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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Behavioral health

Concurrent Opioid and Methamphetamine Use in Rural Communities: Perspectives Among People Who Use Drugs
Presentation slides that discuss concurrent methamphetamine use and opioid use among people living in rural communities, characteristics of the high-risk rural environments, and strategies to improve treatment and harm reduction for concurrent methamphetamine/opioid use. Utilizes March 2018 to April 2019 survey data from a study taking place in 2 rural counties in Oregon. Includes demographic information of and qualitative responses from survey respondents.
Author(s): P. Todd Korthuis, Gillian Leichtling
Date: 05/2020
Type: Presentation Slides
Sponsoring organizations: Comagine Health, Oregon Health & Science University
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Tennessee Federal Health Professional Shortage Areas: Mental Health
County-level map with shadings showing low-income population or geographic Mental Health Professional Shortage Areas.
Date: 05/2020
Type: Map/Mapping System
Sponsoring organization: Tennessee Department of Health
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The Implementation of a Culturally Grounded, School-Based, Drug Prevention Curriculum in Rural Hawai'i
Details the development of a school-based drug prevention program for Native Hawaiian youth. Discusses the development and implementation of the Ho'ouna Pono program curriculum and evaluates the program based on student and teacher experiences, implementation structure and logistics, and standardized testing, among other measures.
Author(s): Scott K. Okamoto, Susana Helm, Steven Keone Chin, et al.
Citation: Journal of Community Psychology, 48(4), 1085-1099
Date: 05/2020
Type: Document
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A Qualitative Evaluation of the Impacts of a Strength-Based and Youth-Driven Approach to Suicide Prevention in Rural and Minority Communities in Hawai'i
Evaluates a suicide prevention initiative aimed at Native Hawaiian youth. Bases conclusions on feedback from interviews with community coordinators and youth leaders and discusses the perceived impact of the program.
Author(s): Mapuana C.K. Antonio, Jane J. Chung-Do, Deborah A. Goebert, et al.
Citation: Hawai'i Journal of Health and Social Welfare, 79(5 Suppl 1), 96-100
Date: 05/2020
Type: Document
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Report to Congress: Reducing Barriers to Furnishing Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Services Using Telehealth and Remote Patient Monitoring for Pediatric Populations under Medicaid - Final Report
Details methods to reduce barriers to the use of telehealth for mental health and substance abuse disorder treatment for pediatric patients covered by Medicaid. Highlights barriers, best practices, and costs, among other measures. Features several case studies across the U.S., including in rural communities.
Date: 05/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
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Virtually Possible: Using Telehealth to Bring Reproductive Health Care to Women with Opioid Use Disorder in Rural Maine
Describes a program implemented by a Maine family planning clinic, in which HIV counseling, contraception, and pregnancy testing and counseling were made available to women with opioid use disorder (OUD) through meetings with a community educator and through telehealth. Explores challenges in receiving OUD care in rural Maine and discusses findings.
Author(s): Terri-Ann Thompson, Katherine A. Ahrens, Leah Coplon
Citation: mHealth
Date: 05/2020
Type: Document
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Process of Identifying Measures and Data Elements for the HRSA School-Based Telehealth Network Grant Program
Research brief describing measures used for a Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) program designed to demonstrate how telehealth can expand access to and improve the quality of healthcare services offered in schools in rural, frontier, and underserved communities. Focuses on asthma, behavioral health, diabetes, healthy weight, and oral health. Features tables listing 27 measures and 40 data elements used for grantee evaluation.
Author(s): Marcia M. Ward, Kimberley Fox, Kimberly Merchant, et al.
Date: 05/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Telehealth Research Center
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Hospital Burden of Opioid-Related Inpatient Stays: Metropolitan and Rural Hospitals, 2016
Examines burden on hospitals of opioid-related hospitalizations for metropolitan, rural-adjacent to metro, and rural remote hospitals. Includes data by region. Provides detailed information by urban-rural location, including information on the distribution of opioid-related stays, bed size, and occupancy level.
Author(s): Pamela L. Owens, Audrey J. Weiss, Marguerite L. Barrett
Date: 05/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
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Pain in the Nation Update: Alcohol, Drug, and Suicide Deaths in 2018
Report details updated rates of deaths related to drugs, alcohol, and suicide for 2018. Breaks down data by race, age, and regionally, including rural versus metro areas.
Date: 05/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Trust for America's Health
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Beyond Opioids: Rapid Increase in Drug Deaths Involving Stimulants
Presents a breakdown of drug related deaths involving stimulants. Features a number of charts highlighting the data, including rural and urban, regional, and national comparisons.
Date: 05/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Institute for Health Care Management Foundation
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