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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Service delivery models

State Cross-Agency Collaboration During the COVID-19 Pandemic Response
Examines cross-agency approaches to COVID-19 response efforts in Illinois, Indiana, and Rhode Island. Identifies key themes, lessons, and best practices for other states to consider when preparing for future public health emergencies. Highlights efforts to serve rural populations.
Author(s): Elinor Higgins, Rebecca Cooper
Date: 10/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Academy for State Health Policy
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Delta Memorial Hospital and DePaul Community Health Centers Spotlight Video
Explores how Delta Memorial Hospital and DePaul Community Health Centers worked together through the Delta Region Community Health Systems Development Program to strengthen their community care coordination.
Date: 09/2021
Type: Video/Multimedia
Sponsoring organization: National Rural Health Resource Center
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Tippah County Hospital Spotlight Video
Discusses how the Delta Region Community Health Systems Development Program helped Mississippi's Tippah County Hospital grow its telehealth program.
Date: 09/2021
Type: Video/Multimedia
Sponsoring organization: National Rural Health Resource Center
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Addressing Health-Related Social Needs to Improve Rural Health: Ideas to Action
Identifies strategies for building community and regional systems of care to better address the social needs of patients and inform the design of community-level rural health transformation initiatives, pilots, or demonstrations in rural Maine. Examines existing literature and evidence from similar initiatives in Vermont, Idaho, and Oregon, and highlights key observations. Describes key components of a demonstration designed to build, implement, and test strategies for aligning health, social service, and other systems to address in order to advance whole-person care.
Author(s): Andrew F. Coburn, Deborah A. Deatrick
Date: 09/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Maine Rural Health Action Network, New England Rural Health Association
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An Evaluation of Telehealth Use by Medicare Beneficiaries in 2020
Research brief examining telehealth use for outpatient evaluation and management from January 2019 to December 2020 based on a 20% sample of fee-for-service Medicare beneficiaries. Charts monthly trends for in-person and telehealth visits and compares rural and urban telehealth use, offering policy implications related to rural access to services.
Author(s): Chad Ellimoottil, Ziwei Zhu, Rod Dunn, et al.
Date: 09/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Michigan Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation
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Health Panel Comment Letter – Rural Emergency Hospitals (REH)
Offers comments in response to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Request for Information on Rural Emergency Hospitals (REH). Addresses the type and scope of services REHs could offer, conditions of participation, health equity, collaboration and care coordination, quality measurement, payment, and enrollment.
Date: 09/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Policy Research Institute Rural Health Panel
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Rural Public Health and Health Care: A Scan of Field Practice and Trends
Offers a historical overview of rural healthcare and rural public health theories and practice methods and describes newer theories, such as value-based care, personalized medicine, social determinants of health, and health in all policies. Outlines trends in public health and healthcare, including community engagement, evidence-based decision making, and delivery integration, discussing rural implications of these trends.
Date: 09/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Aspen Institute
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Restoring Access to Maternity Care in Rural America
Examines regional partnerships to build rural access to maternity care through hub-and-spoke models of education and support from urban healthcare organizations to rural maternity providers, investments in telehealth, and remote monitoring systems. Discusses barriers to maternity care access in rural areas and highlights local examples of maternal health provider networks, investments in the rural maternity workforce, and policy implications of developing rural maternity care.
Date: 09/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Commonwealth Fund
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Grantee Sourcebook: Rural HIV/AIDS Planning Program, 2020-2021
Detailed descriptions of 7 Rural HIV/AIDS Planning Program grant projects funded in fiscal year 2020. Reports on each grantee's key Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) strategies, secondary focus areas, target populations served, network development and planning activities, initial outcomes of their planning work, and sustainability strategies of the HIV/AIDS rural health networks and HIV-related programming beyond the planning year. Grantee profiles identify the geographic areas served, network partners, and primary contact person.
Date: 09/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Federal Office of Rural Health Policy
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Obstacles Persist for Rural Patients to Access Hospice
Discusses challenges to delivering hospice care in rural areas. Highlights changes to allow providers at Rural Health Centers and Federal Qualified Health Centers to serve as attending physicians for hospice patients. Explores the impact of COVID-19 on the delivery of hospice services, including the use of telehealth services and workforce concerns.
Author(s): Jim Parker
Date: 09/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Hospice News
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