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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Primary care

National Advisory Committee on Rural Health & Human Services Meeting Minutes, Washington, DC, March 2-4, 2003
Minutes of a National Advisory Committee on Rural Health and Human Services meeting. Topics addressed include quality of care, integrating behavioral health and primary care, oral health, and aging issues.
Date: 03/2003
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Advisory Committee on Rural Health and Human Services
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Innovative Primary Care Case Management Programs Operating in Rural Communities: Case Studies of Three States
Discusses state programs that provide enhanced benefits to Medicaid beneficiaries such as enhanced primary care case management (PCCM). Includes examples from three states: Florida, North Carolina, and Oklahoma.
Additional links: Findings Brief, March 2003: Design of Enhanced Primary Care Case Management Programs Operating in Rural Communities: Lessons Learned from Three States
Author(s): Pam Silberman, Stephanie Poley, Rebecca Slifkin
Date: 01/2003
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Rural Health Research Program
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A Targeted Look at the Rural Health Care Safety Net
Report to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Discusses the safety net, the web of professionals and institutions that provide care to the poor and uninsured regardless of ability of pay. Also covers key safety net programs under the purview of the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Its findings fall into three categories: ensuring access to hospital services, ensuring access to primary care, and maintaining an adequate workforce.
Date: 04/2002
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Advisory Committee on Rural Health and Human Services
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Rural Populations and Health Care Providers: A Map Book
A collection of maps showing the geographic distribution of rural populations and the healthcare providers that serve them.
Author(s): Randy K. Randolph, Katherine Gaul, Rebecca T. Slifkin
Date: 2002
Type: Map/Mapping System
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Rural Health Research Program
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Update on the Physician Workforce
Compendium of three policy papers on the physician workforce, two of which address rural issues. The first paper provides data on the supply and distribution of physicians, including rural-specific national data, with state-by-state data in Appendix B. The second paper focuses on the rural family physician workforce, with supply projections through 2020.
Date: 08/2000
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Council on Graduate Medical Education
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Why Do Rural Primary-Care Physicians Sell Their Practices?
Evaluated why rural primary care physicians sold their practices, based on a survey in five states that looked at changes of ownership during the period from 1995 to 1998. Examined the factors that led independent physicians to sell their practices to either non-local buyers, local hospitals, or local physicians.
Author(s): Jeffrey Stensland, Michelle Brasure, Ira Moscovice
Date: 06/2000
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
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2023 Indiana Physician Data Report
An interactive data report that provides information on physician demographics, education, and distribution in Indiana. Includes links to additional sections on licensing trends, actively practicing physicians, primary care physicians and psychiatrists, and county-level geographic distribution of physicians.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: Bowen Center for Health Workforce Research and Policy
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Diabetes Risk Factors and Rurality
Offers analysis of diabetes rate data by age, uninsured status, access to primary care, child poverty, and high school diploma. Includes interactive data visualizations comparing metro and nonmetro differences at the county level. Offers a video tutorial for interacting with the data.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: National Rural Health Resource Center
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2021 New Hampshire Physician Assistant Workforce Data Report
An overview of the physician assistant workforce in New Hampshire based on data from the 2021 Physician Assistant Licensure Survey. Features statistics including demographics, principal specialties, distribution by rurality of location, payment assistance type and availability, and geographic disparities.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services
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2021 New Hampshire APRN Workforce Data Report
An overview of the advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) workforce in New Hampshire, based on license renewal data from 2021. Features statistics including demographics, practice capacity, distribution, availability of payment assistance, practice locations, and retention, with breakdowns by rural and nonrural location.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services
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