Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Medicaid
April 2021 MACPAC Meeting Transcript
Transcript from the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission's (MACPAC) April 2021 meeting. Covers the review of draft chapters and recommendations regarding high-cost specialty drugs, improving integration through dual-eligible special needs plans (D-SNPs), access to mental health services for adults, access to behavioral health services for children and adolescents, electronic health records as a tool for behavioral health services integration, and the non-emergency medical transportation benefit. Also details lessons from states on rebalancing, ensuring quality in Medicaid and CHIP, and what states are learning from the expanded use of telehealth.
Date: 04/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission
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Transcript from the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission's (MACPAC) April 2021 meeting. Covers the review of draft chapters and recommendations regarding high-cost specialty drugs, improving integration through dual-eligible special needs plans (D-SNPs), access to mental health services for adults, access to behavioral health services for children and adolescents, electronic health records as a tool for behavioral health services integration, and the non-emergency medical transportation benefit. Also details lessons from states on rebalancing, ensuring quality in Medicaid and CHIP, and what states are learning from the expanded use of telehealth.
Date: 04/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission
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Examining the Potential for Additional Rebalancing of Long-Term Services and Supports
Explores efforts to rebalance long-term services and supports (LTSS) for older adults and people with disabilities toward home and community-based settings. Profiles five states with lower levels of rebalancing compared to the national average: Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, North Dakota, and West Virginia. Presents findings from interviews with federal and state officials, as well as other stakeholders involved with Medicaid LTSS systems and beneficiaries. Discusses how the COVID-19 public health emergency and flexibilities influenced LTSS services in these states. Offers future considerations for federal and state governments when addressing barriers to home and community-based services.
Date: 04/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Center for Health Care Strategies, Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission, RTI International
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Explores efforts to rebalance long-term services and supports (LTSS) for older adults and people with disabilities toward home and community-based settings. Profiles five states with lower levels of rebalancing compared to the national average: Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, North Dakota, and West Virginia. Presents findings from interviews with federal and state officials, as well as other stakeholders involved with Medicaid LTSS systems and beneficiaries. Discusses how the COVID-19 public health emergency and flexibilities influenced LTSS services in these states. Offers future considerations for federal and state governments when addressing barriers to home and community-based services.
Date: 04/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Center for Health Care Strategies, Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission, RTI International
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Medicaid and Rural Health
Provides an overview of rural residents, including socioeconomic characteristics, insurance status, and health status. Explores the availability of healthcare providers in rural areas, with a focus on primary care providers and hospitals. Discusses the role of Medicaid in rural health, as well as Medicaid policies and services that are important for providing healthcare in rural communities.
Date: 04/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission
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Provides an overview of rural residents, including socioeconomic characteristics, insurance status, and health status. Explores the availability of healthcare providers in rural areas, with a focus on primary care providers and hospitals. Discusses the role of Medicaid in rural health, as well as Medicaid policies and services that are important for providing healthcare in rural communities.
Date: 04/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission
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Supporting and Sustaining Rural Hospitals
Describes state and federal actions to support and safeguard rural hospitals. Discusses appropriated funding opportunities for struggling hospitals, Medicaid coverage and eligibility, alternative payment models, and technical assistance programs.
Author(s): Noah Cruz
Date: 04/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Conference of State Legislatures
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Describes state and federal actions to support and safeguard rural hospitals. Discusses appropriated funding opportunities for struggling hospitals, Medicaid coverage and eligibility, alternative payment models, and technical assistance programs.
Author(s): Noah Cruz
Date: 04/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Conference of State Legislatures
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American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (P.L. 117-2): Private Health Insurance, Medicaid, CHIP, and Medicare Provisions
Provides an overview of the provisions of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 that relate to private health insurance, Medicaid, the State Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and Medicare. Includes information on provisions specific to rural providers.
Date: 04/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Congressional Research Service
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Provides an overview of the provisions of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 that relate to private health insurance, Medicaid, the State Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and Medicare. Includes information on provisions specific to rural providers.
Date: 04/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Congressional Research Service
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Strengthening Primary Care and Improving Population Health: Nebraska's Approach
Explores efforts to strengthen primary care in Nebraska through Patient-Centered Medical Homes, Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), and the Comprehensive Primary Care Plus program. Discusses the development of pilot programs and a partnership with a local nonprofit and the University of Nebraska College of Public Health.
Author(s): Martha Hostetter, Sarah Klein
Date: 04/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Milbank Memorial Fund
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Explores efforts to strengthen primary care in Nebraska through Patient-Centered Medical Homes, Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), and the Comprehensive Primary Care Plus program. Discusses the development of pilot programs and a partnership with a local nonprofit and the University of Nebraska College of Public Health.
Author(s): Martha Hostetter, Sarah Klein
Date: 04/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Milbank Memorial Fund
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Testimony: Medicaid and CHIP in the U.S. Territories
Presents the statement of the Executive Director of Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission in a hearing before the U.S. House of Representatives' Committee on Energy and Commerce's Subcommittee on Health regarding the role Medicaid and CHIP play in securing healthcare access in the U.S Territories. Compares current funding through Medicaid for the Territories with the projected funding if no action is taken.
Author(s): Anne L. Schwartz
Date: 03/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission
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Presents the statement of the Executive Director of Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission in a hearing before the U.S. House of Representatives' Committee on Energy and Commerce's Subcommittee on Health regarding the role Medicaid and CHIP play in securing healthcare access in the U.S Territories. Compares current funding through Medicaid for the Territories with the projected funding if no action is taken.
Author(s): Anne L. Schwartz
Date: 03/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission
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Telehealth & Medicaid: A Policy Webinar Series
Summarizes a series of webinars on Medicaid telehealth policy changes during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Topics covered include telehealth policy developments related to the public health emergency (PHE), Medicaid program engagement and education of healthcare providers, patient education and engagement to increase telehealth access, and discussions of the future of telehealth policy. Offers specific examples from state-level Medicaid programs, with charts and data on telehealth utilization and outcomes.
Date: 03/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Center for Connected Health Policy: The National Telehealth Policy Resource Center
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Summarizes a series of webinars on Medicaid telehealth policy changes during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Topics covered include telehealth policy developments related to the public health emergency (PHE), Medicaid program engagement and education of healthcare providers, patient education and engagement to increase telehealth access, and discussions of the future of telehealth policy. Offers specific examples from state-level Medicaid programs, with charts and data on telehealth utilization and outcomes.
Date: 03/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Center for Connected Health Policy: The National Telehealth Policy Resource Center
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Report to Congress on Medicaid and CHIP, March 2021
Reports on five aspects of Medicaid: 1) improving Medicaid's responsiveness during economic downturns; 2) addressing concerns about high rates of maternal morbidity and mortality; 3) reexamining Medicaid's estate recovery policies; 4) integrating care for people who are dually eligible for Medicaid and Medicare; and 5) improving hospital payment policy for the nation's safety-net hospitals. Chapter 5 examines the relationship between disproportionate share hospital (DSH) allotments to states and the number of uninsured individuals, the amounts and sources of hospitals' uncompensated care costs, and the amounts and sources of hospitals' uncompensated care costs. Table 5-1 details DSH spending for urban and rural hospitals and for Critical Access Hospitals.
Date: 03/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission
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Reports on five aspects of Medicaid: 1) improving Medicaid's responsiveness during economic downturns; 2) addressing concerns about high rates of maternal morbidity and mortality; 3) reexamining Medicaid's estate recovery policies; 4) integrating care for people who are dually eligible for Medicaid and Medicare; and 5) improving hospital payment policy for the nation's safety-net hospitals. Chapter 5 examines the relationship between disproportionate share hospital (DSH) allotments to states and the number of uninsured individuals, the amounts and sources of hospitals' uncompensated care costs, and the amounts and sources of hospitals' uncompensated care costs. Table 5-1 details DSH spending for urban and rural hospitals and for Critical Access Hospitals.
Date: 03/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission
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Sources of Insurance Coverage in Nonmetropolitan Areas: The Role of Public and Private Insurance Since 2009
Describes regional variation in insurance coverage rates, using the American Community Survey 5-year estimates from 2009-2013 and 2013-2017 to compare types of health insurance coverage for people less than 65 years of age. Features statistics including share of nonmetropolitan nonelderly population per region, health insurance rates for nonelderly with breakdowns by metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas, and source of health insurance for nonelderly by region.
Author(s): Linda Li, Matthew Najarian, Abigail R. Barker, Timothy D. McBride, Keith J. Mueller
Date: 03/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
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Describes regional variation in insurance coverage rates, using the American Community Survey 5-year estimates from 2009-2013 and 2013-2017 to compare types of health insurance coverage for people less than 65 years of age. Features statistics including share of nonmetropolitan nonelderly population per region, health insurance rates for nonelderly with breakdowns by metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas, and source of health insurance for nonelderly by region.
Author(s): Linda Li, Matthew Najarian, Abigail R. Barker, Timothy D. McBride, Keith J. Mueller
Date: 03/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
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