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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Primary care

Utah Office of Primary Care and Rural Health Data Portal
Offers a compilation of interactive maps of Utah on a variety of topics, including Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs), healthcare facilities, primary care grants, rural and Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs), J-1 visa awardees, approved sites for loan repayment programs, and Utah's loan repayment awards. Several maps include county-level data.
Sponsoring organization: Utah Office of Primary Care and Rural Health
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Kansas Primary Care Health Professional Shortage Areas Geographic and Low-Income County-Level Designations
Shows a map of Kansas identifying the counties designated as Primary Care Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs).
Sponsoring organization: Kansas Office of Primary Care and Rural Health
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Six Building Blocks: A Team-Based Approach to Improving Opioid Management in Primary Care
Offers a structured approach primary care providers can follow to improve management of patients on chronic opioid therapy. Includes a self-assessment, implementation guide, and links to additional resources.
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The EveryONE Project Toolkit
Provides screening tools, practice assessment resources, and other social needs information for family physicians to identify and address the social determinants of health for their patients to help improve overall health. Some resources are available in Spanish.
Sponsoring organization: American Academy of Family Physicians
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Community Health Aide Program Expansion
Details the Indian Health Service's (IHS) Community Health Aide Program (CHAP) expansion. Discusses the dental, behavioral, and community health integration program's expansion to rural American Indian communities in the lower 48 states.
Sponsoring organization: Indian Health Service
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Pain Management
Details the Indian Health Service guidelines on pain management. Features information on chronic pain, patient assessment, opioids, and other factors pertaining to the treatment of pain.
Sponsoring organization: Indian Health Service
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Nebraska Family Medicine Map
Shows family medicine state and federal shortage areas.
Sponsoring organization: Nebraska Office of Rural Health
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Kansas County-Level Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) Designations
Listing of Primary Care, Dental Health, and Mental Health HPSA designations for all counties in Kansas, including designation type (population or geographic) and HPSA score.
Sponsoring organization: Kansas Office of Primary Care and Rural Health
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Oklahoma Federally Qualified Health Center Service Sites
County-level map of Oklahoma identifying the locations of Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), FQHC service sites, geographic Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs), and primary care low income designation.
Sponsoring organization: Oklahoma Office of Primary Care and Rural Health Development
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Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSA) - Primary Care
A map of the U.S. displaying Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) and HPSA scores for primary care by county, updated daily.
Sponsoring organization: Health Resources and Services Administration
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