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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Service delivery models

Accountable Care Communities in Rural: Laying the Groundwork in Humboldt County, California
Describes how Accountable Care Communities (ACCs) employ a unified approach to improving the health of a population and reducing costs, by emphasizing preventive health and wellness efforts, as well as promoting collaboration among community-based organizations, social services, and the local health care system. Examines the ways in which the ACC model may help rural communities face challenges associated with poorer health outcomes, transportation difficulties, and shortages of healthcare providers.
Author(s): Paula Weigel, Chance Finegan, Jocelyn Richgels, et al.
Date: 03/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Policy Research Institute Rural Health Panel
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Telehealth in Rural America
Discusses the use of telehealth in rural areas, related reimbursement challenges, and provides recommendations to the Secretary of Health and Human Services for improving healthcare access and quality through the use of telehealth services.
Date: 03/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Advisory Committee on Rural Health and Human Services
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Colorado Critical Access Hospitals and Clinics: Improving Communication and Readmission (iCARE) White Paper
Details how the Colorado Rural Health Center's Improving Communication and Readmission (iCARE) program is improving the patient experience at Critical Access Hospitals and Rural Health Clinics in Colorado by enhancing care coordination and lowering readmission rates.
Date: 03/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Colorado Rural Health Center
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Evaluation of Hospital-Setting HCIA Awards: First Annual Report, Final
Evaluations of 10 Health Care Innovation Awards Round One projects undertaken in a hospital inpatient or emergency department. Covers projects that involved Critical Access Hospitals and other rural hospitals. Includes projects focused on improved care for sepsis and projects using remote electronic intensive care unit (eICU) services.
Date: 03/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Abt Associates, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
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A Guidebook of Professional Practices for Behavioral Health and Primary Care Integration: Observations from Exemplary Sites
Assists primary care and behavioral health practices in identifying professional practices that have developed a successful workforce model of integrated care. Several primary care organizations with effective integrated behavioral health and primary care participated in the study including 3 in rural areas.
Author(s): Deborah J. Cohen, Melinda M. Davis, Jennifer D. Hall, Emma C. Gilchrist, Benjamin F. Miller
Date: 03/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
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Telemedicine for Children with Developmental Disabilities: A More Effective Clinical Process than Office-based Care
Examines the Tele-Health-Kids, a school-based program using asynchronous telemedicine to connect children with developmental disabilities with their primary care physician for the treatment of minor illnesses in rural Ohio. Includes data on the chronic conditions of children with developmental disabilities enrolled in the program and survey responses from parents on the expectations, concerns, and post-visit outcomes for the Tele-Health-Kids program.
Author(s): Diane L. Langkamp, Mark D. McManus, Susan D. Blakemore
Citation: Telemedicine Journal and e-Health, 21(2), 110-114
Date: 02/2015
Type: Document
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National Rural HIT Coalition Meeting
Details the minutes of a National Rural Health Information Technology Coalition face-to-face meeting in Washington D.C. Discusses a number of national and federal updates, as well as telehealth expansion and population health integration.
Date: 02/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Rural Health Resource Center
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The Future of Rural Behavioral Health
Policy paper discussing the unique challenges of providing behavioral healthcare services in rural areas. Includes policy recommendations and interventions related to workforce development, reimbursement and financing, integration of care, and the use of technology in delivering behavioral healthcare.
Author(s): Will Wilson, Angela Bangs, Tammy Hatting
Date: 02/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Rural Health Association
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Comprehensive Quality Improvement in Rural Health Care
Policy paper addresses comprehensive quality improvement for rural healthcare by incorporating and tailoring strategies from the National Quality Strategy (NQS) aims of better care, healthy people/communities and affordable care to better suit rural healthcare. Includes four broad steps to help guide rural facilities through the quality improvement process.
Author(s): Kevin Driesen, Gretchen Holmes, Mary Smith
Date: 02/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Rural Health Association
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Healthy Clinic Program Helps Colorado Rural Clinics Build Stronger Foundations
Profiles the Healthy Clinic Assessment (HCA) program in Colorado, which assists rural clinics in strengthening their foundations, and improving operations and quality.
Author(s): Jami Schumacher
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 02/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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