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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Funding

Blind Spot: Mobility and Aging in Rural America
Examines mobility challenges older adults face in rural America. Highlights programs that support the transit needs of older adults in rural Arizona. Outlines opportunities for philanthropies to engage with communities on mobility initiatives.
Date: 08/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Age Friendly Arizona
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Native American Youth: Agencies Incorporated Almost All Leading Practices When Assessing Grant Programs That Could Prevent or Address Delinquency
Examines federal financial assistance programs that could prevent or address juvenile delinquency in tribal communities, including 25 programs through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Highlights substance misuse and mental health issues as risk factors to juvenile delinquency and discusses federal and tribal-operated Youth Regional Treatment Centers. Explores how federal agencies incorporated best practices into the performance measurement and program evaluation of the grant programs.
Additional links: Full Report
Date: 08/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Government Accountability Office
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Rural EMS COVID-19 Preparedness Checklist
Provides a checklist for rural response agencies to evaluate their current level of preparedness and identify areas that need additional action to better respond to COVID-19. Covers planning, strategy, personal protective equipment and supplies, workforce and recruiting, and funding.
Date: 08/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: American Ambulance Association, Federal Healthcare Resilience Working Group
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DRCHSD COVID-19 Financial Recovery Series
Recordings of a five-part Delta Region Community Health Systems Development (DRCHSD) hospital and clinic webinar series. Presents best practices, opportunities, and strategies for hospital and clinic operations related to COVID-19. Discusses COVID-19 funding management, operational considerations, revenue cycle strategies, and strategic planning.
Date: 08/2020
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: National Rural Health Resource Center
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Investing in Rural Communities to Achieve Health Equity
Brief describing how The Two Georgias Initiative supported communities in their efforts to address the growing health and healthcare disparities occurring in rural areas of Georgia. Discusses the collective efforts of 11 organizations representing rural communities to establish a community health coalition and a community health improvement plan that includes representation of those most impacted by health inequities. Encourages grantmaking organizations to create funding opportunities that address health equity issues in rural areas.
Author(s): Lisa Medellin, Samantha Bourque Tucker
Date: 07/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Grantmakers in Health
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How Clarke County Hospital Is Expanding Its Telehealth Services into Home Monitoring COVID-19 Patients
Describes how Clarke County Hospital, a Critical Access Hospital in rural Osceola, Iowa, is using funding from the Federal Communications Commission's COVID-19 Telehealth Program to expand its telehealth and remote patient monitoring services. Offers lessons learned from applying for funding from the program.
Date: 07/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: American Hospital Association
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Rural Healthcare Surge Readiness
Resources for rural healthcare systems preparing for and responding to a COVID-19 surge. Includes resources for emergency medical services, inpatient and hospital care, ambulatory care, and long-term care settings. Addresses a wide range of topics including healthcare operations, space, supplies, funding, and more.
Date: 07/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: COVID-19 Healthcare Resilience Working Group
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Strategies for Rural Communities for Addressing Substance Misuse among Families Involved with the Child Welfare System
Describes nine programs across seven states that have addressed challenges to serving child welfare-involved parents with substance use issues through mentoring, case management, providing access to treatment and affordable housing, and other support services. Discusses considerations for expanding and replicating these programs in rural communities.
Additional links: Research Summary
Author(s): Jung Kim, Elizabeth Clary, Christina Ribar, Sarah Palmer, Elizabeth Weigensberg
Date: 07/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Mathematica
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The DNA of Program Sustainability: Findings from a Study of Federal Office of Rural Health Policy Grantees
Reports on the factors that contribute to program sustainability after grant funding ends, based on a study of Rural Health Care Services Outreach Program grantees. Discusses leadership, collaboration, alignment between need and demand, data use, and policy expertise as contributors to sustainability for rural programs.
Date: 07/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Georgia Health Policy Center
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Pennsylvania Hospital Transitions HRSA-Funded Program to Online Services and Addresses COVID-19 Stress
Features Butler Memorial Hospital and how it adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic. Highlights the switch to online delivery for a chronic disease project funded by a HRSA Rural Health Care Services Outreach grant. Also describes initiatives to address healthcare workforce stress, help patients use tablets to visit with loved ones, and distribute healthy food to the community.
Author(s): Allee Mead
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 07/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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