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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Mental health

Texas Mental Health and Stress
Offers information on farmer mental health and stress management resources, including the AgriStress Helpline for Texas.
Type: Hotline
Sponsoring organizations: AgriSafe Network, University of Texas at Tyler Health Science Center
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Pennsylvania Mental Wellness Resources for the Agriculture Community
Offers mental health resources for farmers in Pennsylvania, including the AgriStress Helpline for Pennsylvania.
833.897.AGRI (833.897.2474)
Type: Hotline
Sponsoring organizations: AgriSafe Network, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture
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Minnesota Hospital-Treated Suicidal and Self-Harm Injury
Presents 2016-2020 suicidal injury and ideation rates in Minnesota according to age, county, sex, mechanism, and survival.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: Minnesota Department of Health
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Down on the Farm Training Kit
Provides materials for a 3-hour workshop to teach people in agricultural communities to recognize and respond in cases when a farmer or farm family member may require help dealing with farm stress. Offers a PowerPoint slide deck and facilitator's guide.
Type: Tutorial/Training
Sponsoring organizations: AgCentric Northern Center of Agricultural Excellence, Minnesota Department of Agriculture
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PubMed Search: Rural Response to Farmer Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
Searches PubMed's collection of journal article citations on farmer mental health and suicide prevention published in the U.S.
Type: Literature Search
Sponsoring organization: U.S. National Library of Medicine
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Colorado Agricultural Addiction and Mental Health Program
Offers resources to support mental health and addiction services for Colorado agricultural and rural communities, including vouchers to access mental health providers who understand agriculture and support sympathetic care. Services are available through telehealth, where preferred by participants.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organizations: Colorado AgrAbility, Colorado Cattlemen's Agricultural Land Trust, Colorado Department of Agriculture, Colorado Office of Behavioral Health, Colorado State University Extension, Energize Colorado, Farm Bureau Federation, Goodwill of Colorado, Rocky Mountain Farmers Union, The Colorado Trust
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Coping with Rural Stress
Offers information and resources related to rural and farm stress, including the Minnesota Extension Farm Information Line, resources on mental health and stress, and information on helping children and parents cope with stress.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: University of Minnesota Extension
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Mental Health America Warmlines
Presents a list of mental health warmlines, or non-emergency support lines, available throughout the country. Highlights the number for the state, or region within the state, and the hours of operation.
Type: Hotline
Sponsoring organization: Mental Health America
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PLACES: Local Data for Better Health
Interactive mapping system providing chronic disease related data at the county, place, census tract, and ZIP code level. Covers measures related to health status, health outcomes, prevention, health risk behaviors, health-related social needs, and social determinants of health.
Additional links: Compare Measures, Interactive Map, PLACES Data Portal
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Rural Resilience: Farm Stress Training
A self-paced online course for groups that work with farmers and ranchers to learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of stress and suicide, ways to effectively communicate with people under stress, and how to reduce stigma related to mental health concerns.
Type: Tutorial/Training
Sponsoring organizations: American Farm Bureau Federation, Farm Credit, Michigan State University Extension, National Farmers Union, University of Illinois Extension
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