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Resources by Topic: Nurses

Eighth Biennial Report 2025: Health Issues for the State of North Dakota
Updates the previous seven editions of this report with a comprehensive examination of healthcare workforce licensure data related to number of licensed professionals, locations, specialties, and demographics in rural and urban North Dakota. Includes three new chapters on indigenous health, women's and children's health, and the community impacts of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.
Additional links: Executive Summary
Date: 01/2025
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of North Dakota School of Medicine & Health Sciences
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Select Committee on Advancing Rural and Small Town Health Care Final Report - To the General Assembly of Virginia
Recommendations for improvement in healthcare in rural Virginia, based on information from meetings with providers and citizens in rural areas. Areas of focus are health workforce, maternal health, dental care, obesity, telehealth, and transportation.
Date: 12/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Commonwealth of Virginia, House Select Committee on Advancing Rural and Small Town Health Care
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Trends in New York Registered Nurse Graduations, 2014-2023
Summarizes New York State's registered nurse (RN) education pipeline and identifies barriers and facilitators to the production of RNs at regional and state levels. Features statistics including percent of active New York RNs working in rural areas.
Author(s): Robert Martiniano, Sage Shirey
Date: 12/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Center for Health Workforce Studies
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Connecting Unstably Housed Veterans Living in Rural Areas to Health Care: Perspectives From Health Care Navigators
Highlights a study of VA healthcare navigators (HCNs) effectiveness in helping rural veterans experiencing housing instability access healthcare services. Explores interpersonal, intrapersonal, and community-level barriers and facilitators to HCN services.
Author(s): Kalea Jones, Meagan Cusack, Gala True, et al.
Citation: Health Services Research, 59(S2), e14316
Date: 12/2024
Type: Document
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Effects of Rural Hospital Closures on Nurse Staffing Levels and Health Care Utilization at Nearby Hospitals
Analyzes healthcare utilization and nurse staffing levels when nearby rural hospitals close. Utilizes 2014-2019 American Hospital Association Survey data to examine vocational nurse/licensed practical nurse (LPN), registered nurse (RN), and advanced practice nurse (APN) staffing levels as well as inpatient and outpatient surgical operations and emergency department (ED) visits within 4 years of a hospital closure.
Author(s): Jing Dong, Siying Liu, Asefeh Faraz Covelli, Guido Cataife
Citation: Health Economics, 33(12), 2687-2707
Date: 12/2024
Type: Document
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State of the U.S. Health Care Workforce, 2024
Offers demographic data on a variety of health professions from data sources between 2019 and 2023. Examines distribution, education and licensing, and projected shortages for the physician, nursing, and oral health fields. Describes challenges contributing to health workforce shortages. Highlights nonmetropolitan workforce shortages and state by state comparison of physician distribution.
Date: 11/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Health Resources and Services Administration, National Center for Health Workforce Analysis
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Interconnected: The Future of Nursing Homes & Elder Care Across Minnesota
A recorded webinar in which an expert panel discusses the issue of an aging populace in Minnesota alongside a decrease in skilled nursing care capacity. Focuses on regional supply and demand data, business models and facility closures, and policy to improve elder care in Minnesota. Transcript available below description.
Additional links: Presentation Slides
Author(s): Kim Brenne, Erin Huppert, Kathy Messerli, Barb Jezorski, Jason Anderson
Date: 11/2024
Type: Video/Multimedia
Sponsoring organization: Center for Rural Policy and Development
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The Declining Capacity of Nursing Facility Care in Rural Minnesota
Discusses the increasing demand for professional long-term care in Minnesota alongside the decreasing capacity of nursing facility availability. Provides information and statistics on projected demand through 2045, number of available nursing facilities and beds, changes in demand trends, workforce needs, and more, with breakdowns according to county and urbanicity.
Additional links: Summary
Author(s): Kelly Asche
Date: 11/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Center for Rural Policy and Development
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Nurse Workforce Projections, 2022-2037
Offers nursing workforce projections, using historical data up to and including some data from 2022. Features statistics for projected supply and demand for selected nursing occupations in years 2027, 2032, and 2037, projected shortages of registered nurses (RNs) in these years with breakdowns by metro and nonmetro areas, and a list of 10 states with the largest projected shortages of RNs in 2037.
Date: 11/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Bureau of Health Workforce
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Transitional Palliative Care for Family Caregivers: Outcomes From a Randomized Controlled Trial
Examines the influence of mentoring from a palliative care nurse on family caregivers in rural and medically underserved areas of three states. Analyzes adult caregivers from 2018-2022 after their care recipient who utilized inpatient palliative care was discharged from the hospital. Compares a control group who received only monthly phone calls with an intervention group who received teaching, guidance, and counseling. Discusses importance of both caregiver support and patient wellness.
Author(s): Joan M. Griffin, Jay N. Mandrekar, Catherine E. Vanderboom, et al.
Citation: Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 68(5), 456-466
Date: 11/2024
Type: Document
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