Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Service delivery models
Evaluation of Policy Options for Increasing the Availability of Primary Care Services in Rural Washington State
Analyzes policy options that the Washington state legislature has considered to address a perceived shortage of primary care physicians in rural Washington. Provides background on the rural primary care workforce within the state and projects the impacts each policy option would have through 2025. Policy options considered include: opening a new medical school at Washington State University (WSU), increasing the number of residency positions in the state, increasing loan repayment incentives to encourage rural practice, increasing Medicaid payment rates for rural physicians, and encouraging the use of alternative primary care models.
Additional links: Summary and Key Findings
Author(s): Mark W. Friedberg, Grant R. Martsolf, Chapin White, et al.
Date: 11/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: RAND Corporation
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Analyzes policy options that the Washington state legislature has considered to address a perceived shortage of primary care physicians in rural Washington. Provides background on the rural primary care workforce within the state and projects the impacts each policy option would have through 2025. Policy options considered include: opening a new medical school at Washington State University (WSU), increasing the number of residency positions in the state, increasing loan repayment incentives to encourage rural practice, increasing Medicaid payment rates for rural physicians, and encouraging the use of alternative primary care models.
Additional links: Summary and Key Findings
Author(s): Mark W. Friedberg, Grant R. Martsolf, Chapin White, et al.
Date: 11/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: RAND Corporation
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Emergency Department Telemedicine Is Used for More Severely Injured Rural Trauma Patients, but Does Not Decrease Transfer: A Cohort Study
Examines the use of telemedicine consultation in Critical Access Hospital (CAH) emergency departments in North Dakota. Focuses on whether telemedicine was used more frequently based on severity of injury or illness and whether telemedicine use decreased hospital transfers.
Author(s): Nicholas M. Mohr, Karisa K. Harland, Elizabeth A. Chrischilles, et al.
Citation: Academic Emergency Medicine, 24(2), 177-185
Date: 10/2016
Type: Document
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Examines the use of telemedicine consultation in Critical Access Hospital (CAH) emergency departments in North Dakota. Focuses on whether telemedicine was used more frequently based on severity of injury or illness and whether telemedicine use decreased hospital transfers.
Author(s): Nicholas M. Mohr, Karisa K. Harland, Elizabeth A. Chrischilles, et al.
Citation: Academic Emergency Medicine, 24(2), 177-185
Date: 10/2016
Type: Document
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Innovations in Rural Health System Development: Moving Rural Health Systems to Value-Based Payment
Offers examples of rural health system transformation models and strategies from Maine and other regions of the U.S. to assist rural communities in moving forward with value-based payment systems.
Author(s): Sara Kahn-Troster, Andrew Coburn
Date: 10/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Maine Health Access Foundation, Maine Rural Health Research Center
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Offers examples of rural health system transformation models and strategies from Maine and other regions of the U.S. to assist rural communities in moving forward with value-based payment systems.
Author(s): Sara Kahn-Troster, Andrew Coburn
Date: 10/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Maine Health Access Foundation, Maine Rural Health Research Center
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Innovations in Rural Health System Development: Service Delivery Advances in Care Coordination, Emergency Care, and Telehealth
Offers examples of emergency services, telehealth technology, and care coordination initiatives with a focus on Maine, and how they impact rural service delivery and safeguard rural access to critical health services.
Author(s): Amanda Burgess, Andrew Coburn
Date: 10/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Maine Health Access Foundation, Maine Rural Health Research Center
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Offers examples of emergency services, telehealth technology, and care coordination initiatives with a focus on Maine, and how they impact rural service delivery and safeguard rural access to critical health services.
Author(s): Amanda Burgess, Andrew Coburn
Date: 10/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Maine Health Access Foundation, Maine Rural Health Research Center
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Spread of Accountable Care Organizations in Rural America
Uses data through December 2015 to reveal trends in rural Medicare Accountable Care Organization (ACO) activity, and discusses motivations behind the recent increase in rural ACO participation. Includes maps of ACO presence by county, illustrating changes that occurred between 2013 and 2015.
Author(s): Keith Mueller, Fred Ullrich
Date: 10/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
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Uses data through December 2015 to reveal trends in rural Medicare Accountable Care Organization (ACO) activity, and discusses motivations behind the recent increase in rural ACO participation. Includes maps of ACO presence by county, illustrating changes that occurred between 2013 and 2015.
Author(s): Keith Mueller, Fred Ullrich
Date: 10/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
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Task Force on Ensuring Access in Vulnerable Communities, Rural and Frontier: Executive Summary and Report
Reviews characteristics of South Dakota's rural and frontier communities. Identifies innovative healthcare delivery and payment models and makes state and federal policy recommendations to improve rural health. Highlights the importance of Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs). Linked map includes locations of South Dakota CAHs, Rural Health Clinics, and more.
Additional links: South Dakota Vulnerable Communities Task Force Map
Date: 09/2016
Type: Document, Map/Mapping System
Sponsoring organization: South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations
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Reviews characteristics of South Dakota's rural and frontier communities. Identifies innovative healthcare delivery and payment models and makes state and federal policy recommendations to improve rural health. Highlights the importance of Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs). Linked map includes locations of South Dakota CAHs, Rural Health Clinics, and more.
Additional links: South Dakota Vulnerable Communities Task Force Map
Date: 09/2016
Type: Document, Map/Mapping System
Sponsoring organization: South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations
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Abstinence Reinforcement Therapy (ART) for Rural Veterans: Methodology for an mHealth Smoking Cessation Intervention
Determines the effectiveness of Abstinence Reinforcement Therapy (ART), a smoking cessation intervention, among rural veterans. ART combines evidenced-based cognitive-behavioral telephone counseling (TC), a telemedicine clinic for access to nicotine replacement (NRT), and mobile contingency management (mCM) compared to TC and NRT alone.
Author(s): Sarah M. Wilson, Lauren P. Hair, Jeffery S. Hertzberg, et al.
Citation: Contemporary Clinical Trials, 50, 157-165
Date: 09/2016
Type: Document
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Determines the effectiveness of Abstinence Reinforcement Therapy (ART), a smoking cessation intervention, among rural veterans. ART combines evidenced-based cognitive-behavioral telephone counseling (TC), a telemedicine clinic for access to nicotine replacement (NRT), and mobile contingency management (mCM) compared to TC and NRT alone.
Author(s): Sarah M. Wilson, Lauren P. Hair, Jeffery S. Hertzberg, et al.
Citation: Contemporary Clinical Trials, 50, 157-165
Date: 09/2016
Type: Document
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North Sunflower Medical Center Successfully Addressing Chronic Care Management
Documents North Sunflower Medical Center's (NSMC) progress as part of the Small Rural Hospital Transition (SRHT) project, particularly in the areas of discharge planning and follow-up, placing patients in the correct level of care, and chronic disease management. NSMC is a 25-bed Critical Access Hospital located in Ruleville, Mississippi.
Date: 09/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Rural Health Resource Center
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Documents North Sunflower Medical Center's (NSMC) progress as part of the Small Rural Hospital Transition (SRHT) project, particularly in the areas of discharge planning and follow-up, placing patients in the correct level of care, and chronic disease management. NSMC is a 25-bed Critical Access Hospital located in Ruleville, Mississippi.
Date: 09/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Rural Health Resource Center
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Medicare Accountable Care Organizations: Quality Performance by Geographic Categories
Using CMS 2014 and 2015 Medicare Accountable Care Organization (ACO) data, this brief examines the differences in ACO performance on 4 domains of quality measures: Patient/Caregiver Experience (PCE), Care Coordination/Patient Safety (CCP), Preventive Health (PH), and At-Risk Population (AtR) in rural and urban areas, and discusses the overall quality score of Medicare Shared Savings ACOs by geographic category.
Author(s): Xi Zhu, Keith Mueller, Thomas Vaughn, Fred Ullrich, A. Clinton MacKinney
Date: 09/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
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Using CMS 2014 and 2015 Medicare Accountable Care Organization (ACO) data, this brief examines the differences in ACO performance on 4 domains of quality measures: Patient/Caregiver Experience (PCE), Care Coordination/Patient Safety (CCP), Preventive Health (PH), and At-Risk Population (AtR) in rural and urban areas, and discusses the overall quality score of Medicare Shared Savings ACOs by geographic category.
Author(s): Xi Zhu, Keith Mueller, Thomas Vaughn, Fred Ullrich, A. Clinton MacKinney
Date: 09/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
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Findings from the Field: Medicaid Delivery Systems and Access to Care in Four States in Year Three of the ACA
Explores the experiences of four states that participated in Medicaid expansion as part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA): Colorado, Connecticut, Kentucky, and Washington. Examines what each state is doing to transition, from outreach and enrollment activities, to improving delivery systems and access to care. Contains rural-specific content and information on how the states are dealing with the expanded Medicaid population. Addresses how Community Health Centers have responded to the Medicaid expansion.
Author(s): Samantha Artiga, Robin Rudowitz, Jennifer Tolbert, Julia Paradise, Melissa Majerol
Date: 09/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: KFF
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Explores the experiences of four states that participated in Medicaid expansion as part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA): Colorado, Connecticut, Kentucky, and Washington. Examines what each state is doing to transition, from outreach and enrollment activities, to improving delivery systems and access to care. Contains rural-specific content and information on how the states are dealing with the expanded Medicaid population. Addresses how Community Health Centers have responded to the Medicaid expansion.
Author(s): Samantha Artiga, Robin Rudowitz, Jennifer Tolbert, Julia Paradise, Melissa Majerol
Date: 09/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: KFF
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