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Resources by Topic: Primary care

Georgia Physician Assistant Workforce Report: Based on 2019-2020 Licensure Renewal Data
Measures and tracks trends in physician assistant demographics, supply, and distribution. Features county-level maps and statistics for Georgia physician assistants, with breakdowns by location in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan practice settings.
Date: 2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Georgia Board of Health Care Workforce
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Seventh Biennial Report 2023: Health Issues for the State of North Dakota
Updates the previous six editions of this report with a comprehensive examination of healthcare workforce licensure data related to number of licensed professionals, locations, specialties, and demographics in rural and urban North Dakota. Includes a new chapter on pandemic planning and highlights the state's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Date: 2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of North Dakota School of Medicine & Health Sciences
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5-Year Strategic Plan: How Primary Care Investments Can Increase Access, Improve Quality, Lower Costs, Promote Health Equity & Address Workforce Needs
Details the New Mexico strategic plan to improve primary care by increasing access, improving healthcare quality, implementing financing reforms, promoting workforce sustainability, and integrating behavioral health into primary care. Discusses issues disproportionately represented in rural and frontier areas and provides county-level maps depicting social vulnerability and Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) recipients. Provides models and best practices in primary care with examples specific to rural areas.
Date: 2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: New Mexico Primary Care Council
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Exploring the Question of Financial Incentives for Training Amongst Non-adopters of MOUD in Rural Primary Care
Explores the role of stigma in West Virginia primary care providers' decision to undergo training to receive a medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) waiver and the effect financial incentives have on that decision. Discusses providers' perceptions of MOUD treatment and perceived barriers to attaining a waiver, among other issues.
Author(s): Treah Haggerty, Nicholas A. Turiano, Tyra Turner, Patricia Dekeseredy, Cara L. Sedney
Citation: Addiction Science and Clinical Practice, 17, 72
Date: 12/2022
Type: Document
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Roles of Race and Residence on the Incidence of Sexually Transmitted Infections in South Carolina: Improving STD Prevention and Care Through Partnerships
Slides that depict information from two presentations. The first explores the associations of race and rurality in relationship to sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among Medicaid beneficiaries in South Carolina. Utilizes South Carolina Medicaid administrative claims data from 2019 to 2021 to examine STI and HIV incidence with data broken down by age, gender, race/ethnicity, comorbidity index, urban versus rural location, and county. The second analyzes the need to provide STI care in primary health clinics and reports on case studies from 4 rural clinics who discuss a gap in STI screening and treatment as well as barriers such as workforce capacity, structural issues, and stigma.
Author(s): Elizabeth Crouch, Theodoros V. Giannouchos, Melinda A. Merrell
Date: 12/2022
Type: Presentation Slides
Sponsoring organization: Rural and Minority Health Research Center (formerly the South Carolina Rural Health Research Center)
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Advancing Equity in Cancer Prevention in Primary Care and Rural Health Settings
Discusses equity and social determinants of health related to cancer prevention in rural primary care health settings. Presents projects and collaborations from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) grantees and stakeholders to improve cancer prevention and screening. Transcript available below description.
Date: 12/2022
Type: Video/Multimedia
Sponsoring organization: Health Resources and Services Administration
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Comparing Enhancements to Well-Child Visits in the Prevention of Obesity: Encircle Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial
Analyzes care delivery models aimed at preventing obesity in disadvantaged preschool children living in rural Pennsylvania. Reports on 2,025 parents and their preschool-aged children recruited in the ENCIRCLE (patiEnt-cliNic-Community Integration to prevent obesity in Rural preschool ChiLdrEn) trial, which tests the effectiveness of enhanced well-child visits (WCVs) that include obesity prevention tools.
Author(s): Lisa Bailey-Davis, Amy M. Moore, Melissa N. Poulsen, et al.
Citation: BMC Public Health, 22, 2429
Date: 12/2022
Type: Document
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Report to the 2023 Legislature: Annual Report on Findings from the Hawai'i Physician Workforce Assessment Project
Reports on Hawaii physician workforce characteristics and shortages by county and specialty. Summarizes activities to support the physician workforce, including recruitment, rural training, and mentoring programming. Offers data on shortages by specialty and by county, as well as physician supply and demand data.
Date: 12/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Hawaii and Pacific Basin Area Health Education Centers
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Evaluation of the Primary Care First Model: First Annual Report
Provides an overview of the Primary Care First (PCF) model, which aims to enhance primary care and move primary care practitioners toward value-based payment. Describes the first performance year of the PCF model for Cohort 1 practices. Explores advanced primary care attributes that Cohort 1 practices report they possessed at the start of PCF and the approaches these practices have taken or plan to take to change how they deliver advanced primary care. Presents findings on the 13 payers that are partnering with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) as payer partners, including why they chose to partner with CMS and efforts made to align their payments with CMS in the PCF model.
Additional links: Findings at a Glance
Date: 12/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Mathematica
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Before and During Pandemic Telemedicine Use: An Analysis of Rural and Urban Safety-Net Clinics
Investigates telemedicine use for primary care before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Utilizes electronic health record data to analyze 1,015,722 patients seen in 466 different safety-net clinics. Includes demographic breakdown of patients by sex, race/ethnicity, insurance status, chronic disease status, and urban, large rural, small rural, or isolated rural residence.
Author(s): Annie E. Larson, Whitney E. Zahnd, Melinda M. Davis, et al.
Citation: American Journal of Preventative Medicine, 63(6), 1031-1036
Date: 12/2022
Type: Document
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