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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Behavioral health

Achieving Whole Health: A New Approach for Veterans and the Nation
Report offers guidance for providers both inside and outside of the VA for filling gaps in veterans healthcare. Discusses a team-based interprofessional care structure for preventing disease and promoting well-being. Highlights some considerations for providing a whole health approach for rural veterans as well.
Additional links: Read Online
Author(s): Board on Health Care Services
Date: 02/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Health and Medicine Division (HMD), National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
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4C for Cherokee Children Cultural Connection
Discusses the trauma Cherokee children experience in the foster care system and a related program meant to mitigate the grief and loss after being removed from the home. Focuses on utilizing cultural knowledge to process trauma and improve physical and mental health.
Date: 02/2023
Type: Video/Multimedia
Sponsoring organization: Capacity Building Center for Tribes
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Identifying Bottlenecks and Roadblocks in the Rural Mental Health Career Pipeline
Examines behavioral health workforce shortages in rural Minnesota, issues of access, acceptability and stigma around utilizing mental health professionals, recruiting and retaining behavioral workforce, struggles around education and internship opportunities, and more. Includes data related to the Minnesota behavioral workforce and associated issues such as poverty, suicide rates, rural versus urban provider comparisons, and more.
Additional links: Summary, Webinar
Date: 02/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Center for Rural Behavioral Health, Minnesota State University - Mankato, Center for Rural Policy and Development
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Evaluation of Post-Discharge Engagement for Emergency Department Patients with Opioid Use History Who Received Telehealth Recovery Coaching Services
Examines successful interventions for patients in emergency departments (EDs) who receive peer recovery coach (PRC) services via telehealth that support patients with opioid use disorder (OUD). Analyzes 13 EDs in Indiana who implemented telehealth PRC services starting in 2018, including 7 rural Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs). Includes rate of successful follow-ups proceeding PRC services broken down by patient age, sex, race, drug use method, referral types, and metro, small, or rural living location.
Author(s): Dennis P. Watson, Peter Phalen, Spencer Medcalf, Sarah Messmer, Alan McGuire
Citation: Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention,18(9)
Date: 02/2023
Type: Document
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VA Mental Health: Additional Action Needed to Assess Rural Veterans' Access to Intensive Care
Report examines the rate at which the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Intensive Mental Health Care programs were being utilized in rural areas. Highlights the difference in the utilization rate of the inpatient, residential, and outpatient mental health programs for both rural and urban veterans. Makes suggestions for how the VHA can improve these rates going forward.
Additional links: Full Report
Date: 02/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Government Accountability Office
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Geography, Rurality, and Community Distress: Deaths Due to Suicide, Alcohol-Use, and Drug-Use among Colorado Veterans
Explores the connection between distressed communities and mortality disparities in the Colorado veteran population. Utilizes 2009-2020 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Wide-ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research (WONDER) to examine suicide, alcohol, and drug related mortalities, with demographic data broken down by sex, age, race/ethnicity, marital status, distressed community index (DCI), and frontier, rural, or urban location. Includes county-level maps showing DCI and rurality.
Author(s): Talia L. Spark, Colleen E. Reid, Rachel Sayko Adams, et al.
Citation: Injury Epidemiology, 10, 8
Date: 02/2023
Type: Document
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Filling Behavioral Health Gaps in Rural Communities: A Unique Partnership in Washington State
Discusses a collaboration between a Critical Access Hospital (CAH) in Washington and state hospitals to accept patient transfers by utilizing swing beds to care for patients with complex behavioral health and social needs, such as substance use disorder, mental health, homelessness, and more. Includes data on swing bed admissions and information on incorporating behavioral health services into primary care.
Author(s): Sarah Klein, Martha Hostetter
Date: 02/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: The Commonwealth Fund
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Wisconsin State Health Improvement Plan: 2023-2027 Summary
Provides an overview on the collaboration and partnerships to create the state health improvement plan, with a focus on social and community conditions, safety, social belonging and wellness, and mental health. Includes strategies specific to rural areas as well as tribal and local health departments.
Additional links: Implementation Guide
Date: 02/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Wisconsin Department of Health Services
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Rural Population Health in the United States: A Chartbook
Presents rural population health data by Census region and state, with some data by sex, race, and ethnicity. Includes U.S. maps showing county-level data as well as a variety of charts, including rural-urban disparity charts, state summary charts, and more. Topics addressed include access to care, health outcomes and risks, mortality, social determinants of health, and socioeconomic data.
Author(s): Randy Randolph, Sharita Thomas, Mark Holmes, et al.
Date: 02/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Rural Health Research Program
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The Doorway at Cheshire Medical Center Leads to Healing
Profiles the Doorway at Cheshire Medical Center, a program at Cheshire Medical Center, a rural hospital in Keene, New Hampshire. Describes how the Doorway uses evidence-based assessment tools to refer clients to the appropriate services in the community and serves as a connection point between multiple substance use disorder (SUD) services.
Date: 02/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: American Hospital Association
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