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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Healthcare business and finance

The Virginia Health Care Landscape
Provides an overview of Virginia's demographics, state economy, population health, insurance coverage, Medicaid beneficiaries, and safety net providers, including Critical Access Hospitals. Includes some discussion of rural healthcare issues.
Date: 05/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: KFF
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Safety Net Clinics Serving the Elderly in Rural Areas: Rural Health Clinic Patients Compared to Federally Qualified Health Center Patients
Compares the distribution of Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) and nonmetro Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs). Looks at how the Medicare populations served by these types of facilities differ, including their age distribution.
Author(s): Andrea D. Radford, Victoria A. Freeman, Denise A. Kirk, Hilda A. Howard, Mark Holmes
Date: 05/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Rural Health Research Program
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The Affordable Care Act and Insurance Coverage in Rural Areas
Examines differences in urban and rural populations and health insurance coverage patterns and assesses how ACA coverage reforms will affect rural and metropolitan areas in different ways.
Author(s): Vann Newkirk, Anthony Damico
Date: 05/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: KFF
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A Guide to Understanding the Variation in Premiums in Rural Health Insurance Marketplaces
Discusses several factors to consider when comparing health insurance plans in the health insurance exchange marketplace created by the Affordable Care Act across geographic areas. Addresses impacts for rural areas.
Author(s): Abigail R. Barker, Timothy D. McBride, Leah M. Kemper, Keith Mueller
Date: 05/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
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Ready or Not? How Community Health Centers View Their Preparedness to Care for Newly Insured Patients
Surveys Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) on their preparedness for the anticipated growth in patients due to more people having obtained health insurance under the enactment of the Affordable Care Act. Addresses workforce challenges and mentions rural throughout.
Author(s): Melinda K. Abrams, Michelle M. Doty, Jamie Ryan, Dominique Hall, Pamela Riley
Date: 05/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Commonwealth Fund
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High Deductible Health Insurance Plans in Rural Areas
Examines whether rural residents with private insurance are more likely to have a high deductible health insurance plan (HDHP) than urban residents, and if it differs by location in remote, rural areas. Addresses differences in income and education and offers recommendations related to the Health Insurance Marketplaces.
Additional links: Policy Brief: Rural Residents More Likely to be Enrolled in High Deductible Health Plans
Author(s): Jennifer D. Lenardson, Erika C. Ziller, Andrew F. Coburn
Date: 05/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Maine Rural Health Research Center
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National Advisory Committee on Rural Health & Human Services Meeting Minutes, Omaha, Nebraska, April 28-30, 2014
Provides a summary of the National Advisory Committee on Rural Health and Human Services meeting. Discusses challenges of the Affordable Care Act in rural areas, related marketplace and health insurance premiums research, and rural homelessness. Addresses some rural health challenges for Nebraska and Iowa.
Date: 04/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Advisory Committee on Rural Health and Human Services
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The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010: Impacts on Rural People, Places, and Providers: A Second Look
Addresses the impact of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act on rural communities with a focus on health insurance coverage, Medicare and Medicaid payment, quality and delivery system reform, public health, healthcare workforce, and long-term care.
Author(s): Andrew F. Coburn, Jennifer P. Lundblad, A. Clinton MacKinney, et al.
Date: 04/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Policy Research Institute Rural Health Panel
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Medicare Accountable Care Organizations: Program Eligibility, Beneficiary Assignment, and Quality Measures
Discusses the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) eligibility, participation requirements, beneficiary assignment processes, and quality measures to assist rural providers considering Accountable Care Organization (ACO) formation.
Author(s): A. Clinton MacKinney, Keith J. Mueller, Xi Zhu, Thomas Vaughn
Date: 04/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
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California State Health Care Innovation Plan
Describes California's plan to reform their healthcare system to meet the Triple Aim of better health, better healthcare, and lower costs. Discusses the proposed payment and delivery system initiatives supporting team-based care with a focus on maternity care, health homes, palliative care, and accountable care communities. Addresses the needed building blocks to support health, healthcare transformation, and payment reform including workforce training, health information technology technical assistance and research, development of cost and quality reporting systems, and payment reform.
Additional links: Appendices
Date: 03/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: California Health and Human Services Agency
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