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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Medicare

Rural/Urban Disparities in Pneumococcal Vaccine Service Delivery Among the Fee-for-Service Medicare Population
Describes a study to identify disparities in vaccine provision to people ages 65 and over, and to assess the impact of pharmacies as alternate site providers in rural areas. Includes statistics on pneumococcal vaccine services provided by fee-for-service pharmacies and primary care providers, with breakdowns by rural and urban frequency, and a state-level map with rate of service delivery per eligible population, using 2014 data.
Author(s): Jeffery C. Talbert, Aric Schadler, Patricia R. Freeman
Date: 02/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural and Underserved Health Research Center
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Rural Health Care Costs: Are They Higher and Why Might They Differ from Urban Health Care Costs?
Explores issues surrounding healthcare costs and investigates differences between rural and urban expenditures. Includes statistics on Medicare fee-for-service expenditures in 2014 with breakdowns by metropolitan and non-metropolitan status.
Author(s): Dunc Williams, Mark Holmes
Citation: North Carolina Medical Journal, 79(1), 51-55
Date: 01/2018
Type: Document
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2018 OPPS Medicare Part B Payment Impact Analysis
Examines how changes to the CY 2018 Medicare Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) will impact hospitals' net Part B payments. Discusses the payment reduction for drugs purchased through the 340B Program and how the reduction will affect rural and urban hospitals. Includes a state-by-state analysis of aggregate impacts.
Additional links: Full Report
Date: 01/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Avalere
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Taking Stock: Policy Opportunities for Advancing Rural Health
Examines the progress of health system transformation and discusses the challenges that remain for rural people, places, and providers. Organized around seven main topics: Medicare, Medicaid and CHIP, insurance coverage and affordability, quality, healthcare finance and system transformation, workforce, and population health. Provides background information on each topic and shares policy suggestions for addressing each topic's most pressing issues.
Author(s): Keith J. Mueller, Charles Alfero, Andrew F. Coburn, et al.
Date: 01/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Policy Research Institute Rural Health Panel
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An Interim Evaluation Report of the Innovative Projects Portfolio of the Medicare Flex Grant Program
Provides background on the Flex Program and the Integration of Innovative Health Care Models (Innovative Projects) program area. Evaluates the impact of the Innovative Projects program area across seven participating states, focusing on activities involving the transition to value-based care, telehealth, care coordination, quality improvement, and system delivery in rural communities. Final implementation results are described in Implementation and Early Results of the Flex Program's Innovative Models Program Area: Final Evaluation Report.
Author(s): Sara Kahn-Troster, John Gale, Anush Hansen, Andrew Coburn
Date: 01/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Flex Monitoring Team
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The Impact of the Vermont Support and Services at Home Program on Healthcare Expenditures
The Support and Services at Home (SASH) program helps rural and urban program participants access healthcare and support services in order to maintain their health and age securely and safely in their homes. Report estimates the impact of the Vermont SASH program on Medicare expenditures.
Author(s): Amy Kandilov, Vince Keyes, Martijn van Hasselt, et al.
Citation: Cityscape, 20(2)
Date: 2018
Type: Document
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Cost of Practice Transformation in Primary Care: Joining an Accountable Care Organization
Examines the cost of becoming part of an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) for Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) using data from over 800 RHCs in nine states. Compares the cost per patient of RHCs that were part of the Medicare Shared Savings Program to a similar group of RHCs that were not part of the program.
Author(s): Richard Hofler, Judith Ortiz, Brian Cote
Citation: Journal of Health Care Finance, 44(3), 1-16
Date: 2018
Type: Document
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Connected Care Toolkit: Chronic Care Management Resources for Health Care Professionals and Communities
A guide for healthcare professionals to support them in offering chronic care management (CCM) services. Provides links to CMS resources, including guides targeted to Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) and Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs). Also includes educational materials to help patients understand CCM services.
Date: 2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
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State Innovation Models (SIM) Round 2: Model Test Annual Report Two
Second annual report on the Round 2 State Innovation Models (SIM) program across eleven participating states - Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Iowa, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Washington. Covers adoption of delivery models and payment reforms related to value-based purchasing and alternative payment models (APMs); strategies to support healthcare delivery transformation related to quality, health information technology, and workforce; and population health strategies.
Date: 2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, RTI International
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CMS Rural Health Strategy
Identifies five objectives CMS focuses on to support high quality healthcare in rural communities: applying a rural lens to CMS programs and policies, improving access through provider engagement, telehealth, patient empowerment, and leveraging partnerships. Identifies key activities to address each of the objectives.
Additional links: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Rural Strategy, Infographic
Date: 2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
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