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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Children and youth

On the Move: Safe Routes to School Policies in Rural School Districts
Describes tools and strategies to help rural schools develop policies to support safe school routes that encourage children to be physically active.
Author(s): Dave Cowan, Lisa A. Cirill, Kimberley Elliott, Justine Hearn, Sara Zimmerman
Date: 06/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: CA4Health, ChangeLab Solutions
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Engagement, Recruitment, and Retention in a Trans-Community, Randomized Controlled Trial for the Prevention of Obesity in Rural American Indian and Hispanic Children
Describes the process of engaging, recruiting, and retaining participants for the Child Health Initiative for Lifelong Eating and Exercise (CHILE) study. Discusses outcomes, barriers, lessons learned, and strategies used in the CHILE study. CHILE studies childhood obesity prevention and intervention in rural American Indian and predominately Hispanic Head Start centers in New Mexico.
Author(s): Theresa H. Cruz, Sally M. Davis, Courtney A. FitzGerald, Glenda F. Canaca, Patricia C. Keane
Citation: Journal of Primary Prevention, 35(3), 135-149
Date: 06/2014
Type: Document
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Effectiveness of Circle of Life, an HIV-Preventive Intervention for American Indian Middle School Youths: A Group Randomized Trial in a Northern Plains Tribe
Surveys a culturally appropriate HIV prevention program to measure Native American middle school student awareness in a Northern Plains tribe to determine at what age it is most effective to introduce prevention interventions. Includes data broken down by gender, age, and sexual activity.
Author(s): Carol E. Kaufman, Nancy Rumbaugh Whitesell, Ellen M. Keane, et al.
Citation: American Journal of Public Health, 104(6), 106-112
Date: 06/2014
Type: Document
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Household Reporting of Childhood Respiratory Health and Air Pollution in Rural Alaska Native Communities
Examines associations between household reporting of childhood respiratory conditions and household characteristics related to air pollution in rural Alaskan Native communities. Includes statistics such as childhood respiratory conditions, asthma, respiratory symptoms, and respiratory infections and household variables by age group.
Author(s): Desirae N. Ware, Johnnye Lewis, Scarlett Hopkins, et al.
Citation: International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 73(1)
Date: 05/2014
Type: Document
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Can We Build an Efficient Response to the Prescription Drug Abuse Epidemic? Assessing the Cost Effectiveness of Universal Prevention in the PROSPER Trial
Reports on a study evaluating the effectiveness and the cost-effectiveness of 4 universal evidence-based-preventive-interventions (EBPIs) in reducing nonmedical prescription opioid use. Sample population included 6th grade school children from 28 rural public school districts, evenly divided between Iowa and Pennsylvania. Families were offered a single family-based intervention program in 6th grade, and 1 of 3 school-based intervention programs in 7th grade.
Author(s): D. Max Crowley, Damon E. Jones, et al.
Citation: Preventive Medicine, 62, 71-77
Date: 05/2014
Type: Document
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Concentrations of the Urinary Pyrethroid Metabolite 3-Phenoxybenzoic Acid in Farm Worker Families in the MICASA Study
Reports on a study of mothers and children within the Mexican immigrant population of California farm working families who are exposed to pyrethroid pesticides.
Author(s): Kelly J. Trunnelle, Deborah H. Bennett, Ki Chang Ahn, et al.
Citation: Environmental Research, 131, 153-159
Date: 05/2014
Type: Document
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Pediatric Emergency Care Capabilities of Indian Health Service Emergency Medical Service Agencies Serving American Indians/Alaska Natives in Rural and Frontier Areas
Analyzes the Indian Health Service's (IHS) emergency medical services (EMS) agencies providing services for children. Discusses the importance of EMS services for healthcare access and challenges IHS EMS agencies face.
Author(s): Andrea L. Genovesi, Betty Hastings, Elizabeth A. Edgerton, Lenora Olson
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 14(2), 2688
Date: 05/2014
Type: Document
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The Oral Health of 6-9 Year Old American Indian and Alaska Native Children
Provides an overview of the oral health status of children in kindergarten through third grade identified as American Indian/Alaska Native using data from the 2011-2013 Indian Health Service (IHS) oral health surveillance survey.
Author(s): Kathy R. Phipps, Timothy L. Ricks, Patrick Blahut
Date: 03/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Indian Health Service
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Lead Poisoning: Not Just a Problem for Urban Youth
Discusses the risks and health consequences for rural children exposed to lead paint in older rural homes. Also identifies other sources of exposure to lead in housing. Describes "healthy homes" principles and lists other housing quality issues that can impact health.
Author(s): Ron Rupp
Citation: Rural Voices, 19(1), 19-21
Date: 03/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Housing Assistance Council
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Broadband Needs, Challenges, and Opportunities in Rural America
Slides presented at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Rural Broadband Workshop in March of 2014 describing the characteristics, demographics, opportunities, and challenges affecting rural America's broadband needs.
Author(s): Chuck Fluharty
Date: 03/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Policy Research Institute
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