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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Behavioral health

Addressing a Crisis: Cross-Sector Strategies to Prevent Adolescent Substance Use and Suicide
Report discusses different methods for adolescent substance use and suicide prevention. Highlights rates of suicide and substance use, such as binge drinking, misuse of pain medication, and vaping. Explores differences in rates for youth in rural and urban areas.
Date: 10/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Trust for America's Health
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Obstetric Delivery Inpatient Stays Involving Substance Use Disorders and Related Clinical Outcomes, 2016
Presents statistics from the 2016 National Inpatient Sample (NIS) on delivery-related inpatient stays involving substance use disorders (SUDs). Types of SUDs reported include the use of opioids, cocaine, and other stimulants in urban and rural areas. Examines clinical outcomes at delivery including preterm delivery, severe preeclampsia/eclampsia, obstetric hemorrhage, and placental abruption. Compares delivery outcomes with or without SUD diagnosis, and by rural or urban residence of patient.
Author(s): Anita Soni, Kathryn R. Fingar, Lawrence D. Reid
Date: 10/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project
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Risk Factors and Potentially Preventable Deaths in Rural Communities
Compares rates of potentially avoidable deaths in rural and urban communities and shows how these deaths vary by census region. Features statistics on modifiable risk factors, such as smoking, excessive alcohol use, and obesity, and percent of potentially preventable deaths attributable to specific health conditions, with breakdowns by rural and urban areas.
Author(s): Mark Holmes, Kristie W. Thompson
Date: 10/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Rural Health Research Program
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Rural First Responder Access to Mental Health Care: A National Crisis
Explores mental health challenges experienced by first responders and increased risk of suicide. Describes barriers to accessing adequate mental healthcare within the scope of their employment, especially in rural areas where services remain limited and stigma may be associated with the need for assistance.
Author(s): Jeffrey Hintz, Carrie Hintz
Date: 10/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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Peer‐adult Network Structure and Suicide Attempts in 38 High Schools: Implications for Network‐informed Suicide Prevention
Presents a study on a school-based, youth-adult network as an intervention to prevent youth suicide in rural and micropolitan communities. Measures rates of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in 38 high schools in New York and North Dakota.
Author(s): Peter A. Wyman, Trevor A. Pickering, Anthony R. Pisani, et al.
Citation: The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 60(10), 1065-1075
Date: 10/2019
Type: Document
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Suicide and Resilience in Rural Montana
Discusses suicide and resilience-based prevention in rural Montana. Highlights a case study and state-wide mental health and substance use data.
Author(s): Tara Rava Zolnikov
Citation: American Journal of Public Health, 109(9), 1149
Date: 09/2019
Type: Document
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Brief Report: Sex Differences in Substance Use, Mental Health, and Impaired Driving Among Rural DUI Offenders
Highlights a study exploring the rates of rural DUI offenders by sex. Details the substance use, mental health, and impaired driving histories of study participants by sex via self-reported data.
Author(s): J. Matthew Webster, Michele Staton, Megan F. Dickson
Citation: The American Journal on Addictions, 28(5), 405-408
Date: 09/2019
Type: Document
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Overall and Cause-specific Mortality in a Cohort of Farmers and Their Spouses
Highlights a study examining the overall mortality rates of farmers and their families that participated in the Agricultural Health Survey in Iowa and North Carolina. Details participants by age, gender, education and smoking status, among other factors. Compares mortality rates to the general population.
Author(s): Srishti Shrestha, Christine G. Parks, Alexander P. Keil, et al.
Citation: Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 76(9), 632-643
Date: 09/2019
Type: Document
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Life Course Patterns of Concurrent Trajectories of BMI and Affective Symptoms of Rural Mothers: Socioeconomic Antecedents and Disease Outcomes in Later Life
Study examining patterns of body mass index (BMI), socioeconomic background, and symptoms of depression and anxiety in rural Midwestern mothers over a 25-year period from 1991-2015. Participants in the study were 552 White families in rural Iowa who were parents of early adolescents in 1991. Discusses health risks, comorbidity, and socioeconomic stresses over time, noting that the rural women in the study experienced the rural farm crisis of the late 1980s.
Author(s): Kandauda Wickrama, Eric T. Klopack, Catherine Walker O'Neal, et al.
Citation: The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 74(7), 1233-1244
Date: 09/2019
Type: Document
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Impact of Rural Address and Distance from Clinic on Depression Outcomes Within a Primary Care Medical Home Practice
Compares rural and urban outcomes and rates of recovery for patients diagnosed with depression, describing mental healthcare disparities. Discusses Collaborative Care Management (CCM), which involves nurse care coordinators, behavioral health practitioners, and physicians working together to treat primary care patients with depression. Studies 3,870 patients in southeast Minnesota, analyzing remission data and patients' distance from their primary care clinic. Discusses the impact of rural residence, distance from providers, accessibility of care, and CCM on recovery rates.
Author(s): Hailon Wong, Kyle Moore, Kurt B. Angstman, Gregory M. Garrison
Citation: BMC Family Practice, 20, 123
Date: 09/2019
Type: Document
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