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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Behavioral health

Sources of Stress among Midwest American Indian Adults with Type 2 Diabetes
Highlights a study on the stressors in the lives of American Indians with type 2 diabetes. Presents conclusions drawn from focus groups among 5 tribes in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Details the stressors and discusses the role they play in the participants' lives.
Author(s): Jessica H. L. Elm, Melissa L. Walls, Benjamin D. Aronson
Citation: American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research, 26(1), 33-62
Date: 2019
Type: Document
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Wac'inyeya: Hope among American Indian Youth
Study aims to identify the factors that make American Indian (AI) youth hopeful for the future. Highlights data on AI youth suicide and details the methods of the focus-group based study.
Author(s): Jacqueline S. Gray, Lisa Schrader, Devon S. Isaacs, Megan K. Smith, Naomi M. Bender
Citation: American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research, 26(2), 151-171
Date: 2019
Type: Document
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Opioid Epidemic in the United States: Empirical Trends, and A Literature Review of Social Determinants and Epidemiological, Pain Management, and Treatment Patterns
Analyzes trends in U.S. drug overdose mortality by key social determinants. Reports findings from a selective review of the literature on how the opioid crisis is impacting different segments of the population, including rural residents.
Author(s): Gopal K. Singh, Isaac E. Kim, Mehrete Girmay, et al.
Citation: International Journal of Maternal and Child Health and AIDS, 8(2), 89-100
Date: 2019
Type: Document
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Fostering Healthy Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Development in Children and Youth
Report highlights research on mental, emotional, and behavioral development in children and youth. Describes the different challenges for cognitive development in both urban and rural areas and explores the necessary structures that facilitate regular development. Available for free download with login.
Date: 2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
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The Relationship Between Rural Setting and Health: Factors that Influence Individuals With or at Risk of CVD - A Summary of the Literature
Describes current literature on rural challenges and opportunities, including cardiovascular risk due to obesity, lack of access to healthcare, workforce shortages, importance of paramedics and community health workers, telehealth and broadband, and impact of the substance use disorder epidemic. Intended to help stakeholders understand the causes of health disparities and to support action to improve the health of rural communities.
Date: 2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: American Heart Association
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Review and Evaluation of the Substance Abuse, Mental Health, and Homelessness Grant Formulas
Examines the formulas for distributing state funds under the the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant, Community Mental Health Services Block Grant, and Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness program as required by the 21st Century Cures Act. Focuses on how well the formulas reflect state service needs, offers recommendations for updating the grant formulas, and considers the potential impact of updates on state funding. Addresses how the current formulas take rural areas into consideration, whether updates are needed, and whether data is available for those updates.
Additional links: Federal Block Grants to States for Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Homelessness: Research Brief
Author(s): J. Scott Ashwood, Karen Chan Osilla, Maria DeYoreo, et al.
Date: 2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: RAND Corporation
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Comparing Buprenorphine-Prescribing Physicians Across Nonmetropolitan and Metropolitan Areas in the United States
Highlights a study comparing buprenorphine prescribing rates between metro and nonmetro areas. Looks at physician treatment practices, characteristics, and practice location.
Author(s): Lewei (Allison) Lin, Hannah K. Knudsen
Citation: Annals of Family Medicine, 17(3), 212-220
Date: 2019
Type: Document
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Northern New Hampshire Youth in a Changing Rural Economy: A Ten-Year Perspective
Examines the issue of young people leaving rural communities in a longitudinal study with a focus on Northern New Hampshire in order to inform grantmaking activities. Addresses influences on their reasons to leave or stay, the impact of the economy changing from manufacturing to healthcare and other sectors, factors such as home environment and mental health, sense of community, and more.
Author(s): Eleanor M. Jaffee, Corinna Jenkins Tucker, Karen T. Van Gundy, Erin Hiley Sharp, Cesar J. Rebellon
Date: 2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Carsey School of Public Policy
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State Strategies for Averting Early Deaths: Innovations and Best Practices for Preventing Suicide
Reports on an exchange of state-level best practices for preventing suicide. Identifies lessons learned with a focus on three categories: cross-sector collaboration; strategic partnerships including with tribal and veterans organizations; and upstream prevention efforts, including school programs. Briefly addresses challenges for rural and tribal communities. Highlights model programs from Colorado, Washington, Idaho, and Utah.
Date: 2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Governors Association
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State Innovation Models (SIM) Round 2: Model Test Annual Report Three
Third annual report on the Round 2 State Innovation Models (SIM) program across eleven participating states - Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Iowa, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Washington. Addresses the adoption of delivery models and payment reforms related to value-based payment (VBP) and alternative payment models (APMs). Offers an update and lessons learned on strategies to support healthcare delivery transformation related to behavioral health integration, data for improving health care quality and performance, health information technology, care coordination, and workforce development. Describes states' population health activities. Includes discussion of rural issues throughout the report.
Additional links: Findings at a Glance
Date: 2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, RTI International
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