextually Appropriate Intervention and Increase the Likelihood of Uptake
Examines an intervention, Telehealth-based Coordination of Non-Veterans Health Administration Care (TECNO Care), designed to improve care coordination between the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) and community providers for veterans living in rural and underserved areas.
Author(s): Allison A. Lewinski, Matthew J. Crowley, Christopher Miller, et al.
Citation: Medical Care, 59(6 Suppl 3), S242-S251
Date: 06/2021
Type: Document
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Evaluation of the State Innovation Models (SIM) Initiative Round 2: Model Test Final Report
Final report on the Round 2 State Innovation Models (SIM) program across eleven participating states - Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Iowa, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Washington. Discusses the adoption of delivery models and payment reforms related to value-based payment (VBP) and alternative payment models (APMs). Examines whether the implementation efforts and healthcare delivery system reforms impacted the quality of care, health outcomes, population health, and spending.
Additional links: Appendix, Findings at a Glance
Date: 06/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, RTI International
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