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Resources by Topic: Medicare

MedPAC Report to the Congress: Medicare and the Health Care Delivery System, June 2013
Includes chapters on Medicare and ambulatory settings, bundling payments for post acute care, hospice, reducing hospital admissions, dual eligible beneficiaries, and Medicare payments for ambulance services, physicians, and outpatient therapy. Mentions rural throughout.
Date: 06/2013
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Medicare Payment Advisory Commission
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Comparing Rural and Urban Medicare Part D Enrollment Patterns and Prescription Drug Coverage Rates
Examines Medicare Part D enrollment rates in rural and urban areas and the resulting impact on rural beneficiaries' overall prescription drug coverage rates.
Author(s): Yvonne Jonk, Heidi O'Connor, Michelle Casey, Ira Moscovice
Date: 05/2013
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
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September 2012: Medicare Advantage Enrollment Update
Policy brief discussing 2012 rural Medicare Advantage enrollment data. Describes the distribution of enrollment plans by type.
Author(s): Sarah Sayavong, Leah Kemper, Abby Barker, Timothy McBride, Keith Mueller
Date: 04/2013
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
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Profile of Rural Health Clinics: Clinic & Medicare Patient Characteristics: Review of 2009 Medicare Outpatient Claims Data
Reports on the clinic-level characteristics and geographic distribution of rural health clinics, and overviews the Medicare beneficiaries they served.
Author(s): Andrea D. Radford, Denise A. Kirk, Hilda A. Howard, Mark Holmes
Date: 03/2013
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Rural Health Research Program
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MedPAC Report to the Congress: Medicare Payment Policy, 2013
Annual review of Medicare payment policies, with recommendations to Congress. Discussions of rural aspects of Medicare payment policies are included throughout the report.
Date: 03/2013
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Medicare Payment Advisory Commission
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Rural Hospital Participation in the Medicare Shared Savings Program
Proposes modifications to the Medicare Shared Savings Programs (MSSP) and the Advanced Payment Program to help transform the healthcare delivery system in rural communities. Discusses expanding Medicare beneficiaries in rural communities from a single primary care provider to a Community Care Organization (CCO) with shared savings payments and providing early payments to CCOs to support infrastructure and chronic disease management.
Author(s): Lynn Barr
Date: 02/2013
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Rural Health Association
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June 2012: Rural MA Enrollment and Premium Update
Presents key findings on rural Medicare Advantage (MA) enrollment and on rural Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) enrollment.
Author(s): Leah Kemper, Abigail Barker, Timothy D. McBride, Keith Mueller
Date: 02/2013
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
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Telehealth and Medicare: Payment Policy, Current Use, and Prospects for Growth
Examines growth in Medicare paid telehealth services by analyzing claims data matched to patient zip codes and provider characteristics. Includes a map of Medicare beneficiaries using telehealth by county of residence and analysis on the types of telehealth services provided.
Author(s): Matlin Gilman, Jeff Stensland
Citation: Medicare & Medicaid Research Review, 3(4)
Date: 2013
Type: Document
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Implications of Proposed Changes to Rural Hospital Payment Designations
Discusses the short-term policy implications of proposed changes to the designation and payment guidelines for small rural hospitals. Focuses on proposed changes to rural Medicare payments for hospitals and physicians, as well as a proposal to change the CAH distance requirements.
Date: 12/2012
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Advisory Committee on Rural Health and Human Services
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Profile of Rural Health Clinics: Medicare Payments & Common Diagnoses: Review of 2009 Medicare Outpatient Claims Data
Presents a summary profile of Medicare billing and reimbursement activity for independent and provider-based Rural Health Clinics (RHCs).
Author(s): Andrea D. Radford, Denise A. Kirk, Hilda A. Howard
Date: 12/2012
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Rural Health Research Program
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