Rural Health
Resources by Topic: People with disabilities
Missouri Oral Health State Snapshot
Provides state and regional snapshots and trends related to oral health in Missouri for children, Medicaid recipients, people with disabilities, older adults, and more.
Additional links: Central Region Totals, Kansas City Metro Region Totals, Northeast Region Totals, Northwest Region Totals, Southeast Region Totals, Southwest Region Totals, St. Louis Metro Region Totals
Date: 2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
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Provides state and regional snapshots and trends related to oral health in Missouri for children, Medicaid recipients, people with disabilities, older adults, and more.
Additional links: Central Region Totals, Kansas City Metro Region Totals, Northeast Region Totals, Northwest Region Totals, Southeast Region Totals, Southwest Region Totals, St. Louis Metro Region Totals
Date: 2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
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Opioid Prescribing Among Adults With Disabilities in the United States After the 2014 Federal Hydrocodone Rescheduling Regulation
Examines the impact of the 2014 federal rescheduling regulation regarding hydrocodone-combination products on Medicare beneficiaries with disabilities. Provides maps of prolonged opioid use by Medicare beneficiaries with disabilities by state before and after the regulation was implemented. Includes data analysis of beneficiaries in metropolitan, urban, and rural areas.
Author(s): Victor Law, Yong-Fang Kuo, Mukaila A. Raji, Jacques Baillargeon
Citation: Public Health Reports, 135(1), 114-123
Date: 12/2019
Type: Document
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Examines the impact of the 2014 federal rescheduling regulation regarding hydrocodone-combination products on Medicare beneficiaries with disabilities. Provides maps of prolonged opioid use by Medicare beneficiaries with disabilities by state before and after the regulation was implemented. Includes data analysis of beneficiaries in metropolitan, urban, and rural areas.
Author(s): Victor Law, Yong-Fang Kuo, Mukaila A. Raji, Jacques Baillargeon
Citation: Public Health Reports, 135(1), 114-123
Date: 12/2019
Type: Document
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Prevalence and Trends of Developmental Disabilities among Children in the United States: 2009–2017
Analyzed 2009 to 2017 National Health Interview Survey data to determine trends in 10 developmental disabilities among children. Includes data break down by age, gender, race and ethnicity, rurality, health insurance status, and more.
Author(s): Benjamin Zablotsky, Lindsey I. Black, Matthew J. Maenner, et al.
Citation: Pediatrics, 144(4), e20190811
Date: 10/2019
Type: Document
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Analyzed 2009 to 2017 National Health Interview Survey data to determine trends in 10 developmental disabilities among children. Includes data break down by age, gender, race and ethnicity, rurality, health insurance status, and more.
Author(s): Benjamin Zablotsky, Lindsey I. Black, Matthew J. Maenner, et al.
Citation: Pediatrics, 144(4), e20190811
Date: 10/2019
Type: Document
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Rural-Urban Patterns of Disability: The Role of Migration
Explores whether selective migration contributes to rural-urban disability rate disparities. Compares data for people with disability, people without disability who live in households with disability, and people without disability in households without disability. Considers rural or urban status and age. Discusses models of migration decision-making and factors associated with migration.
Author(s): Christiane von Reichert, E. Helen Berry
Citation: Population, Space and Place, 2019 (1), 1-18
Date: 10/2019
Type: Document
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Explores whether selective migration contributes to rural-urban disability rate disparities. Compares data for people with disability, people without disability who live in households with disability, and people without disability in households without disability. Considers rural or urban status and age. Discusses models of migration decision-making and factors associated with migration.
Author(s): Christiane von Reichert, E. Helen Berry
Citation: Population, Space and Place, 2019 (1), 1-18
Date: 10/2019
Type: Document
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Disability in America: Veterans with Disabilities (2017)
Displays the disability rate among veterans on the county level using data from the 2013-2017 American Community Survey (ACS).
Date: 10/2019
Type: Map/Mapping System
Sponsoring organization: Research and Training Center on Disability in Rural Communities
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Displays the disability rate among veterans on the county level using data from the 2013-2017 American Community Survey (ACS).
Date: 10/2019
Type: Map/Mapping System
Sponsoring organization: Research and Training Center on Disability in Rural Communities
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Enhancing Services for Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Deafblind Patients in Rural America
Discusses the barriers to care that rural patients who are deaf, hard of hearing, or deafblind face, including lack of accommodations and inadequate clinician training. Features a Michigan clinic with American Sign Language-fluent staff, a New Jersey state division providing deaf sensitivity training, and a Colorado program that brings interpreters to rural communities.
Author(s): Allee Mead
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 10/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Discusses the barriers to care that rural patients who are deaf, hard of hearing, or deafblind face, including lack of accommodations and inadequate clinician training. Features a Michigan clinic with American Sign Language-fluent staff, a New Jersey state division providing deaf sensitivity training, and a Colorado program that brings interpreters to rural communities.
Author(s): Allee Mead
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 10/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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The Older Population in Rural America: 2012-2016
Describes the rural older population, those 65 years and older, compared to urban older adults. Includes rural-urban data on population size for the nation, by region, and by state. Also covers demographic, social, and economic characteristics, age distribution, and sex ratio by age. Some data is available by level of rurality for mostly urban, mostly rural, and completely rural counties.
Author(s): Amy Symens Smith, Edward Trevelyan
Date: 09/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Census Bureau
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Describes the rural older population, those 65 years and older, compared to urban older adults. Includes rural-urban data on population size for the nation, by region, and by state. Also covers demographic, social, and economic characteristics, age distribution, and sex ratio by age. Some data is available by level of rurality for mostly urban, mostly rural, and completely rural counties.
Author(s): Amy Symens Smith, Edward Trevelyan
Date: 09/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Census Bureau
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ACA and Medicaid Expansion Associated with Increased Insurance Coverage for Rural Americans with Disabilities
Fact sheet exploring ways in which Affordable Care Act (ACA) policy changes and Medicaid expansion affected people with disabilities, especially those in rural areas. Features statistics including changes in insurance coverage for urban and rural people with and without disabilities from 2006-2017, and differences in coverage in Medicaid expansion or non-expansion states, with breakdowns by urban or rural locations.
Author(s): Research and Training Center on Disability in Rural Communities
Date: 09/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Montana: Rural Institute for Inclusive Communities
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Fact sheet exploring ways in which Affordable Care Act (ACA) policy changes and Medicaid expansion affected people with disabilities, especially those in rural areas. Features statistics including changes in insurance coverage for urban and rural people with and without disabilities from 2006-2017, and differences in coverage in Medicaid expansion or non-expansion states, with breakdowns by urban or rural locations.
Author(s): Research and Training Center on Disability in Rural Communities
Date: 09/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Montana: Rural Institute for Inclusive Communities
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The Impact of Geographic Isolation on Mental Disability in the United States
Examines the association between geographic isolation and mental disability using the 2000 decennial census and supplementary county-level data from other sources. Analyzes factors including social isolation, socioeconomic status, and income inequality. Discusses theoretical explanations for the relationship between isolation and mental disability, and summarizes other factors which were not modeled in the study but which may be associated with poor mental health outcomes in rural areas.
Author(s): Christopher G. Hudson, Nathan J. Doogan
Citation: SSM - Population Health, 8, 100437
Date: 08/2019
Type: Document
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Examines the association between geographic isolation and mental disability using the 2000 decennial census and supplementary county-level data from other sources. Analyzes factors including social isolation, socioeconomic status, and income inequality. Discusses theoretical explanations for the relationship between isolation and mental disability, and summarizes other factors which were not modeled in the study but which may be associated with poor mental health outcomes in rural areas.
Author(s): Christopher G. Hudson, Nathan J. Doogan
Citation: SSM - Population Health, 8, 100437
Date: 08/2019
Type: Document
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Home Equity: A Vision of Housing Security, Health and Opportunity
Provides data demonstrating the interrelationship between housing insecurity and health equity. Examines how policies and racism have impacted housing stability in Colorado's rural, urban, and suburban communities. Looks at the challenges to housing security faced by communities of color, undocumented immigrants, people with disabilities, families with children, low income households, rural communities, and homelessness populations. Suggests housing policies that may impact communities and improve housing security.
Date: 08/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Colorado Health Institute
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Provides data demonstrating the interrelationship between housing insecurity and health equity. Examines how policies and racism have impacted housing stability in Colorado's rural, urban, and suburban communities. Looks at the challenges to housing security faced by communities of color, undocumented immigrants, people with disabilities, families with children, low income households, rural communities, and homelessness populations. Suggests housing policies that may impact communities and improve housing security.
Date: 08/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Colorado Health Institute
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