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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Mortality

Alabama: 113 Causes of Death by County of Residence, Race, and Sex, 2021
Provides county-by-county data on cause of death in Alabama in 2021. Includes totals and rates, and makes comparisons by race and sex.
Date: 2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Alabama Center for Health Statistics, Alabama Department of Public Health
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South Dakota Vital Statistics Report: A State and County Comparison of Leading Health Indicators, 2021
Report outlines South Dakota's vital statistics by health indicators and by county. Highlights markers of health and wellness, such as natality, infant mortality, and infectious disease, among other measures. Breaks down data by county.
Date: 2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: South Dakota Department of Health
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South Dakota Health Status Maps, 2021 Vital Statistics
A collection of maps identifying the health status and related population characteristics of South Dakota residents by county. Includes information on prenatal care and births, chronic disease, mortality rates, and more.
Date: 2021
Type: Map/Mapping System
Sponsoring organization: South Dakota Department of Health
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Cancer In Alaska Native People 1969–2018: The 50-Year Report
Provides cancer data on Alaskan Natives including leading cancers, incidence and trends by cancer site, cancer mortality and trends by cause, and information specific to Alaskan regions. Includes data breakdowns according to sex.
Additional links: Executive Summary
Author(s): Garrett Zimpelman, Keri Miller, Donna Carlo, et al.
Date: 2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium
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Maternity Care Deserts and Pregnancy-Associated Mortality in Louisiana
Results of a study exploring whether living in a county with no hospital offering obstetric care and no OB/GYN or certified nurse midwife providers was associated with risk of death during pregnancy and up to 1 year postpartum among women in Louisiana from 2016–2017. Features demographics, county-level maps showing level of access to maternity care, and statistics
Author(s): Maeve Wallace, Lauren Dyer, Erica Felker-Kantor, et al.
Citation: Women's Health Issues, 31(2), 122-129
Date: 2021
Type: Document
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2016-2020 South Dakota Primary Care Needs Assessment
Findings of a comprehensive analysis and needs assessment of South Dakota counties and their potential areas of need in primary healthcare. Includes sections on tribal populations, Medicaid, telehealth, Health Professional Shortage Areas, Rural Health Clinics, Critical Access Hospitals, behavioral health, substance abuse, and educational opportunities for the primary care workforce. Features county-by-county statistics for various health indicators.
Date: 2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: South Dakota Office of Rural Health
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Missouri Primary Care Needs Assessment (PCNA) 2020
Analyzes Missouri's unmet healthcare needs and lack of access to healthcare services, and evaluates resources and services necessary to overcome health disparities in Missouri. Features statistics on Health Professional Shortage Areas, various incentive programs, and 33 primary care health indicators, with breakdowns by urban and rural locations.
Author(s): Sara Davenport, Laura Hart, Aleesha Jones, et al.
Date: 2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Missouri Office of Rural Health and Primary Care
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Leading Causes of Death and Health Disparities Among the American Indian and Alaska Native Population in Arizona
Highlights the health disparities and major causes of death faced by American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities in Arizona to serve as a guide for tribal leaders and organizations when developing programs focused on improving AI/AN health. Includes information and data derived from Arizona population health and vital statistics, United States Census Bureau, and the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) on chronic disease, causes of death, and behavioral risk factors for AI/AN populations.
Date: 2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Arizona Department of Health Services
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Missouri Maternal-Infant Health: State and Regional Actions Impacting Care Delivery and Health Outcomes
Provides an overview of maternal and infant morbidity and mortality in Missouri. Profiles regional and state-wide efforts to address the drivers of severe maternal morbidity and mortality and improve maternal and infant health outcomes, including rural-specific projects.
Author(s): Reggi Rideout, Sue Kendig, Alison Williams
Date: 2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Missouri Hospital Association
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Health Disparities Report 2021
Report examining health disparity trends based on data from America's Health Rankings reports. Offers reports by state and discusses disparities related to social and economic factors, physical environment, clinical care, behaviors, and health outcomes. Most state reports offer data comparisons by metro and non-metro residence.
Additional links: Executive Brief, State Summaries
Date: 2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: United Health Foundation
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