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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Behavioral health

Bridging the Digital Divide: Advancing Telehealth Equity
Describes the rise in telehealth use in Massachusetts since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and disparities in use across populations. Summarizes the access, quality, and experience factors associated with telehealth from the perspective of patients, providers, and community leaders. Identifies barriers and factors that promoted telehealth use. Offers recommendations for health plans to advance telehealth equity by addressing the root causes of the digital divide, promoting digital inclusion, removing structural and financial barriers to telehealth access, and supporting higher quality and more inclusive care delivery.
Date: 11/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Department of Population Medicine at Harvard Medical School, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute, Massachusetts Association of Health Plans, Massachusetts Health Quality Partners
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U.S. National and State Estimates of Children Living with Parents Using Substances, 2015– 2019
Estimates of the number and percentage of children whose parents engage in problematic substance use. Presents data by substance type; by child demographic characteristics, including age, race, and urban/rural residence; and by state.
Author(s): Robin Ghertner
Date: 11/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
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Advancing Rural Health Equity: Fiscal Year 2022 Year in Review
Summarizes Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) activities in fiscal year 2022 to advance health equity for people living in rural, tribal, and geographically isolated communities. Covers 10 priority focus areas: Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Medicare, Marketplace, the rural health workforce, payment and delivery system models and demonstrations, long-term services and supports, maternal health, mental health and substance use disorders, quality, and COVID-19.
Date: 11/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
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2022 Rural-Urban Disparities in Health Care in Medicare
Examines rural/urban differences in the quality of healthcare received by Medicare beneficiaries in 2021, with breakdowns by race and ethnicity. Focuses on patient experience and clinical care measures, including screening for and management of health conditions and medication-related issues.
Date: 11/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
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The Path to Coordinated Federal Leadership to Strengthen Primary Health Care
Discusses the potential of a Secretary's Council on Primary Care within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Describes primary care's role in addressing policy challenges related to health equity, payment, workforce training, pandemic recovery and resilience, the opioid crisis, and mental health. Offers recommendations to include and strengthen high-quality primary care as part of a long-term vision of a high-value healthcare system. Includes rural references throughout.
Author(s): Robert L. Phillips Jr., Christopher Koller, Alice Hm Chen
Date: 11/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Milbank Memorial Fund
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QuickStats: Age-Adjusted Rates of Alcohol-Induced Deaths, by Urban-Rural Status — United States, 2000–2020
Line chart showing rural and urban alcohol-induced death rates.
Citation: MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report), 71(44), 1425
Date: 11/2022
Type: Chart/Graph
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Social Media and Use of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems among School-Going Adolescents in a Rural Distressed Appalachian Community
Evaluates the influence of social media engagement on electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS) use among 399 8th and 9th grade students in a rural Appalachian county in Tennessee. Provides data on current and ever ENDS use, social media use by type of platform, use of social media to discuss ENDS, attitudes toward ease of ENDS access and danger to health, parental advice against tobacco use, and participant demographics.
Author(s): H.M. Mamudu, C.A. Nwabueze, J.S. Yang, et al.
Citation: Preventive Medicine Reports, 29, 101953
Date: 10/2022
Type: Document
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Ohio 2023-2026 State Plan on Aging
Highlights the state's health, equity, and justice goals for aging Ohioans. Notes priorities in the areas of community conditions, healthy living, access to care, social connectedness, population health, and preserving independence including those of particular importance to rural or Appalachian residents.
Date: 10/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Ohio Department of Aging
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Opioid Abuse among Rural Adults
Examines the impact of the opioid abuse epidemic among rural adults in 2022 and changes since 2017. Covers rural access to mental health treatment, how comfortable rural adults with opioid addiction are discussing their concerns with others, perceptions of opioid abuse and its causes, and potential solutions to the opioid crisis.
Date: 10/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: American Farm Bureau Federation
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Evidence Brief: Safety and Effectiveness of Telehealth-Delivered Mental Health Care
Presents an overview of research evidence on the safety and effectiveness of telehealth-based mental healthcare for veterans. Discusses outcomes and studies of telehealth treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, substance use, and multiple mental health conditions.
Additional links: Supplemental Materials
Author(s): E.H. Beech, S. Young, J.K. Anderson, B.E. Belsher, N.J. Parr
Date: 10/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
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