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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Policy

Environmental Scan of Programs and Policies Addressing Health Disparities Among Rural Children in Poverty
Examines policies and programs aimed to address health disparities of rural children living in poverty and offers recommendations based on the findings. Provides an environmental scan of community- and state-level interventions aimed to address obesity, behavioral health, oral health, prenatal and postnatal care, and respiratory health.
Author(s): Brenda Natzke, Luke Horner
Date: 09/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Mathematica Policy Research
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NRHA Rural Proofing Tool
Policy paper describing the process of rural proofing in policy development, strategic planning, and implementation. This structured approach ensures that government policy and legislation recognizes the unique needs of healthcare in rural communities.
Author(s): David Schmitz, Elizabeth Johnsen
Date: 09/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Rural Health Association
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Promoting Active Living in Rural Communities
A summary of research, observations, policy statements, and lessons learned from rural active living interventions identifying factors within the rural environment that may contribute to higher rates of obesity in rural children and adults.
Author(s): David Hartley, Anush Hansen
Date: 09/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Active Living Research
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Performance Measurement for Rural Low-Volume Providers: Final Report
Identifies challenges to measuring healthcare performance among low-volume rural providers, and presents recommendations to meet these challenges. Primary focus is on finding appropriate quality measures for use within Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' (CMS) pay-for-performance programs and encouraging rural participation in CMS quality improvement initiatives.
Date: 09/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Quality Forum
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Overcoming Obstacles to Health Care: Transportation Models that Work
Describes effective patient-centered transportation models, provides guidance on advancing healthcare access, and addresses transportation barriers among people living in rural areas, children and the elderly, and low-income populations. Identifies recommendations and strategies that may influence state and federal transportation polices.
Date: 09/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Health Outreach Partners
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Realizing the Promise of Telehealth for Children with Special Health Care Needs
Describes how telehealth can improve access for children with special healthcare needs in California, particularly those living in rural areas. Provides an overview of California's telehealth policies, and describes how telehealth is being used in the state to meet the needs of this population.
Author(s): Jacob Vigil, Jenny Kattlove, Rebecca Litman, et al.
Date: 08/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: The Children's Partnership
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Rural Health Care Disparities Created by Medicare Regulations
Transcript of a July 28, 2015, U.S. House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee, Subcommittee on Health hearing concerning rural healthcare disparities created by Medicare regulations. Features testimony from the Arizona Center for Rural Health and leaders from two Critical Access Hospitals and one rural hospital. Covers physician shortages; graduate medical education; the impact of regulatory changes such as the 96-hour rule, the two-midnight rule, and physician supervision requirements; and more.
Additional links: Carrie Saia, Holton Community Hospital - Testimony, Daniel Derksen, Arizona Center for Rural Health - Testimony, Shannon Sorensen, Brown County Hospital - Testimony, Tim Joslin, Community Regional Medical Centers - Testimony
Date: 07/2015
Type: Video/Multimedia
Sponsoring organization: House Ways and Means Committee, Subcommittee on Health
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Community Health Centers and Telehealth: A Cost Analysis Report & Recommendations
Summarizes the findings from a study undertaken by 3 Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and 2 Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) in California to understand the costs and revenue sources for telehealth services. Includes a series of policy recommendations and suggestions for advancing the use of telehealth programs among community health centers.
Date: 07/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Center for Connected Health Policy: The National Telehealth Policy Resource Center
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What Do the Medicare and Medicaid Programs Mean to Rural Health?
On the 50th anniversary of the Medicare and Medicaid programs, five rural health experts share their insights on the impact of these programs in rural America.
Author(s): Alan Morgan, Wayne Myers, Thomas Hoyer, Thomas Ricketts, Keith Mueller
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 07/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Hospital Policy Issues: Statement by Mark Miller, Medicare Payment Advisory Commission before Subcommittee on Health, Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives
Testimony from the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission's executive director presented at a July 22nd, 2015, Ways and Means subcommittee hearing concerning Medicare hospital payment issues, rural health issues, and beneficiary access to care. Discusses Medicare's rural hospital payment adjustments, how they impact access to care, and principles to consider in evaluating rural add-on payments. Also discusses MedPAC recommendations related to graduate medical education (GME), including some related to rural training.
Author(s): Mark E. Miller
Date: 07/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: House Ways and Means Committee, Subcommittee on Health, Medicare Payment Advisory Commission
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