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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Policy

Key Findings from RAND Health Care Research on Telehealth Policy
Brief examining the implications of telehealth policy for emergency response, treatment for substance use disorder and opioid use disorder, access to care for service members and rural populations, and healthcare equity.
Author(s): Lori Uscher-Pines, Shira H. Fischer
Date: 2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: RAND Corporation
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Expanding Pharmacists' Prescriptive Authority: Options for Reform
Explores why states may want to consider expanding pharmacists' prescriptive authority. Presents state policy options for expanding prescriptive authority for pharmacists, including advantages and disadvantages of each and examples from states. Also addresses potential concerns about the increased prescriptive authority of pharmacists.
Author(s): James Broughel, Elise Amez-Droz
Date: 12/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Mercatus Center
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ASTHO Legislative Prospectus: Rural Health
Discusses legislative trends to support rural healthcare access and facilities. Includes information on developing loan repayment programs for medical providers in rural areas, supporting behavioral healthcare, expanding telehealth, and creating broadband infrastructure.
Date: 12/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Association of State and Territorial Health Officials
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National Advisory Council on Nurse Education and Practice (NACNEP) Meeting Minutes, December 7-8, 2021
Summarizes the National Advisory Council on Nurse Education and Practice (NACNEP) meeting held on December 7-8, 2021. Includes updates from the Bureau of Health Workforce, a discussion on expanding the nurse workforce, and information on the HRSA Nurse Corps Loan Repayment Program, among other things.
Date: 12/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Advisory Council on Nurse Education and Practice
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State Policy Changes Could Increase Access to Opioid Treatment via Telehealth
Issue brief discussing barriers to opioid use disorder (OUD) treatment via telehealth and policy recommendations to support telehealth, including reimbursement and regulatory policies. Discusses issues of broadband access, infrastructure, and data collection in relation to telehealth implementation.
Date: 12/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Pew Charitable Trusts
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Successful Implementation of the Healthy Diné Nation Act in Stores on the Navajo Nation
Highlights a study evaluating the implementation of the Healthy Diné Nation Act (HDNA), which adds a 2% tax on unhealthy foods and a 5% tax waiver for healthy foods in the grocery stores, training posts, and convenience stores across the Navajo Nation. Breaks down a timeline of the implementation process and the results from Navajo Nation stores.
Author(s): Carmen George, Carolyn Bancroft, Shine Salt, et al.
Citation: Preventive Medicine Reports, 24, 101573
Date: 12/2021
Type: Document
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Medicare and Beneficiaries Pay More for Preadmission Services at Affiliated Hospitals Than at Wholly Owned Settings
Provides an overview of the Medicare diagnosis-related group (DRG) window policy. Examines how much Medicare and Medicare beneficiaries paid affiliated settings, including Critical Access Hospitals, for admission-related outpatient services in 2019 that would have otherwise been covered by the DRG policy at wholly-owned hospitals. Offers recommendations to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for updating the DRG policy.
Date: 12/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Office of Inspector General (HHS)
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Reimagining Hunger Responses in Times of Crisis: Insights from Case Examples and a Survey of Native Communities' Food Access During COVID-19
Report examining food insecurity among American Indian and Alaska Native communities during the COVID-19 pandemic based on 504 food access survey responses. Discusses food insecurity rates in relation to respondent characteristics, resiliency of Native producers and food economies, and policy recommendations to address food access issues.
Author(s): Toni Stanger-McLaughlin, Sandy Martini, Geri Henchy, et al.
Date: 12/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Food Research & Action Center, Indigenous Food and Agriculture Initiative, Native American Agriculture Fund
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COVID-19 National Emergency: Early Trends in Hospitalizations for Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program Health Conditions and 30-Day Readmission Rates
Provides an overview of the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program (HRRP). Describes monthly trends in hospitalizations of Medicare beneficiaries for HRRP conditions before and after the implementation of COVID-19 emergency measures through September 30, 2020. Examines how monthly trends in unadjusted 30-day readmission rates before and after implementation of COVID-19 emergency measures and how these rates differ by sociodemographic characteristics, including rurality. Discusses policy opportunities and interventions to enhance post-discharge follow-up and reduce readmission rates.
Date: 12/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
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Public Health Forward: Modernizing the U.S. Public Health System
Provides a framework for policymakers and public health officials to guide investments and decision-making to implement a public health system to address challenges beyond the COVID-19 pandemic with a focus on equity. Covers six core areas: financing, laws and governance, community engagement, partnerships, workforce, and data and information technology. Highlights challenges and considerations for rural communities and Tribal nations throughout.
Date: 12/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Bipartisan Policy Center
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