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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Policy

Working Families' Access to Early Childhood Education: Gaps in the Upper Valley of New Hampshire and Vermont
Highlights a study on the lack of access to child care for working parents in a rural region on the border of Vermont and New Hampshire. Compares child care costs to the median family income of the area and discusses the policy implications of these gaps.
Author(s): Jessica A. Carson
Date: 2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Carsey School of Public Policy
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Oklahoma Health Care Authority Strategic Plan 2018-2022
Offers a strategic plan for Oklahoma's Medicaid program, SoonerCare. Includes a focus on ensuring access and developing new providers and services for members in rural areas.
Date: 2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Oklahoma Health Care Authority
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The Road to ZER0: A Vision for Achieving Zero Roadway Deaths by 2050
Highlights a report that details potential traffic safety measures necessary to achieve zero roadway deaths by 2050. Discusses the different traffic safety challenges unique to rural communities, as well as successful measures that reduce rural traffic fatalities.
Author(s): Liisa Ecola, Steven W. Popper, Richard Silberglitt, Laura Fraade-Blanar
Date: 2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: National Safety Council, RAND Corporation
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What Are Rural Health Leaders Asking about Value-Based Care and Payment?
Brief highlights a survey of 60 rural healthcare leaders on value-based care and payment priorities. Details the survey questions, results, and the number of priorities ranked in top five by the participants.
Date: 2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Value
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State Innovation Models (SIM) Round 2: Model Test Annual Report Two
Second annual report on the Round 2 State Innovation Models (SIM) program across eleven participating states - Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Iowa, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Washington. Covers adoption of delivery models and payment reforms related to value-based purchasing and alternative payment models (APMs); strategies to support healthcare delivery transformation related to quality, health information technology, and workforce; and population health strategies.
Date: 2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, RTI International
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CMS Rural Health Strategy
Identifies five objectives CMS focuses on to support high quality healthcare in rural communities: applying a rural lens to CMS programs and policies, improving access through provider engagement, telehealth, patient empowerment, and leveraging partnerships. Identifies key activities to address each of the objectives.
Additional links: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Rural Strategy, Infographic
Date: 2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
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The Impact of Nurse Practitioner Scope-of-Practice Regulations in Primary Care
Examines the current and projected role of nurse practitioners (NPs) in rural and primary care settings, and discusses how changes in scope-of-practice (SOP) regulations for NPs may help alleviate healthcare access issues caused by a limited supply of physicians.
Author(s): Aziza Arifkhanova
Date: 2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: RAND Corporation
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Maryland Rural Health Plan 2018
Details the current state of rural healthcare in Maryland, including areas of need, success of existing health plans, and corresponding recommendations. Presents county-level data, including the health priorities for each rural county.
Additional links: Maryland Rural Health Plan Website
Date: 2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Maryland Rural Health Association
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Oregon Office of Rural Health Brochure
Identifies the mission and the activities of the Oregon State Office of Rural Health (SORH). Addresses workforce services supporting rural recruitment and retention, data analysis and technical assistance to strengthen rural healthcare systems, and policy development and advocacy efforts benefiting rural health.
Date: 2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Oregon Office of Rural Health
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Iowa's Marketplace Choice Summative Report
Summarizes an evaluation of the implementation of Iowa's Marketplace Choice Plan (MPC), a premium support health insurance plan for Iowans from 101-133% of the federal poverty level (FPL). Discusses the effects of the plan on member access to care, quality of care, insurance coverage gaps, and costs of providing care. Also examines the effects of the premium incentive and copayment disincentive programs on plan enrollees and the adequacy of the plan's provider network.
Author(s): Elizabeth T. Momany, Suzanne E. Bentler, Susan C. McKernan, et al.
Date: 12/2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Iowa Public Policy Center
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