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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Poverty

Rural Health Research Recap: Rural Ethnic/Racial Disparities: Social and Systemic Inequities
Highlights the racial and ethnic disparities related to the social determinants of health. Breaks down rates of poverty, broadband access, education, and insurance, among other measures, of Black, Hispanic, American Indian and Alaska Native, and Asian American and Pacific Islander populations in rural and urban areas.
Date: 11/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Research Gateway
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Income Disparities Widen the Gap in Oral Health of California Adults
Policy brief discussing associations between social determinants of health (SDOH) and oral health in California adults using data from the 2017 and 2018 California Health Interview Surveys (CHIS). Describes barriers related to oral health education, literacy, access to care, and oral health screening for low-income populations. Related infographic offers a map of oral health differences by region, noting disparities in rural California counties and data on income and racial/ethnic population characteristics.
Additional links: Infographic
Author(s): Nadereh Pourat, Maria Ditter
Date: 11/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: UCLA Center for Health Policy Research
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Pipeline Programs Can Support Reforms in Medical Education: A Cohort Study of Alabama's Rural Health Leaders Pipeline to Engage Community Leaders
Presents a study examining the efficacy of a medical education pipeline program to provide healthcare professionals for rural communities in Alabama. Details the distributions of graduates throughout the state and highlights the counties by the percentage of their populations that are rural, poor, and Black, among other measures.
Author(s): John R. Wheat, James D. Leeper
Citation: Journal of Rural Health
Date: 11/2020
Type: Document
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Rural Legal Deserts Are a Critical Health Determinant
Highlights the role attorneys play in addressing social determinants of health (SDOH) during the COVID-19 pandemic and how their absence in rural areas exacerbates SDOH. Discusses the concept of "legal deserts" in rural areas, how they affect SDOH, and how things have changed during the pandemic.
Author(s): Michele Statz, Paula Termuhlen
Citation: American Journal of Public Health, 110(10), 1519-1522
Date: 10/2020
Type: Document
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The Unseen Picture: Issues with Health Care, Discrimination, Police and Safety, and Housing Experienced by Native American Populations in Rural America
Report presents a study on the experiences of rural Native American adults related to housing, discrimination, policing, and healthcare access, quality, and affordability. Compares the experiences of rural Native American and rural White adults. Breaks down data by gender, age, and U.S. region, among other measures.
Author(s): Mary T.G. Findling, Robert J. Blendon, John M. Benson, Carolyn Miller
Citation: Journal of Rural Health, 38(1), 180-186
Date: 10/2020
Type: Document
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The Impact of Coronavirus on Households Across America
Examines the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on U.S. households. Covers health, economic, and work-related impacts and related issues such as broadband access. Includes a section on problems specific to rural households. A separate report is available that focuses specifically on rural impacts of COVID-19.
Date: 09/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, National Public Radio, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
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The Supplemental Poverty Measure: 2019
Provides estimates of poverty for the official poverty measure and the supplemental poverty measure, which takes into account government programs that support low-income families. Appendix Tables 1 and 2 provide data for metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas.
Author(s): Liana Fox
Date: 09/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Census Bureau
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Income and Poverty in the United States: 2019
Reports on income levels and poverty rates for 2018 and 2019, along with the percent change from 2018 to 2019. Includes statistics for metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas. Based on data from the 2020 and earlier Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplements.
Author(s): Jessica Semega, Melissa Kollar, Emily A. Shrider, John F. Creamer
Date: 09/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Census Bureau
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The Intergenerational Cycles of Rural Health
Discusses challenges facing rural communities, including poverty, low educational attainment, poor health behaviors, and insufficient healthcare access. Explains how these factors influence one another and persist from generation to generation.
Author(s): Randy Wykoff
Citation: American Journal of Public Health, 110(9), 1279-1280
Date: 09/2020
Type: Document
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Perceptions of the Food Environment and Access among Predominantly Black Low-Income Residents of Rural Louisiana Communities
Study of food security, food access, and perceptions of the food environment among predominantly Black, low-income rural Louisiana residents. Discusses issues of food insecurity in rural areas related to financial resources, transportation, and food shopping options. Presents recurring themes from focus group discussions including 44 participants, most of whom were Black women of various ages and employment statuses, including experiences finding and buying food, fishing and hunting, and utilizing food pantries, SNAP, WIC, and other assistance programs.
Author(s): Denise Holston, Jessica Stroope, Matthew Greene, Bailey Houghtaling
Citation: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(15), 5340
Date: 08/2020
Type: Document
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