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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Graduate medical education

Will Rural Family Medicine Residency Training Survive?
Examines the performance of rural residencies in the National Resident Matching Program as an indicator of their viability.
Author(s): Roger Rosenblatt, Amy Hagopian, Holly Andrilla, Gary Hart
Citation: Family Medicine, 38(10), 705-711
Date: 11/2006
Type: Document
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Pathways to Rural Practice: A Chartbook of Family Medicine Residency Training Locations and Characteristics
Discusses characteristics and geographic locations of family medicine residency programs' rural locations, types of rural family medicine training by location, and rural mission of family medicine residencies.
Author(s): L. Gary Hart, Denise M. Lishner, Eric H. Larson, et al.
Date: 08/2005
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
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Update on the Physician Workforce
Compendium of three policy papers on the physician workforce, two of which address rural issues. The first paper provides data on the supply and distribution of physicians, including rural-specific national data, with state-by-state data in Appendix B. The second paper focuses on the rural family physician workforce, with supply projections through 2020.
Date: 08/2000
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Council on Graduate Medical Education
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Iowa Family Physician Magazine
Archive of Iowa Family Physician Magazine's seasonal publication. Covers issues relevant to medical students, resident physicians, healthcare legislation, and more. Includes rural-specific information related to loan repayment programs, scholarships, and healthcare access, among other resources tailored to rural physicians.
Type: Journal/Newsletter
Sponsoring organization: Iowa Academy of Family Physicians
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Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education Program: Academic Years 2021-2022
Describes activities of the Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education Program (THCGMEP), in its efforts to bolster the primary care workforce through support for new and expanded primary care and dental residency programs, as well as improve distribution of the workforce through emphasis on underserved communities and populations. Features statistics on select program characteristics with breakdowns including total disadvantaged or rural residents and clinical training sites with breakdowns including rural location.
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Center for Health Workforce Analysis
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Dental Residencies in Graduate Medical Education Programs: Academic Years 2015-2020
Describes activities of the Children's Hospital Graduate Medical Education Program (CHGME) and the Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education Program (THCGME), in providing federal funds to maintain and expand graduate medical education, including dental residencies in medically underserved areas. Features statistics including CHGME and THCGME program characteristics with breakdowns by percentage of awardees with disadvantaged or rural backgrounds.
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Center for Health Workforce Analysis
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Accredited Rural Residency Programs
Map showing locations of accredited rural residency programs in internal medicine, general surgery, psychiatry, and family medicine. Includes locations of Integrated Rural Training Track (IRTT) and IRTT-like programs, both of which require more than 50% of the training to take place in rural areas.
Type: Map/Mapping System
Sponsoring organization: Rural Medical Training Collaborative (formerly the RTT Collaborative)
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Bureau of Health Workforce Clinician Dashboards
Offers data tools and information on retention and distribution of participants who have completed their training or service in Bureau of Health Workforce programs from 2012-2022. Shows retention rates for National Health Service Corps and Nurse Corps alumni and includes filters for various clinician, program, location, and site characteristics. Features statistics with breakdowns by percentages of clinicians currently working in Health Professional Shortage Areas or working in rural communities.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: Health Resources and Services Administration
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Wisconsin Rural Physicians Residency Assistance Program Updates and Newsletters
Newsletter of the Wisconsin Rural Physicians Residency Assistance Program (WRPRAP), which collaborates with rural health advocates, community clinicians, and residency educators in Wisconsin, to develop educational experiences that foster an understanding of and interest in rural medical practice among new physicians.
Type: Journal/Newsletter
Sponsoring organization: University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
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