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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Healthcare business and finance

Roosevelt General Hospital Excels in Early Project Implementation
Highlights a rural, Short Term Acute Care (STAC) hospital in New Mexico that worked with the Small Rural Hospital Transition (SRHT) project in relation to Financial and Operational Assessment (FOA). Summarizes project implementation, successes, and impacts.
Date: 02/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Rural Health Resource Center
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Potential Effects of Work Requirements in Montana's Medicaid Program
Explores the potential impacts of Montana's proposed Medicaid reform legislation, Medicaid Reform and Integrity Act (MeRIA). Reports on Montana residents most likely to be affected by MeRIA's work requirements, and the potential loss of Medicaid coverage and resulting effects. Includes statistics describing the characteristics of Montana Medicaid expansion beneficiaries mostly likely to be impacted by the proposed work requirements by age, race/ethnicity, education, barriers to employment, and rurality.
Author(s): Leighton Ku, Erin Brantley
Date: 02/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health Center for Health Policy Research
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The Market Mechanism and Health Insurance in Rural Places: Lessons Learned from an Economics and Policy Perspective
Examines rural health insurance market challenges and related policy considerations. Outlines historical and economic reasons for rural "market failures," such as low population density and economies of scale. Reviews the success of previous policy interventions targeting rural health insurance markets and offers recommendations for future action.
Author(s): Abigail R. Barker, Timothy D. McBride, Keith J. Mueller, Kelsey A. Huntzberry
Date: 02/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
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National Racial/Ethnic and Geographic Disparities in Experiences with Health Care Among Adult Medicaid Beneficiaries
Investigates whether experiences of adult Medicaid beneficiaries differ by race or ethnicity and rural or urban status, using data from 270,243 respondents to the 2014‐2015 Nationwide Adult Medicaid Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems Survey. Features statistics with breakdowns by large urban, small urban, or small town locations.
Author(s): Steven C. Martino, Megan Mathews, Denis Agniel, Nate Orr, Shondelle Wilson-Frederick, et al.
Citation: Health Services Research, 54(1), Part II, 287-296
Date: 02/2019
Type: Document
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Neighborhood Disadvantage and Chronic Disease Management
Assesses the relationship between neighborhood disadvantage and control of blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol in the Medicare Advantage population. Features demographic statistics with breakdowns by 6 levels of population density.
Author(s): Shayla N.M. Durfey, Amy J.H. Kind, William R. Buckingham, Eva H. DuGoff, Amal N. Trivedi
Citation: Health Services Research, 54(1), Part II, 206-216
Date: 02/2019
Type: Document
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How Primary Care Affects Health Care Costs and Outcomes
Recording of a February 5, 2019, Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions hearing on the impact of primary care on healthcare outcomes and costs. Testimonies include rural-relevant considerations and address direct care primary care practices, employer strategies such as worksite clinics, the impact of Project ECHO, and more.
Additional links: Joshua J. Umbehr Testimony, Katherine Bennett Testimony, Sapna Kripalani Testimony
Date: 02/2019
Type: Video/Multimedia
Sponsoring organization: Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions
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How Rural Hospitals Improve Value and Affordability
Issue brief discussing four strategies rural hospitals are undertaking to improve the quality of care and patient experience, while decreasing the cost of healthcare services. Covers strategies on population health, new models of care, telehealth, and workforce programs. Includes multiple case studies and rural program examples for each strategy.
Date: 02/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: American Hospital Association
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Rural Report: Challenges Facing Rural Communities and the Roadmap to Ensure Local Access to High-Quality, Affordable Care
Reports on continuing, current, and emerging challenges for rural hospitals working to provide access to healthcare services in rural communities. Includes discussion on policy recommendations to improve access and covers new models of care, reimbursement policies, regulatory requirements, telehealth, workforce issues, and prescription drug costs.
Additional links: Executive Summary, Infographic
Date: 02/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: American Hospital Association
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Rural Health Network Thrives on Innovation in Whole-Person Care
Profiles a rural health network in Missouri that includes social service support at four of their clinics. Offers an overview of how the program began, highlights their innovative approaches to addressing community needs, and discusses network sustainability.
Date: 02/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Value
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An Overview of Medicare
Provides a basic overview of the Medicare program, including how it is financed, who is eligible and what benefits are covered under the program. Describes supplemental health insurance, benefits provided by the new drug law, and data on Medicare expenditures and financing.
Date: 02/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: KFF
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