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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Racial and ethnic groups

Missing and Murdered Indigenous People
Registry, tipline, and information resource for missing and murdered American Indian and Alaska Native people hosted by the U.S. Department of the Interior's Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: Bureau of Indian Affairs
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Disaster Behavioral Health Information Series Resource Center
Resource portal provides behavioral health disaster resources. Searchable portal allows filtering by type of disaster, target audience, and resource population such as American Indians and Alaska Natives and rural populations, among other indicators.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: SAMHSA Disaster Technical Assistance Center
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Indian Health Service Upcoming Webinars
Lists the upcoming webinars by the Indian Health Service. Presents virtual discussions on a variety of topics pertaining to the health and well-being of American Indian and Alaska Native populations.
Type: Calendar/Event List
Sponsoring organization: Indian Health Service
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Hawaii Primary Care Needs Assessment Tracker
Data tool offering health statistics for the state of Hawaii, including data on population by race/ethnicity and age, health insurance coverage, income and employment, maternal health, morbidity, mortality, and oral health. Each health indicator can be broken down to offer statewide, county-level, and primary care service area data.
Additional links: Executive Summary, Video: Coffee Break Series 9, Primary Care Needs Assessment (PCNA) Tracker
Type: Database
Sponsoring organizations: Hawaii Health Matters, Hawaii State Department of Health
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Urban Indian Health Institute COVID-19 Vaccine Resources
Provides information resources to address COVID-19 and vaccine hesitancy in Native American communities. Tools include vaccination messaging and conversation guides, fact sheet, social media resources, and video interviews.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: Urban Indian Health Institute
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Indian Country ECHO
Provides learning opportunities for clinicians and staff working in American Indian and Alaska Native communities to receive specialized care training in a variety of topics including behavioral health, COVID-19, diabetes, hepatitis C, maternal and child health, substance use disorders, and more.
Type: Calendar/Event List
Sponsoring organization: Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board
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Healthy Alaskans
Details Alaska's state health improvement plan. Highlights health objectives with the goal of reaching them by 2030. Features scorecards to track progress, interactive data portal, and news bulletins, among other things.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organizations: Alaska Department of Health, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium
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Minority Health Social Vulnerability Index (SVI)
Data tool that maps social vulnerability at the county-level, which indicates communities that would most likely require support during an emergency, natural disaster, or public health crisis. Data dashboard can present data by state and can be customized based on level of vulnerability according to 6 themes, including socioeconomic status, household composition and disability status, language and minority status, healthcare infrastructure, medical vulnerability, and housing type and transportation.
Type: Map/Mapping System
Sponsoring organizations: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health
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Children Living in Poverty Even in Healthiest Counties
Offers data on child poverty by race and ethnicity at the county level based on 2019-2021 County Health Rankings. Provides a map comparing rates of child poverty for the healthiest county per state to the national average, and offers a searchable table for all counties. Discusses inequities in poverty and links between poverty and health.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: County Health Rankings & Roadmaps
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How to Conduct a Rapid Community Assessment: A Guide to Understanding Your Community's Needs Regarding COVID-19 Vaccines
Guide to help healthcare providers and other organizations understand the concerns of their communities related to COVID-19 vaccination and identify strategies to increase vaccination confidence. Includes information on addressing vaccine confidence in rural and tribal communities.
Additional links: Addendum: Considerations for Conducting Rapid Community Assessment in Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Communities, Addendum: Considerations for Conducting Rapid Community Assessment in Tribal Communities
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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