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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Healthcare business and finance

Young Entrepreneurs Help Remold Rural Healthcare in Oregon Through Membership Payment Model
Highlights the Orchid Clinic, which has found success by providing primary care to low-income rural residents via a paid membership model.
Author(s): Candi Helseth
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 11/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Successful Health Insurance Outreach, Education, and Enrollment Strategies for Rural Hospitals
Shares best practices for hospitals to use in health insurance outreach and enrollment efforts based on interviews with administrators, staff, and community representatives at 11 small rural hospitals in 9 states. Also discusses certified application counselors, who help individuals enroll in health insurance, and the importance of using collaborative community partnerships to conduct insurance enrollment outreach and education.
Author(s): Walter Gregg, Alex Evenson, Adeniyi Togun
Date: 11/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
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Intensity of Service Provision for Medicare Beneficiaries Utilizing Home Health Services: A Closer Look at Cerebrovascular Disease, Diabetes, and Joint Replacement
Reports on the impact of home health services provided to the rural elderly receiving Medicare based on the number of visits, the use of rehabilitation specialists, and the median payment per claim. Includes a rural/urban comparison throughout the report.
Additional links: Fact Sheet
Author(s): Medha Iyer, Janice C. Probst, Kevin Bennett, Grishma Bhavsar
Date: 11/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural and Minority Health Research Center (formerly the South Carolina Rural Health Research Center)
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Characteristics, Utilization Patterns, and Expenditures of Rural Dual Eligible Medicare Beneficiaries
Study analyzes the rural-urban differences regarding dual eligible beneficiaries and their race, region of residence, patterns of utilizing health services and Medicare expenditures.
Author(s): Kevin J. Bennett, Ashley S. Robertson, Janice C. Probst
Date: 11/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural and Minority Health Research Center (formerly the South Carolina Rural Health Research Center)
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Examining the Potential of Information Technology to Improve Public Insurance Application Processes: Enrollee Assessments from a Concurrent Mixed Method Analysis
Reports on Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) beneficiaries' readiness to use technology as part of the application process. Also discusses enrollees' preferences for technology versus face-to-face interaction for different aspects of the application process. Compares responses for rural, small metropolitan, and major metropolitan area enrollees.
Author(s): Abhay Nath Mishra, Patricia Ketsche, James Marton, Angela Snyder, Susan McLaren
Citation: JAMIA, 21(6), 1045-52
Date: 11/2014
Type: Document
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Evaluation of the Shared Decision Making (SDM) & Medication Management (MM) Health Care Innovation Awardees: Annual Report 1
Evaluations of 9 Health Care Innovation Awards Round One projects focused on implementing shared decision making or medication management programs. Includes 2 projects focused on rural areas. One offers medication management services to patients with multiple chronic conditions and the other provides hospital pharmacist to community pharmacist care coordination.
Date: 10/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Acumen, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
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Evaluation of the Health Care Innovation Awards: Community Resource Planning, Prevention, and Monitoring: Annual Report
Evaluations of 24 Health Care Innovation Awards Round One projects focused on enhancing care coordination and healthcare access through the use of health information technology, care coordination/patient navigation, and health promotion and prevention services. Includes information on 5 rural-focused projects, as well as projects that serve both rural and urban areas.
Author(s): RTI International
Date: 10/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
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Characteristics of Medicaid and Uninsured Hospitalizations, 2012
Provides data on hospital stays in 2012 where the payer was Medicaid or the patient was uninsured. Table 2 provides data on rural versus urban hospitals and Table 3 provides data for patients who were residents of rural areas.
Author(s): Lorena Lopez-Gonzalez, Gary T. Pickens, Raynard Washington, Audrey J. Weiss
Date: 10/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
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The 2014 Update of the Rural-Urban Chartbook
Updates information presented in Health, United States, 2001: With Urban and Rural Health Chartbook. Highlights current trends and disparities across different levels of metro and nonmetropolitan counties, including population characteristics; health-related behaviors and risk factors; mortality rates; healthcare access and use; mental health measures; and other health measures such as teen birth rates, tooth loss, and activity limitations due to chronic disease. Individual data tables are available in an Excel file.
Author(s): Michael Meit, Alana Knudson, Tess Gilbert, et al.
Date: 10/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Reform Policy Research Center
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Health Insurance Among Young Adults Rebounds Post Recession: More Become Dependents on a Parent's Plan After ACA Extends Coverage to Adult Children
Reports on rates of health insurance coverage among young adults in the U.S. Compares insurance coverage for rural and urban areas and by region for 2007-2012.
Author(s): Michael J. Staley, Jessica A. Carson
Date: 10/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Carsey School of Public Policy
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